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The Night I Spoke With A Demon


I had been working late on my computer; it was close to about 3am when I had finished. About five minutes later I heard a knock on the door and thinking who this was I got up to open it. What I saw shocked me in a way I will never forget. It was my friend Mike.

Now the reason this shocked me so much is that Mike had gone missing over 10 years ago and was presumed to be dead and now he was standing here on my doorstep. Before I could say a word he walked in and sat down on the couch. When I got my mind right again I started to feel anger so I just yelled "man ten years and you turn up my doorstep we all thought you were dead." Then after saying that he just turned to me and laughed saying "maybe I am."

I asked him what the hell does that mean. He laughed again and said he was joking. Calming down a bit I finally got a good look at him. He had not aged a day since the last time I saw him. I then asked where have you been all these years, but he did not answer me at first, he just stared and smiled then slowly got up walked over to me looked at me and said I have been in hell man. He then again laughed like it was a funny joke.

After that he started to walk back into the lounge room so I grabbed him on the shoulder and my hand burned like it was touching a hot plate. That's when I knew what I was dealing with was not human. Not to alarm it I tried to play along and find out what it wanted and why it took the form of my best friend from years ago. So I asked it why after all this time you decide to show up he turned and looked saying I have some things to take care of. He did not answer, he again just looked at me with a sly smile on his face like he knew something I did not.

Then trying to bait it which I know now is a bad idea I said we should call his parents. He just turned calmly and said if you try I'll kill you where you stand. This is when I truly knew this was not him but some sort of demon. So I decided to confront it.

I said to it, "I know what you are." It just laughed and said "Really? And what am I then." That's when his eyes took on the color of the darkest black I have ever seen. He walked over to me, grabbed me by the throat and picked me up like I was a two year old child and threw me into the chair behind me. He looked at me and said, "do you want to know what really happened to Mike?" He said that Mike was dead two weeks after he went missing and that he was the demon that took him.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sarge82, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RazersharpShadow191 (1 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-07)
Wow... I have to say that got me. I believe the demon was there to tell you what happened to Mike or that it was there to do something worse. I'm not sure. I do know that you need to find out what it really wants.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-06)
vanessamarie - whether or not this story is fake, there will not be a debate about it on this site. And since the o/p hasn't been active for over 3 years, I doubt he will take you up on your offer. If he does, like I said, there will be no debate. This is a site for offering help/advice and sharing our experiences. Debates detract from the original storyline and most of the time lead to arguments. We're not going to have any of that.

I'm sure you understand.
vanessamarie223 (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-06)
Not real. And as a heroin addict myself clean and sober and studying addiction now to be a drug and alcohol counselor I would like to say only a hallucination from heavy use of drugs like mushrooms or a lot of LSD could cause that. Addiction and hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, crack, meth, alcohol ect. Are all drugs are demons in themselves but they attack people in a more realistic way. If you would like to debate this with me I would love to do that. However, posting fake stories on here is disrespectful to people who are genuinely seeking help.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
TheTeamWiseman - YGS does not condone the sharing of links that contain using substances that are illegal. Also YGS is home to various religions, which some involve witchcraft and would take offense to the comment you made. It has been deleted for those reasons. Thanks.
Jason7777 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-31)

I would like to discuss this story with you. If you are willing, please indicate so in response to this post with your email address.
wiccan13 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-04)
your story is really scary... I don't care if it is true or not my question is did he bother you again after that, did you see him again? (i'm really into stories about ghost, demons and everything supernatural) so please answer my question. 😐
Janellexx89 (5 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-07)
i would just like to kno what happened after that? He threw you in the chair & then what? There has to be more to this story & I'd like to hear it!
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-06)
Snowight- needs to learn about sarcasm.

