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Apparition On Water


My first time posting on this forum. I've been experiencing unexplainable phenomena ever since I can remember. I want to engage with opinions from different backgrounds about my experiences. I'm open to discussion and no opinion you form about it is unwelcome. In any case, I'll skip to the experience itself. I'm about 10 at the time of experiencing this.

I grew up with Grandparents in rural Mymensingh. Theirs was a tin-shed house, about a hundred meters away from a vehicle-worthy road. The earthen path that connected my grandparent's house to that road wound around a deep pond and went through a bamboo bush. In November of 2011, we were visiting my grandparents. My father had taken me to the bazaar in the evening to buy some groceries, and then sent me back with them and told me to come back with some money because he wanted to gamble with his old friends.

While going back to the house with groceries, I heard a sound in the water as I passed by the pond. It was a splash, but a quiet and oddly drawn-out one. I stopped to see what was making that noise. There was a half-moon in the sky, but the shadows of the bamboo bush fell on the pond, obscuring my view. But the water rippled and lapped, and whatever had entered the water seemed to move quietly. After straining my eyes for a bit but able to discern nothing, I concluded that it was some kind of animal and moved on.

The wind picked up while I was at my Grandparent's house, and when I was going back to my father with the gambling money, the bamboo bushes were too loud for me to hear anything of what was going on at the pond.

I stayed with my father and his friends with an hour or so more, before starting on my way towards my grandparent's house again.

The moon had lowered in the sky now, and the shadows had lengthened. I had to focus fully on the path before me as I walked. So I had not looked at the pond until I heard someone stepping on water. I looked towards the source of that sound and there she was.

A woman sat cross-legged above the water. Her skin was white (pearl white, I think. This was a very long ago, and I'm only placing this in retrospect) and seemed to exude a pale white glow. Somehow like moonlight, but there was no way the moonlight reached her where she sat on the pond. Her hair, somehow darker than the shadows in the background, flowed weightlessly in the air. Her whole being seemed to be weightlessly floating above the water. Bobbing up and down slightly. I thought her eyes were closed but when I looked at them I realized that they were just the same white as her skin. And they were trained on me.

So I ran. There wasn't anything in my hand, and by some miracle, I didn't stumble and fall even once. I ran all the way to my grandparent's house, crying and stuff. They asked me what happened and after some deliberation, I told them I saw a snake. As a ten year old, it was a bit too embarrassing to say that I saw a nude female ghost. I was laughed at for being that scared of snakes anyway, maybe I should've just told them what I saw. My father came back at around midnight, and he seemed to not see anything.

My grandpa died in 2020, and afterwards, my grandma decided to drain the pond and fill it up. They found an old lock with some hair tied to it at the spot that I saw her. Maybe that's related.

Anyway, that's my experience. What do you think of it? Have you experienced/heard of something similar? I'm excited to see how you interpret what happened.

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Neandarthunder (2 stories) (10 posts)
1 month ago (2024-08-07)

Very sorry for the late reply. I was involved with some political stuff and went to jail for some time and internet was down and a lot of people died. The point is that we overthrew our government.

Bangladesh doesn't have a history of Cult killings per se, as far as I know. There WAS the custom of burning widows among high caste Hindu families until the early colonial era (1750-1800). Could be something left over from that, maybe?

We found a very large snake skeleton on the north-west side. 16 feet long and wide as my thighs. Undoubtedly a python. That might not be old though. Catfish were farmed in that pond, and they're known to pick corpses clean. We also found portions of a moonboat. We're a bit inland for moonboats, but it's not uncommon to find old boats in ponds here. This place was part of the river not long ago.

Don't apologize for the superstition. It's what I'm here for. I don't need a definitive answer. I want people to tell me what they think. ❤
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-20)
Neanderthunder: Please forgive me for posturing here. This sounds like some kind of ritualistic murder. It appears, to me anyhow, that she was calling attention to her unexpected grave as it were.
There have been some rather bizarre cult killings here in the U.S...
The hair 'tied' to a lock may give credence to this theory. It is just possible since you say you didn't feel enticed by her. She may be trying to 'call attention' to what happened to 'her'. Possible murder/life cut short/desiring justice/unfinished business.
You say the pond was drained out. Were any bones found? Anything besides the piece of hair? Maybe I've given you something to consider here. You want comments. I am contributing mine now, & I hope you don't mind the suppositions that I'm offering. Just something to think about. This was a pretty good read, thanks!

The Best! 😊 😊
Neandarthunder (2 stories) (10 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-14)
RCRuskin, so I found one entity in Bengali folklore that kind of sorta matches the description.

I'm just going to copy and paste from the Wikipedia article.

Sheekol Buri / Jol-Pishach: These entities are described as dwelling in rivers, ponds, and lakes. They have many different names throughout Bengal. They appear as young women with long wet hair and eyes with no irises, who had either committed suicide by drowning (due to an unhappy marriage) or violently drowned (especially after becoming pregnant with unwanted children). In folklore, they are known for luring young men into nearby bodies of water where they entangle them with their hair and drown them. Sometimes they seduce their targets, forming a romantic relationship in which case they ask for a promise. If the promise is broken, they reveal their true form and kill their target. These creatures are similar to the Rusalka from Slavic mythology.

It's not a one to one match, but the water part and the eyes with no iris or white iris kind of rhymes.

It honestly never occurred to me to check folklore, because Bengali folklore are largely children's stories.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-14)
My bad; I misread. But good to know you did not feel enticed by it. Now to go look up Bengali folk religions.
Neandarthunder (2 stories) (10 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-13)
RCRuskin, I'm no expert in Bengali folk religions. I don't know where to start looking with that. I've heard stories about female ghosts that entice men into drowning themselves. But I didn't feel "enticed" by it. Also the hair was tied to a lock (🔒), not a ribbon.
Neandarthunder (2 stories) (10 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-13)
Rajine, hair is sometimes used to cast spells on someone. That's all I really know about that.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-13)
Hi, Neanderthunder. And I go with what Rajine said. It certainly is an interesting situation. One certainly does not expect to see a female, or any gender, figure sitting on the water. The lock of hair tied with a ribbon brings to my mind some kind of folk religion perhaps. Someone trying to bless or curse someone. Do you know anything about the cultures that existed in Bangladesh in the past?
Rajine (14 stories) (866 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-13)
That could be a resident or passing spirit, but the hair on ribbon raises a lot of questions, especially why it was in a pond.

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