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I See Ghosts


Sorry guys about my story being so long. Ok so this has taken place over since I was born. When I was only a few weeks old orbs and vortex's started showing up all around me (I have pictures to prove it). Then when I was only two years old I saw my first ghost it really scared me and I still remember it.

Then we moved to a new house the activity stopped for a few years but then when I was about eight years old I started seeing ghosts again. I saw a shadow ghost of a woman in a graveyard and she was staring at me but I wasn't scared of her. Nothing really happened after that until I was about twelve years old when a ghost of a little boy showed up at my house.

I See Ghosts 1

My room was being done up so there was no curtains up and you could see outside. I had just gotten into bed when I turned over and looked at the window and there was a little boy staring in the window at me it scared me. I pulled the covers over my head and hoped he would go away, I fell asleep but I woke up when my parents came into my room to hang up the curtains. I slowly looked over at my window and the little boy was gone, I quickly looked around my room just to make sure he wasn't there but he was gone.

When I turned sixteen ghost's started showing up again, I would hear whispering and things being moved around.

I See Ghosts 2

One night I was in the sitting room alone when suddenly I could feel a presence in the room with me. I felt like I was being watched and then it threw my jumper from one corner of the couch over to the side of the couch. I was scared but I wouldn't turn around to see what was there soon after that, the presence left the room.

Things started getting really weird now. I was lying on my bed after coming home from school when I suddenly felt a hand on my waist. I felt like I was being comforted but I wasn't afraid and I had the most vivid dream of this guy and this girl. They were lying on a bed kissing and laughing but the girl in the dream looked exactly like me which kind of freaked me out a little. When I woke up there was nothing there so I just thought it was my imagination. A few weeks later the guy that was in my dream showed me how he died in another dream, he died in a car wreck. I jumped up out of bed and I noticed that my head was hurting me, I put my hand up and felt a lump like I hit my head. It really scared me because the guy in my dream died from a head injury.

Just recently a ghost of a woman showed up in our shed. I don't know who she is but she is still there. Why do ghost keep showing up at my house? I never told my parents any of this because I don't want to scare them. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DarkAngel91, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

flyguy (9 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-12)
Hi [at] DarkAngel91

I am aware that this is an old story, but one that may still be ongoing.

This sounds like you could be dealing with a multitude of things such as: lost souls, dark souls, or even something demonic.

When these things happen, these encounters, does the energy around you feel condensed and like it isn't good?

Does energy ever feel heavy on your being also during these experiences?

And finally, are these experiences still ongoing?

I anticipate your reply,

Thank you,

John Fly
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-02-22)
Spirit91 - if DarkAngel does decide she would like to talk to you about anything related to an Incubus, please provide her with your email address so you can do that privately. As we no longer accept stories of this nature, we try to discourage comments as well. Thank you for understanding 😊
Spirit91 (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-02-22)
I totally believe your story. Since I was born ghosts have been around me. As I write this comment their is a ghost beside me. I'm still not used of it, it still freaks me out and part of me wishes that I never had this gift. I have had dealings with an Incubus as well it is quite scary and confusing. If you want to talk let me know xx
FranklyVulgar (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-28)
Honestly, I'm going to call bullshiat on this author. Like someone pointed out before, she used the same details for two different stories and only changed it a tiny bit. An incubus (which is a demon, by the way. I seriously doubt a demon would just want to kick it in bed, makeout and giggle with you all day) and an entirely different entity both put their arms around your waist and then you dreamed of lying in bed with them, laughing and kissing?
This just sounds like a fantasy. You're probably itching for a boyfriend so you've resorted to daydreaming about spirits coming from the beyond just to cuddle and fall in love with you, then decided to pass it off as a true story. The entry is badly written (punctuation and grammar... Remember those? From English class?) and just screams "I'm a young girl who wants to feel and seem special! Ghosts and Incubi love me! I see the dead! Sooo special, amirite?" and as somebody also pointed out, this is offensive to the people who actually deal with encountering the dead on a daily basis. How about you take a step back, let those who have had true experiences with the paranormal submit to this site and stop sullying the content with your juvenile fantasies. People come here to share their true experiences and, for those who may be having difficulties, take comfort in the fact they are not alone. Nobody wants to come here and read fake stories about how much hot dead dudes fancy you. Sorry, love, it's the truth.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-21)

Ummm the site provides a spell check and if used RESPONCIBILITY becomes RESPONSIBILITY... You just have to click on the word with a red squiggly line underneath it... And a list of possible spelling / alternate words (spelled correctly) 'pops' up.

As far as your 'complaint' goes... The 'crossing over' comments were merely suggestions and the O/P even informed us that she had tried and that one spirits in particular 'Andrew' by name had chosen not to crossover. So please make sure you read everything... All the comments and such before you 'attack' others. Thank You.

We now resume our regularly scheduled program.


jamai3 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-21)

I have only ever posted genuine stories on this site and I am sick and tired of all you people who critisize and accuse me of makings up. (It was on a different account btw, I changed my email that I was using.)

The same goes for this girl.

