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Writing On The Wall - Thank You


My husband and I recently moved into a brand new row home in Philadelphia. We have been happy here and in the house for less than six months. About a month into living in our new home, I became pregnant with our first child.

This weekend we had some family members stay with us. They were to stay in the what is now the guest bedroom, which will eventually be turned into the baby's room. Our company stayed with us Friday night. A good time was had.

Then Sunday night, my husband and I were watching tv when all of a sudden we heard a noise. We could not figure out what it was, so we got up to investigate. We figured out that the noise was coming from the guest/soon to be nursery. It was the smoke alarm. However, it was not the usual smoke alarm noise. It was different. Not as loud and going off with a different sequence than a normal smoke alarm. I know the batteries were not going dead, because the house is less than a 1 year old and they are physically wired to the rest of the house (ie no batteries). Anyway, I have this tool that I use to disable the smoke alarms since our ceilings are so high. I thought it might be in the closet of the spare room. So, I opened the door to look for it. As soon as I opened the door, I saw writing on the frame of the closet door. It read, "Thank you". It was kind of sloppy and written in pencil. The writing was kind of deep in some places almost carved. I called my husband over to see. About the same time, the smoke detector stopped making the noise.

Also, not sure if this is relevant to the story or not, but one of our guests who stayed here this weekend also left her dress in the closet, which was right next to the writing. To see the writing on the wall was really eerie. We could not hardly believe that our guests had wrote this for a varitety of reasons. First because they kept praising what a beautiful home we had. Second, they are extremely polite and courteous, and finally, that would just be weird. I know they would not do something like this.

The next day, I felt bad even asking our guests if they wrote this. However, I just had to. I almost hoped that they would have said yes. When I asked they did in fact say no and that they did not see it written. I believe them whole heartedly. I also know that it was not there before they came, I would have seen it and so would have they.

I did sleep in that room the other night as I am pregnant and could not get comfortable in our bedroom. I kind of felt like someone was watching me through that closet. Not sure if it is just my imagination running wild or what. I feel like it was some sort of spirit. I am not sure who or why someone/thing would be thanking us though. Would love to learn more, but not sure how. Also, now I am a little nervous to make this into our newborn's room.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sunshinek, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

LillyPieLindsay (35 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-23)
I know this is an older post, but I just wanted to suggest that if they are really unsure the OP can try Rook's cleansing method - even if its not supernatural in origin it might make you feel better before it turns into the babies room.
mike1111 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-04)
prehaps if they did die in a fire, the alarm was it testing you so that it could rest knowing you would be prepared if there ever were a fire, and you or your baby won't suffer the same fate as them.
Slenderman (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
[at] i_am

Doesn't have to be bad spirit. What if the being passed in a fire, and thus used that as a way to make contact. Or simply, perhaps it was thanking them for paying attention? It could have tried to contact the friends they had over and couldn't get a response.

Keep it real,

Greyle (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-27)
Maybe the person you got it from needed money or something and still had keys to the house and snuck in so he\ she could thank you
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-26)
This is a rather interesting experience to say the least. Reading over the other posters, there are many explanations offered. I think the dress being left there and the thank you written on the wall are not just coincidental. I think there is a spirit in the room and was thanking the guests for the beautiful dress left for her. Is the house old? Do you know any history of the house or the property? Interesting but I don't think that I would be worried about putting baby in the room. Sounds like a grateful spirit and would probably love sharing the room with baby.

Good luck, zeta.
Burrvalley (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-26)
i think one of your guests did this just as a prank maybe thanking you for letting them stay in the spare room
Rose_of_Sharon_Cassidy (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-25)
The ghost sounds friendly. Have you tried contacting it?
MissEmoVampire (3 stories) (25 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
I believe that the Spirit is not a harmful one but quite frienly. I do not know what the spirit is thanking you for but it seems to be polite and kind (even though it wrote on your door frame). Even though it Is a new house if there was residents in the house before ask them if they have had any experiences similar to yours or wherever your house is, investigate the land or history of the area you live in. The facts could come in handy times. Also try and contact the spirit and ask why it is saying thank you as I'm sure it will not harm you. The spirit could be a poltergeist but do not worry I'm sure it could help you with some house cleaning;)

i_am_unknown (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] slendermen: and that's where they went to disable it and find out about the writing then there was completely no more sound, must be the dress
i_am_unknown (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] slendermen: if it's true, wouldn't you think it would be the dress possessing bad spirit? Make more sense if you tell me cause the husband and wife did say when they got the dress then that's when they feel being watched
Slenderman (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] i_am

The pencil thing is unusual, this does sound quite like a prank, but we can't draw conclusions. I know of instances where things were painted and drawn in pen, so I wouldn't rule it out. Pencil is totally possible. There is no limit to what they can do, besides what they will do.

