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Real Ghost Stories

A Scary Sleepover


In 1964, I was 20 and I had 2 friends from France who had come to visit Mauritius. They were staying at some local friends of mine in Vacoas.

We agreed that one night, I would also stay over there for fun.

We had a great day. We went to a place called "l'ile aux Cerfs", on the east coast of Mauritius. We spent the day just swimming, playing, eating and checking for girls. It's a beautiful place but has now become the property of a hotel group. It has become very touristic.

Anyway, after that beautiful day, we went to eat pizza then went to the pictures to watch a movie. I forgot what it was.

We came late, at around 23h00. We were exhausted but so happy. The parents of my friends were very cool and enjoyed to be with young people. We had some coffee and a nice cake and we chatted up to around 1h30 - 2h00. Then all of us just went into their bedroom. I was given a mattress to sleep on in the lounge and the mattress was laid between the couch and armchairs.

After having a last goodbye, I went to brush my teeth. As I was doing so, I kind of noticed someone passing by the bathroom door in the reflection of the mirror. What was strange is that I did not hear walking. I finished my business, switched off the bathroom light and walked in the corridor to reach the lounge. I was expecting to see someone but the room was empty. I checked around and noticed that everybody had gone to sleep. Some were already snoring.

I shrugged it off as being tired, I set my covers, etc... Then switched off the light. As I laid down on the mattress and about to fall asleep, I heard someone walking in the corridor and coming towards the lounge. It was now dark but the light outside would slightly light the room through the curtains. I heard the steps come into the lounge as if someone was walking barefoot and walk around my mattress and sit on the couch. I heard this distinctive "pouf" sound when sitting. Since I was laying on my left side, I could not see. I just turned to see who it was and... Daze! No one was there. The light outside would slightly light the couch and there was nobody in that couch. I looked around and no one. I said, "Who is there"? Then "Hello?" Nothing. I freaked out. I jumped off my mattress and switched on the light. The room was as empty as a shell.

I walked to the rooms to see if someone was up but everybody were dead asleep. I did not know what to do. I remained still for a while to hear if there was some noises but there was an eerie silence. I could hear the snoring but otherwise, it was dead silent.

It took me a good 15 minutes before going back to the mattress, but I remained alert for a while. Then I started to drift to sleep but was suddenly awoken by breathing in the lounge. I stood up and looked around. Nothing and no one. Then I heard noises in the kitchen. It was like kitchenware being moved. I knew something was not right. I switched on the light and remained still. I heard other movements in the house. I was nervous and breathing heavy. My heart was pounding like crazy.

I finally left the lights on and sat on the armrest of an armchair. It was now over 3 am. I could not sleep and was sensitive to any movement in the house. The noises in the kitchen had stopped and I could from time to time hear like a slight swift sound in the corridor. To feel safer, I opened the curtains and I could see outside. The yard in front of the house was calm and the lawn was wet. The street lamp was lighting up the surrounding as well as the inside of the lounge. Everything remained still for 10 to 15 mns. Then I heard movement in the corridor. I saw the shadow of someone against the wall of the corridor. This was odd since the light was shining from the lounge and the shadow should logically not appear on the wall in direction of the lounge (if you understand what I'm saying). I waited a bit and asked who it was but after receiving no answer, I moved slowly in order to see who was in the corridor. I then saw my friend (the owner of the house), standing on one side of the corridor. I just said "hello" and told him I was sorry but I could not sleep. As I was trying to explain to him what was happening, he just walked away and walked in the bathroom without switching the light on.

I found this odd and followed him. When I switched on the light I got the fright of my life! No one was there! There was one small window with iron bars and he could definitely not escape there. I then opened the door of the room where my friend was sleeping and saw him in a deep sleep, the mouth open and slightly snoring. I understood I had just seen a ghost or a doppelganger.

