I was about 7-8 years old. Me and my family had just moved to Highland Park, California. From the first time I set foot into that apartment I felt strange, as if tho someone was watching me. At that age I had already experienced the paranormal before so I didn't really pay it too much mind.
One night I woke up out of my sleep; I was used to sleeping with my blanket completely covering my head and leaving a tiny hole for my nose and mouth so I could breath because I was always afraid of what I might see. When I woke up that night, I peeked through that hole and there she was... This woman that was shining so bright! She had this white glow that I had never seen before and never have seen again since that night. She had on a long white dress. She was sitting in the middle of my bedroom in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth, reading a book. I couldn't see her face because she was facing the closet door.
I closed my eyes really tight and I began to sweat profusely. I don't know why but I never screamed. I started praying and asking God to please send that spirit away. Even though I had the blanket over my head I could still see that white glow so I tried turning my back to it. When I did that I think I must have infuriated the spirit because all I could hear was heavy foot steps running back and forth in my room and loud "thuds" against my bedroom walls as if tho it was hitting the walls.
I kept praying and then my Mom walked in and turned the lights on. She asked me what was going on and what all that noise was. I told her what I saw and she just hugged me, she was so used to me telling her the things that I would see and feel that she didn't know what to say to me anymore.