All my life I've "seen" spirits and apparently interacted with them. Sometimes unknowingly. I always thought I was crazy--"talking to myself" or having "imaginary friends."
I'm sure sometimes that's all it truly was, but it continues 'til this day. I'm in my early 30's. I know better now when I'm just talking to myself and when an entity has arrived and is making conversation.
No one in my family encouraged any belief in ghosts or spirits. They are "highly religious" and believe that anything like that is "all" demon activity. So I never understood what was really going on in my head. Even when I was a little kid, I knew never to mention this particular issue to anyone.
Now, I can't physically see or hear these spirits. I guess it's my subconscious that picks up on them. When I "see" them, I get flashes in my head. I can't always see details. Sometimes it's a bit like seeing a blurry reflection or an impression of someones face.
I can pick up on male/female, dark hair/light hair, old clothes/modern clothes, etc. Or if it's even human at all. And when I "hear" them, it's sometimes more like a thought that comes into my head that's not my own or sometimes it's a faint voice.
About a year ago, I found out a friend of mine can actually physically see and hear spirits and other entities. We started comparing notes on things.
If I felt something or someone show up, I'd ask her if she felt anything new or different and 9 times out of 10 we'd end up seeing/feeling the same thing. It was like playing poker for awhile. Each of us not wanting to tip our hand and give each other too much info to make sure the other wasn't just making it up or following along with the other.
The most memorable one was one night when we were sitting in her room, each doing our own thing. Instead of talking, we usually just IM each other to compare notes. Two spirits showed up. To me, they looked like identical twin brothers. They were sitting on the floor playing a game. They looked Native American, wearing typical 1800's type "English"/Indian clothing, and were playing some sort of dice or dominoes game.
After playing our version of 20 Questions, we saw the exact same thing. I didn't tell her that I saw them as twins, she came out and said it to me.
That event, along with some others that happened, gave me some validation in my own mind that what I've been experiencing over the years has actually been very real. Now I don't feel like I'm going completely nutso.
If you have thoughts on what I am experiencing, I welcome your comments.
Thanks for reading this.