I used to live at my mom's boyfriend's place. I loved the area, it was beautiful but I just didn't like being in his house.
When my mom went to college and her boyfriend went to work, I would be the only one looking after the house. Nothing happened when I was alone when I first got there, but a lot of strange things started happening. When I was in the living room watching TV, I heard a music box playing. I turned down the TV volume and I still heard it. I have a music box but it plays the Looney Tunes theme song from the cartoon show. It was really scary. After it stopped, I heard footsteps and the footsteps were loud. I was really scared that I ran out of the house. This starting happening a lot to me.
Another thing that happened to me is when I was sleeping my door was always shut, but when it was midnight I woke up and heard something. I saw my door wide open and than it slammed closed. I couldn't sleep at all that night so all I did was read my book.
I decided to finally ask my mom's boyfriend about the music box, so I waited one night for him to come home from work. When he came back I finally asked him if he had a music box. He looked at me strangely and said no and asked why. When he said that, it brought chills to my spine. I said nothing I was just wondering. I walked away in shock.
Today I live in a apartment with just my mom and I still think about it. I always wonder if it was all just in my head or was it real. (I never told my mom about this cause I thought she wouldn't believe me and she said that if they exist she wants someone to prove it to her.)