When I was 12 years old, my aunt visiting from America, gave me a doll. I thought why she'd give me a doll... I am a big girl now and don't play with them anymore...
I called her Dada for some or other reason I am not sure of. She was very pretty, unlike any doll I've ever seen. She had a face like a normal doll, with a sweet smile and dimples but her body was mostly light blue with rainbow colours on her arms and legs, and a beautiful blue and pink dress. She had blue hair made of long strands of wool that was in a high pony tail on top of her head. Perhaps some of you will recognise this doll, I think she was called Rainbow Bright. I Googled Rainbow Bright dolls, and these dolls do not look exactly like Dada (she was far more pretty than the images on the net), but similar.
She was not bought in South Africa, this I know, she came from America. What freaked me out a bit was that when I loosened her hair, there was this very big bald spot on her head; the hair was only 'around' her head, so if you fastened her hair, you could not see the bald spot.
Because Dada was pretty, I made her sit on my vanity table so everyone could see her when entering my room.
One day while I was doing exercises in my room I looked at Dada. She was sitting on the left side of the table. I looked away for a couple of minutes. When I looked at her again, I could swear she'd moved. She was now sitting in the middle of the table. Perhaps my imagination? I was very sure at the time...
I started to feel uncomfortable when I was in my room. It always felt as if Dada was looking at me. It fascinated me how her eyes almost looked alive sometimes, with that knowing grin, as if she knows something I don't. Sounds ridiculous, I know, perhaps the overactive imagination of a child...
One day my best friend, Liezl, came for a visit. We were sitting on my bed, busy talking, when all of a sudden Liezl jumped on the bed with a scream, pointing with her finger towards Dada. I asked her what the heck's wrong, and she screamed that the doll on the table just moved her eyes! She was speechless for about a minute or two after leaving my room, white in the face, and after calming down a bit, she told me that while we were sitting on the bed, she looked directly at Dada, and Dada blinked her eyes. I tried to find a rational explanation for this episode, thinking that this could not be true, but Liezl insisted that it was TRUE! She did not want to go into my room again, telling me that doll is evil. She asked me if I haven't yet realised what a evil face this doll has. I went into my room, took Dada and looked at her. The smile I always thought was so cute, now looked like an evil grin to me! I threw her inside my closet and closed the door very fast, all of a sudden very scared.
From then on I would take her out of the closet in the day time and make her sit on the table, but when I go to sleep, I would put her back inside the closet with the door ALWAYS closed, I would make sure of that. Some mornings when I woke, I would find my closet door open... But I never dwelt on that thought though, I didn't want to.
Until one night I had a very disturbing dream about Dada. It was as if she came to 'visit' me in this dream, it was so real. I was sitting in my room and heard a knock on my door. When I opened it there stood Dada with a very big butcher's knife in her hand, giving me that evil smile. I made a run for it and she followed me, knife in hand.
That was it, when I woke I took her out of my (open) closet, and locked her inside the garage... Yes, I did not have the heart to throw her away! Possibly because I am still sceptic to this day about her.
Years later I found her again when my father was looking for something in the garage, and I gave her to my own daughter. I made her sit on the drawer in my daughter's room. Of course I still wondered about what happened long ago and sometimes actually laughed at myself when I saw her, wondering if she is still 'alive'... ΖΒΊ
One day when I got rid of a few toys in my daughter's room, I put Dada in the bag with the rest of the toys and gave her to the Hospice. Sometimes I wonder if she is still out there somewhere.
To this day I couldn't help but wonder, was she only a normal doll, or not. What do you think?