This happened just last night. I had a sleepover with my cousins. Their house is REALLY old. It will be 100 years old in May. My auntie is thinking about having a birthday party for the house. We went to bed last night feeling a bit uneasy. You see, considering that the house is 100 years old you can imagine it might be haunted. It always feels like there is someone watching you. I don't really mind it. But last night I did.
We began to go to sleep that night when I started to feel a bit weird. All of a sudden I saw this woman. She was staring right at me. She wasn't even blinking. She just stared. Umm hi... I started to say. You must be Betty. I woke my cousin up by talking to this supernatural figure. Who are you talking to? He said. I shot a quivering finger at the woman. Umm... What... He said. The lady was still there clear as crystal. He went back to sleep next to me.
I needed to go to the toilet so I hopped out of bed. When I came back she was just gone. And where she was I found my iPod. I had been looking for it for months. MONTHS I tell you. I turned it on. I tried to enter the past code. The stupid ghost had changed it!
What is really suspicious though is that my cousin did not see the ghost. And he lives there. Before this experience I have never had ANYTHING to do with ghosts! I didn't even really know if I believed in them or not. But I have completely changed my mind now that I have seen this ghost.
All my cousins have had their own experiences. Even my mum has. It just goes to show that ghosts don't have to have a purpose for their actions.