Scared, but impossible to do else, I went back into the lounge with my hair standing up and feeling like followed. I remained awake and prayed the "Our Father" and mentioned Jesus as often as I could.

I finally sat in an armchair until I saw the first morning lights. I must have fallen asleep when I was awoken by the father of my friend. He was going out to buy bread. It was around 6h30. I had only slept not more than 1 or 1h30. He asked me why I was sleeping in the armchair and the curtains were open. I told him about the events of the night. He looked at me a bit concerned and asked me if I was ok. I said apart the very little sleep, I was fine.

When he came back about half an hour later, he prepared coffee and we sat. He told me that the house above his (it was a block of 4 houses) was haunted and empty for quite a while. He experienced quite a lot of paranormal events in his house. A lot of doppelganger as well as noises, footsteps, moving objects, etc but he assured me that nothing was of a threatening nature. For years of staying in this house which he was renting, he felt safe despite the paranormal events.

When my friends woke up, at around 8h30, we talked about these events while having breakfast. My friend (one of the sons of the house) then told me about his personal experiences which were a bit more intense such as sleep paralysis (3 times), bad dreams, doppelganger as well as shadows, noises, entity, etc.

The friends from France were very skeptical and tried to convinced me that because I was so tired from the previous day, I mixed dreams with reality.

Anyway, I did not sleep there during the night and never did after.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cafelelion, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Crestal126 (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-07)
Well other people that came over might of had ghost follow them. The ghost might of stoped following them and went to haunt the house.
Cafelelion (12 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
Hi Javelina,

Thanks for the link. I had actually checked it on Internet when you told me what it was and indeed it does perfectly look like a hairy pig in high heels! It's so funny.:-))

Cafelelion (12 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-28)
Hi Jav,

Sorry for having misspell your name. I think it is the automatic corrector which gave you that name. I use a very modern item to type my stories which is an iPad. Goodness, if I had something like that when I was young, that would have been great! But we would not have all the services provided with. The keyboard was set on French and corrected your name to "j'avoue" which in French means "I confess".
"A hairy pig with tusks on high heels", I would like to see that.
I don't mind the way you analyze my encounters.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-28)

You again ask an interesting question (or two)...

Having an open mind helps. I also believe it is something we are born with and as time goes by it 'shuts off'. We either 'close down' naturally OR as we grow up we are taught that it's not real and forget how to 'use it'.

We can learn how to 'open ourselves' to being sensitive to spirits...

If you want more details please feel free to ask.


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-27)
How else is a girl supposed to get any attention around here?

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-27)

As fierce as Jav seems to want her namesake to be, they are rarely considered intimidating because they are often found wearing yellow sundresses with pink polkadots.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-26)

The name Javelina was taken from an animal that is native to the southwestern part of the United States. It is one that runs wild where I live in Tucson, Arizona. It looks like a hairy pig with tusks on high heels and, it being a wild animal, it is quite fierce for it's size. It is much smaller than a wild boar, yet has the same temperament. So, as you can see, it is much different than the name you have given me. "J'avoue" is simply not fierce enough for my personality.

~~I hope you realize I am just having a joke with you. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-26)
I don't doubt that what you say about black magic and witchdoctors is true. I also see where you say he found a 'good' witchdoctor to help him figure out what the problem was. There are lots of folks who think that all of this is nonsense. I find it interesting to watch how quickly people change their minds when the thing they have said all along was fake turns out to be very real when they are affected. I know there are lots of folks who still laugh about people seeing ghosts. But that's just because they haven't seen one... Yet. πŸ˜†
Does it bother you that we analyze your stories the way we do?

