When the sun went down, that was when the entity started to do some weird things such as pulling books out of the bookshelves and opening and closing them, but all relatively minor occurrences to what happened what everyone was asleep but me. Once I saw a deep blue light shining in the middle of the room.
Some other recurring occurrences were ghosts in the machines, most of the time happening with the electronic toothbrush which switched on and off erratically. Not only would there be ghosts in the machine, there also would be weird figures usually seen at the corner of my eye. The entity started to scratch me again (read possession or poltergeist 2.), much to my annoyance!
One night, the entity was worse than ever, as books shot out of the bookshelf, and fell on the floor with a loud thump. I felt a chill, like something had passed through me, and something was on top of me, pushing me down, driving all the air out of my body. Although the door was locked, the entity released me and the door opened and closed, whispering echoing through the room. I lay in bed, heart thumping fast. That night I also felt a burning sensation of rage for no reason, but the entity, a dark figure, remained on the side of the bed for an hour. I also remember that, when the entity turned its head towards me, its head hung limply downwards, like it had been hung.
The next day, the numbers four, five, one, twenty, and eight were scrawled on a piece of paper. What could that have been?
I need help on this, these experiences are getting more serious.