Everyone else needs to not confuse demons with Vampires. 😐

shiskikun (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-06)
that is kind of scary I do not know much about the situation but I has to say compared to my freaky story that is just scary mine is not that scary but who wants a guy from your dreams showing up sitting on your bed! 😨 sorry that happened to you!
prettymoi (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-05)
dont you need to invite a demon in? Just sayin, intresting story man.
Sorry that your friend went missing.
evilmonster (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-05)
Don't demons need an invitation to enter your home? You haven't written anything in your story about the demon asking if it could come in.
PrettyAngel42 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-02-04)
Are you ok, and where you scared I know I would be! What happened next?
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-04)
Hi, bluefoxx01

From the way you talked, your friend is a psychic who can predict numbers. If she really has the power as you said, she should be the richest person in the world by now. By the way, the lottery money you earned after tax is no where near a million dollars.
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-04)
Holy Toledo, this also happened to me, an old friend turned up and told me she was a demon. I always knew she was naughty, but this was over the top. When I asked her for proof she produced a slip of paper with a series of numbers on it. I took these for Lotto numbers and I am now a million-air, well nearly, I only won $666,666,66. I kindly donated the 66 cents to charity and have a clear conscience.
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
And then what happened, Sarge? Did you wake up on the floor or in the chair the next day or something? Did you see the entity disappear or leave? Has your friend's body ever been found? How were you personally affected by this event?
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
Oh, Rook no! No hard feelings. I totally understand what you were getting at. & YES! Being strung out on heavy drugs does have those effects on a person. Those kinds of drugs are demons, really. If you look at it that way. So my comment wasn't toward you. I just read the poster write that the person in question only smoked weed. Yes I get defensive when people talk about weed like its the devil. Lol! But I wasn't even bugged at you. So no worries, homie ^__^

Honestly your first comment had me look at this differently. I still find this account hard to swallow. But if the poster would have responded to you questions with a little more, than maybe...

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)

Love you dear I really do... So please do not take this the wrong way...

For myself, I am not questioning 'Sarges' use of drugs... Of any type. I'm questioning the fact that his 'long lost friend' may have been, and still is, under the influence of some really heavy drugs. His friends actions, the way his eyes looked... Even the 'rage' all could be effects of drug addiction not anything like booze or Marijuana but really heavy name a few.

There are medical uses for certain drugs... So just chillax 😁 I am just trying to eliminate 'natural causes' and if 'Mike' was/is strung out on something 'harsh' it could explain what happened that night to 'Sarge'.

Again, for myself (being a former 'toker'), I do not think it was Marijuana that caused any of this... Unless that was 'Mikes' 'GATEWAY' Drug. I'll say it once again... I do not feel that 'Sarge' was under any drug influence when this happened... His 'Friend' however is another matter all together.


princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
Sarge82- you are failing to provide information on what it is exactly you need help with? Can you please clearly explain what it is exactly you are seeking help with? I'm sure some of our friends here can help with whatever it may be. I think some of us are just getting more frustrated because you are being so vague & not answering any of our questions.

Also everyone. It's clear that this guy was not using hardcore drugs so can we drop that point. This post rubbed me wrong in the first place because of the face that he claimed something got so physical with him & the fact that everyone is calling Marijuana a drug is pissing me off. If it werent for medical Marijuana my life would be a living hell. So please drop the drug crap.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)

Are you just seeking a possible reason that this happened to you or are you looking for possible aid for your Friend?

This site is for people to share their paranormal experiences. Some wish to understand what has happened to them, others want the 'events' to stop. While I understand you want to understand what happened to your friend and just what happened that night I do not think it's a 'PARANORMAL' explination. There are to many 'natural' (manufactured) things that can explain what happend...


sarge82 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
To rook it happened a few years ago. And to nysa I do respect all opinons I did not mention due to the fact his drug use was only smoking pot occasionally when I last saw him. Thats why I asked for comments so I could get advice I don't know why you are so aggravated.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)

Could you contact me via e-mail? (addie is on my profile). I'd like to ask a couple of things in private if you do not mind.


Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
That sounds a lot like backpedaling to me. First of all there was zero mention of Mike using drugs until after it was suggested as an explanation. And how could his drug use explain him being as hot "as a hot plate"? Not even a very high fever can burn a person touching you. The story clearly states that you saw his eyes turn black after he had been talking to you for some time. Did he shoot up in front of you but you failed to mention it? And we are supposed to believe that after 10 years of heavy drug use that he described as being in hell & having killed him after two weeks he looked exactly as he had before going missing? Clearly you have never seen someone who has spent years in the grips of drug use. Lastly I thought the demon is continuing to torment Mike's family? I do not expect you to care what my opinion is, but to have tried to defend the story then accept someone else's "out" despite the fact that it conflicts with what you have said in defense of the story says to me you are saying what's needed to keep the story going.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)

You experienced something you didn't understand, you were trying to find answers and because it seemed 'unnatural' to you, you sought help in a location you felt could provide it.

How long ago did this happen? Weeks ago, Months ago, Years ago?

There is a chance the 'paranormal' could still be involved... Your friends drug dependency may have weakened his own 'will' enough a malevolent spirit was able to posses him... However without an 'invitation' a spirit that does this does not have the strength to remain for long... If invited... Well there is no telling.

While this situation has a better chance of being non-paranormal I, and I'm sure others here, would like to help you with any advice we can... Please answer our questions here in the open forum or e-mail me and allow me to share with a couple of individuals and we will offer what advice we can.


sarge82 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
To Rook maybe you are right it may not have been paranormal but the effects of his drug use I just didn't realise drugs could have such a effect on people to me that night was paranormal so that's why I posted this
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
The thing is, Sarges other story was quite good and he actually private emailed me with details and the exact location of the place where it occured. I have actually been to the place it was written about everything seemed legitimate. I am not to quick to call him bluff on this experience, as Rook has mentioned further information is required though! 😊

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
Folks can we let the O/P come back and respond before we blast him a second time. I was the first to fire but sense the O/P replied I'm willing to hear him out.

I'm not on the 'paranormal wagon' here but sarge does seem to have an issue that needs to be addressed... The more information he provides us with the better it can be determined if this is paranormal or not. If any advice we can give him helps in any way, then that's a good thing.

Now if he chooses not to return and reply... Well that speaks Volumes towards the Validity or Falsification of this story.


venky (1 stories) (48 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
I Pjod Engrish lang really I don't know man 😭 but believe me my english is little bit good. It's not my first lang not even a lang which I spoken from last 20 years but I think m doing good in this. Better I should try to be a teacher for english grammer of haunted stories 😲. Hey Pjod I am here to understand about some paranormal stuff rather than concentrate on my english.
Guys please don't post a fake stories.
amk86 (2 stories) (21 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-03)
This does seem fake just by the lack of feeling and emotions expressed... Seemed more like a story rather than an actual experience. No ending... No thoughts... No questions...? What happened after this? Contact police, the family? If it happened I'm sorry but this just reeks of being made up. My apologies.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-02)
sarge, the reason why I asked my questioned about whether you used drugs or not was not out of sarcasm, but in earnest to try and better understand your account... Yes drugs can cause people to hallucinate to the degree of your story... But I also believe that drugs can open up the mind in ways that can astral project the user un beknown to them into realities that seem as real as the one we live in and I guess in finding the correct answer all depends on how willing the author is to answer all the questions... Can a third party of malice nature be a part of these projections? Not impossible?
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-02)
Normally the writer who wrote a fiction story will most likely NOT answer your questions. For them, the fun part is to make up a story and see how people react and how much attention they can get. If you guys remember a few weeks ago, an Indian dude wrote a fake story about he gave a ghost girl a ride. I like his story very much, but I know it is fake. Of course he doesn't want to answer any questions since there is nothing to talk about. The story was already made up the way he wanted to be.

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