Keep it real,

i_am_unknown (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
Writing in pencil doesn't really make sense. Dont ghosts or demons usually scratch words? And even if you asked your coworkers why would they say yes even if they did. You can't say you trust them wholehearted.
Slenderman (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
As I haven't seen anyone mention, you said a dress was left in the closet? Perhaps it was a young woman that is thinking the dress was a gift?

Keep it real,

troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-22)
Great story, but I'm sure I read this before. Why is it on the "new" story list? Anyway, very freaky.
ritwik (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-20)
dear sunshinek,

If I were at your place I would surely have had an Ouija session in that room.

Respectfull ritwik
speeddeamon666 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-19)
ok so I just made an account to throw my 2 cents in on this story because I thought of some possibility... Maybe the ghost was thanking you because it died in a horrible fire where no one could reach it... The fire alarm could simbolize that and the fact it stopped when you opened the door could mean it was happy someone finally saved it:) so you might have a protective ghost:)
27flowers (2 stories) (25 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-19)
I think the suggestions so far seem likely, the writing may have been there before the fitting etc
Alternatively,it may be a considerate spirit drawing your attention to your faulty fire alarm? Not sure about the writing...

stephyw2001 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-18)
Broken Tree is right there. My boyfriend is a carpenter, and he's always leaving pencils lying around EVERYWHERE. I think its a construction worker's habit.
BrokenTree (76 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-18)
Carpenter's pencils abound on construction sites and you can easily pick up a dozen. If the writing was done in a wide lead marking (not like writing with a No. 2 pencil) then it would be a carpenter's pencil. She also stated that it was nearly engraved in the wood. You can't do that with a No. 2 but you can with a carpenter's pencil. I really believe it's human. Cameras are cheap so put some up in the room involved.
Siskakes (4 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-18)
SoullessMuffinz - you stated "Plus, the fact that it's in pencil puts me off." howcome? Is pencil not common?
SoullessMuffinz (3 stories) (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-18)
Honestly, I agree with BrokenTree. I think you're being pranked by someone. Maybe because the house is so new, I just find it hard to believe a spirit would be there. Plus, the fact that it's in pencil puts me off. But I could be wrong.
LindaG (3 stories) (32 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
I'd be afraid to put my baby in that room. What if it is not a good spirit? I've heard a lot of stories where there is a spirit in the closet, and it scares the kids at night. Be careful!
Also, I hope your pregnancy goes well 😊
abhinav (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
If seen simply, I would say something was trapped in that closet and you helped that thing come out. If that thing wrote thank you then his definately a great soul as in today's age even human don't thank each other
mrfear672india (106 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
Hi sunshinek,
I think you unknowingly done something favour to it. You should think strongly about these point.

Congratulations! And advance welcome to your baby to these world.
May god bless you...!
deliriumdreamsicle (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
It seems like whatever or whoever it was, it was trying to get your attention to the door [smoke alarm > smoke alarm > smoke alarm disabler gadget > closet > door > writing] or by reverse [ writing < door < closet < smoke alarm disabler gadget < smoke alarm ]. Trying to manifest what it can do in it's capacity to call attention. I've read a lot of stories here in YGS regarding alarms and I had some incidents myself. Here's a story where I commented in:

It's a new house isn't it? Maybe one of the builders? Or maybe someone you did something really good to and wants to thank you?
BrokenTree (76 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
Before you go ghostly I suggest you go human. Are there any access panels in that closet or room or anywhere else in the house? Is there anything that looks remotely like it might be a camera and please remember that cameras can be very small? My point is that when a house is under construction anyone can have access to it. I remember one case where a family was spied upon and had their phone and inhouse conversations recorded. It appeared that a local kid had put his own wiring into their house while it was being constructed. He had control over most of the electronics and the phone in the house. He also had access to the house since he had his own keys made. I would change the locks, look for access panels and small holes where a camera could be inserted. It's easy to get into a construction site like this. Just wear a hard hat, make your own ID and carry some tools. No one will question you since there are subcontractors and inspectors everywhere on site. Just look at your new house carefully.
MissAngie (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
Maybe it is thanking you for the baby? It sounds scary. I guess it wants to play with someone. But what do you think?

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