I don't think she has invented anything - and you all need to calm down and stop this rediculous 'ganging up' behavior - ie 'oh I agree with so and so (this is trash) '


So do me a favor, and stop bashing her.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-04)
I actually deal with seeing them, every single day of my life. I have tried to help cross them over, see them to the light etc. They are not objects to keep, they have loved ones waiting for them on the other side, and they deserve the same respect you would give a flesh and blood living being. And the fact that you appear to be making this up, is very offensive to those (myself included) who don't think this is a game to be played or won. I think you are wanting to belong to something so badly, you are imagining/making up a reason to belong.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-04)
I have to agree with Mannerizms on this. He does need to be crossed over. Your refusal to see that gives me second thoughts as well. Spirits are not pets. Keeping them for your own amusement is tantamount to imprisonment. If this is just an attempt to gain notoriety with certain peers, I suggest you keep them from seeing the comments we have been leaving. Your refusal to see anything that does not fit your narrative is very telling. I'm sorry, but this seems like you just want your way.

Jav 🤔
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-04)
No, you need to make him understand he needs to go into the light. I am sorry but you are starting to make me think you do not really see them but are trying to convince others that you can. This is hurtful to myself and those who really can. I have read your other two stories as well and this one is making me nervous.

Please think carefully before responding. Thank you

Blessed be ❤
MichelleM (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-03)
adsouza I know that andrew died in the 1900s for a fact because he told me and I think the other ghost died either in 2005 but I'm not really to sure.
MichelleM (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-03)
Mannerizms Ok thanks that's helpful:) Andrew doesn't want to go. I have told him to leave but he keeps coming back. He doesn't want to leave so I'm not going to force him, he doesn't hurt anyone so what's the harm.
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-03)
You need to ask your guide or your guardian angel to help you create a "protection" circle, square or what have you and from there only EVER think positive thoughts. (bad things will feed off of bad energy) Then you will need to also need to take your religious symbols.

Just basically think of it this way, if you walk up to a stranger with candy and you feel as if something is weird are you going to get into that van? FOLLOW YOUR GUT. And in this case you need drop Andrew and help him pass over, not fall in love with him, he is not physically here, he deserves to be in the light, help him with that.

Blessed Be ❤
MichelleM (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
I think maybe 2005 but I'm not too sure. I tried to find out who he was but I didn't have a name for him so I stopped.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
😆 This comment was meant for the other story. I am really off today. It must be these final exams haha.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
My bad, this comment was meant for your other story. I'll just copy it.
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
So Andrew lived in the early 1900s and the other ghost died in a car crash. Do you know the era?
MichelleM (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
lady-glow Andrew lived in England back in the 19 hundreds. He says I'm not ready to know how he died, he said it was a tragic accident. The other ghost he died in a car wreck died in america I know this because in the dream when he showed me he died. His girlfriend was driving and she was sitting on the left hand side. In the dream I also saw a green sign which looked something from there. I can't remember what it read. His girlfriend was driving she lost control hit the barrier and he died instantly she survived.
MichelleM (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
Mannerizms thank you for your post. How to you create a safe barrier? I really want to know since so many ghosts keep showing up. So far they are good but I do understand that evil spirits can show up too.
MichelleM (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-02)
Andrew My Incubus showed me a similar dream but this was a different ghost because this ghost only died a few years before he came to me. I think he was showing me his last day before he died. Sorry I didn't make that clear guys. This guy died in a car wreck his girlfriend was driving and they hit a barrier, he died instantly and his girlfriend survived.
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-01)
I am too with the others on this one.

Now I can hear and speak to ghosts but only see them when asleep, however, I can WATCH them interact when I am dreaming and can see them. You need to create that boundary. I know it does not seem harmful now but when negative entities come around you will be sorry for not learning to do so sooner. Please be safe and really work on keeping yourself distant from these ghosts you are 'seeing' I'm not trying to be rude when putting that in quotes but after reading your succubus story I am not sure if I should trust that this one too is true but I will happily take a gamble and still try to help.

Blessed Be ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-01)
I am with MizMiMi on this one.
I do not understand if your sweet incubus Andrew is the same ghost from this story.
My advice is for you to investigate if a hot guy named Andrew died in a car wreck back in the nineteen hundreds, since you seem to see Incubus-Andrew rather frecuently you could ask him for more details about the period of time and place he used to live.

Girlfriend, you not only see ghosts... You are getting too close to them. 🤔
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-01)
So, are you saying that they guy who died in this story is your Incubus from the other story? So you do know this guy, or you don't? I'm confused here. I am qouting directly from your other story:

"As I lay on my bed I felt something lie beside me and put its arm around my waist. I didn't feel scared at all. I actually felt really safe. I had this really vivid dream about this really hot guy with this girl who looked like me, we were lying in bed together and he had his arm around my waist. We were laughing and joking we looked really happy like we were in love. When I woke up there was no one there so I thought it was a friendly ghost and didn't think anything of it."

So you're familiar with this guy that died, who exhibited the same behaviors in a dream, but he's your Incubus that you don't know? Just trying to clear up some confusion.

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