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Real Ghost Stories

Holiday From Hell


Me and my family decided to go to Europe a few months ago.

When we arrived at our apartment, the weather was dark and stormy, with a light rain pouring down. However, we brought all our luggage inside the apartment and saw a bookshelf groaning with the weight of tons of old fashioned books all written in German. There was a lamp hanging down from the ceiling, illuminating the room with a warm glow. Then I went into the kitchen, what was in there I can't quite remember. There was a little washroom reached by continuing from the kitchen down to a dark passageway, which always gave me an unpleasant feeling as I walked along it. I walked upstairs and saw a bedroom and a sofa. There was another washroom there as well. What was the highlight of this trip, though, was Neuchwanstein castle.

We were waiting for the bus that goes to Neuchwanstein to come while shivering as the cold air blew past our faces. Thankfully, the bus came soon. At Neuchwanstein, we were part of a tour group and the guide showed us (nearly) everything in the castle including the king's bedroom. We were led out to a balcony with a fantastic view, and that is when I heard a hiss unlike anything I had ever heard! Nobody else seemed to hear, though. I thought that was weird, but what happened later was even weirder! When I went out of the balcony area, I heard that hiss again and I tripped though there was nothing there to trip me up! I went back to the apartment telling myself to get a grip.

Now all this happened over a couple of days...

The day after this, after seeing the countryside, we went back to the apartment and when I was looking at the German books on the bookshelf and, on hearing that hiss again, braced myself for something to happen. Indeed, a ton of books tumbled down on me. Stunned, I looked at the bookshelf for a few moments, and set about clearing the books. A few days later, in the apartment, I went to that washroom that made me feel unpleasant, as I was in the kitchen. Once I tried to leave, I found the door locked. Nothing strange about that, as I had locked the door. But as I tried unlocking the door three times, I soon found that I was locked in. The lights flickered, and went out. For a couple of hours I was stuck there, and my family was asleep in the upstairs bedroom, so it was useless calling out. Just then, I again heard that hiss and panicked. A simple outline of a human shape appeared in the corner of the room. Then the figure vanished, the lights went out, and I was able to open the door. I rushed upstairs to the bedroom and tried to sleep, but it wasn't easy.

Three days later, we went home, but it seems that the ghost has followed me home, because I still hear hisses and then something happening.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CF, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

zeusgodoftheskyiliveonolympuz (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-15)
could be a hissing spirit of a snake or basalisk...
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-29)
I'm very surprised that such old books have been left in an apartment which is permanently let out to visiting tourists. Old books are usually priceless and sometimes considered national treasures. They are usually kept in museums or some place safe under lock and key. Any idea what those books were about? If they fell on you, I'm sure you would have opened some up to see what they were about.

Personally, if I'd been locked in a strange bathroom with my parents asleep upstairs, my first reaction would be to scream blue murder. I wouldn't be thinking "hey they're asleep, they won't hear me". If the apartment was quiet they would have heard you as would all the neighbours, I think.

Did your parents experience anything on that trip and what was their reaction to your experiences?
lizziebee1992 (2 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
that is a very disturbing experence. I once lived in a tralor and I had bad feelings going threw the hall way it frightend me plus it was always dark in that hall way.
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
Thanks for your help everybody! 😁 Feel free to drop more comments on my story. It would be much appreciated!

CF 😊
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-24)
I do want to discuss this. However, the hauntings sometimes are few and far between and I only remembered this haunting because it was the most memorable. However, I still want to know what this is.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
That's alright kiddo. If you ever get to a point where you do want to discuss this, come on back. We'll still be here.
In the meantime, you may find it helpful to keep a journal, or make notations on your calander when things do pop up that you feel are significant. This is something we advise everyone to do. You would be surprised how enlightening this simple act can turn out to be.

CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
I would call it random occurrences. It does not always happen every day, and sometimes it can be helpful too. The entity, as I said before, can be unpredictable, and I cannot quite remember the timeline, as it has not happened recently.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
This is a daily occurence? This entity is crowding you? Please explain, if you can, what is going on. Can you possibly give a more detailed timeline of events?

CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
Yes, the hissing has continued. However, it has not gone very well. The ghost is becoming more unpredictable each day. Sometimes it wants to help and sometimes it gives me a jab or worse, though this only happens at night.
CF 😕
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
My apologies then. I was thinking about how you described that feeling you had about the downstairs washroom.
How have things progressed since returning from your trip? You say the hissing has continued?

CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
I agree, this is very confusing. But I still think it was picked up on the tour, because the feeling before I went on the tour was more of a 'something's going to happen here' feeling rather than something making its presence felt.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
[at] Trudy82,
You know, I have to admit that you do make some good points here. Enough to make me rethink my original position about this experience.
I went back and reread the way these things came about, and I think you're right. It may not be as friendly as I had first supposed.
However, upon rereading, I have come to rethink where it originated also. I don't believe it was picked up on the tour. After all, it was already making it's presence felt at the apartment, in the way the O/P was picking up on the uncomfortable vibes. Especially in the downstairs washroom.
But, not being any type of expert on the subject, I could be twice mistaken.
Is the moving from continent to continent something un-spirit like? Or is it just not often reported to have taken place before? I honestly do not know about this.

Jav 😕
Trudy82 (5 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-23)
Nysa: I agree, it's weird that it would follow all the way to another continent when it supposedly has been attached to this other house for so long! I don't doubt the story, it's just weird!...As far as having found a "friend," I disagree. You're hearing a hiss, and feeling uneasy. None of these things sound friendly to me. You were unable to unlock the bathroom door and the lights went out. This sounds like something that was being done to you. Not a random occurrence. I would try to order this thing to leave! Whatever it is cannot be good! My 2 cents.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
I do too, but I know it does seem like it's someone giving you warnings about things. And that has to be good. 😊

Jav ❤
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)

I am not of German descent. I was on a Europe tour and Germany was one of the destinations. 😊

CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
I think you and Rook might be right. I just hope it's that, and not something else.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
I was thinking the same as Rook. The hissing sound also occurred right before you tripped. And again before the books came down upon you.
I believe you've found a friend. I would have changed the title of this experience too.

Jav 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)

I find this experience very intresting. I was prepared to say a prankster spirit had attached itself to you until I read the bit about the bathroom... I then went back and re-read your account. It seems more like this 'hiss' was trying to warn you that something was about to happen. The bathroom experience I think proves this out... You didn't hear anything and yet somehow you were locked in the bathroom and the lights went out... After some time passed you heard the 'hiss' and saw the outline of a person in a corner of the room...I'll guess it was the corner closest to the door... And then the lights did their thing again and the door opened. That to me sounds more helpful than harmful.

Still I'd tell it to return to where it came from. Thank it for all it's help but let it know it's services are no longer needed.

One question however... You were visiting Germany... Are you of German decent? If so are you possibly related (however distantly) to the Family who built/lived in the Castle you visited?


StudentDO (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
If you want it to leave, order it to go. It can take several attempts to get rid of it. If it doesn't then it might not be a ghost per se. I wouldn't worry too much unless the physical manifestations become more violent or intense. The number of books coming off the shelf is a bit odd for a normal ghost. The ones I've delt with haven't done anything that extreme. Just keep in mind that with ghosts of this nature important things of yours might go missing for a time.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
It seems odd that an entity haunting such an old place (so you would assume it had been there a while & thus was attached to the place) would attach itself to someone leaving. Perhaps it was something attached to another visitor, for no particular reason. It intrigues me when something appears to follow someone, especially after brief encounters. Curious.

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