At the time of this incident, I was asleep in the front room/living room area in my two bed room apartment. I live with my mother. We passed out on the floor watching TV. I had been asleep for a while and so it was at least between 1 to 3 AM.
I wasn't dreaming and it seemed as if I had woken up for no reason. I am the type to grind my teeth in my sleep, sleep light, and wake up from time to time. This was a different situation.
Aside from the dull light in the kitchen and the television there was nothing to distract me. I just felt like I should be awake right now. The impulse is what really got to me. I just woke up with as if I had never been asleep at all. When I opened my eyes I saw a figure. It was not human I can tell you that right now. I don't really believe in aliens so it wasn't that either. I'll try and describe it.
The thing itself was sitting, crouching more so. In that position it was as tall as maybe a five year old child. If it were standing, it looked like it could reach five to six feet. The way it looked was even more strange. It had human-like features but did not give off that vibe. The creature itself appeared like those dots you see when you stare at a light for too long. It was transparent and solid at the same time. I could see the contours, but details as well. It had a cat-like face but the rest was man like. I was freaked out and used my blanket to smack at it and once the blanket fell back down, it was gone!
So I woke my mom up and explained everything and drew a picture and all that. I ripped it up once she got the idea. I decided to protect myself, my mother, and my home spiritually and prayed all over the house until the feeling of fear left me. I haven't seen that thing since and trust in God that I won't ever. That's really it.
I would like to hear any and all opinions. Don't be shy. I really want to know what that thing was. What it meant, any advice you have to offer. Thanks for your time.
As for the ideas you all came up with I appreciate them all. I don't live there anymore. I was more concerned with what it was and I really appreciate everything you all said.
The "thing" itself gave me a feeling as if it were watching me and that it wanted to be seen. It didn't look friendly or welcoming. It was serious almost like a doctor and the energy was negative.
But again, thank you. I feel a bit more secure about the experience.