Jav 😊
Cafelelion (12 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-26)
Hi J'avoue and Aussie,

Thanks for your comments. I never tried to go so deep in understanding these phenomenons. I just know by experiencing them that ghost, spirits and paranormal do exist. They interact with us in a way or another but man through witchcraft do also trigger supernatural things, often negative things. I'm lucky I never experienced something so negative that it affected me physically (apart from running away and injuring myself from trying to flee something scary) but I've known and heard about people who got sick, mad, lost their taste for life, depressed, went totally bankrupted and even died being victims most of the time of witchcraft or from a negative / cursed place. It makes me remember of a relative telling me that his neighbor who was a prosperous and in excellent health began to loose money and got sick. Doctors could not find anything wrong with him. He finally contacted a "good" witch doctor who told him to check under a small schrubs at his place under the ground, he would find a lemon with a needle pricked in. He told him to remove the needle from the lemon and to throw away those items and he would break the spell. Apparently if the needle starts to rust in the lemon, he would get more sick and die. Someone was jealous of him and had cursed him.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
One more thing I want to note here is the reason I believe aussie's scenario works best in this situation is that the subjects of the sights and sounds that were witnessed, were all sleeping in the home at the time these events were witnessed.
Living residual events will also be seen in the daylight hour when those subjects are awake and moving about. However, he had heard someone come into the room, sit on the furniture and he heard them breathe as well. These are not normal night time type activities, especially at the late hours he had witnessed them.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
Once again sir, you have brought another mystery to ponder upon. So far you are batting 1,000.
Although I am in agreement with aussie on this, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't toss in a theory of my own, just to make it more interesting.
I believe the theory of "living residuals" could have played a part in this as well. The reason being, the neighbors house was said to have experienced the same sort of phenomenon. Just like the images and sounds we think of as "residual", the living residual is a recorded image that plays back either randomly or on a timely basis. The subject of this image and/or sound is usually someone that lives or works in the area where the image was seen. The way these images and sounds are recorded is still unknown, but it has been theorized that the wiring in the structure may be a factor, or the type of minerals in the bedrock or foundation of the building could be produce the same effect. Whatever the source of these recordings, the basic mechanics of this phenomenon remain the same for both the residual and living residual type haunting we read about all the time. The only difference between the them are the subjects that show up in these two types of recorded events. Subjects of residual images are those folks that are known to have passed on or images from so long ago they could not possibly have occurred in the recent past. Subjects of the living residual event are those folks we know still to be living. They most often either live or work in the area they were recorded and played back in.
The thinking behind the living residual event is this:
How would a recorded image know when to begin playing back? Answer: It doesn't. It simply plays back whatever was recorded at that spot, whether the subject of this recording is alive or not need not be a factor in the equation at all. Same mechanics as any machine, it doesn't 'think' about the job it is performing, it simply does it's job.


~I hope this wasn't too confusing for anyone, if you have any questions, just ask. 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
Thanks Jav, some days I hit my thumb too πŸ˜†, but I do appreciate it when members here do makes sense of my thoughts, feelings and theories... Cheers mate 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
I was just going to start this story when I saw aussie's post and read it first.
[at] aussie,
Mate, sometimes your logic and your common sense hit the target so square in the center that it makes me weep. I haven't even read the story and I feel that whatever it is, you nailed it. I just want to thank you for bringing your wisdom to YGS and sharing it with us. Some days mate, you just floor me, and today is one of those days. Thanks mate!

Bleuy 😁

~Now I'll go read the story too! πŸ˜†
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
Interesting story and I do totally understand how something like this would scare you so much and a big part of that fear, is the fear of the unknown itself... I just want to share this with you offering a different perspective for you to consider... I have lived in my home for 20 years and my wife and I designed and built our home from scratch, it is our baby... And as I was reading your story I was ticking off all of your experiences as something myself and family members have already experienced in recent times and years gone by... My home is haunted by our relatives, actually, I don't like using the word haunted... They basically still hang out around my joint and have for over the last 10 years or so... The part where you saw someone in your mirror... My eldest son saw my mothers reflection in our mirror as like my youngest son felt her and I was fortunate enough to see and talk to her something that I'll remember forever... The part where you saw your friend walk into the bathroom and then disappear... Interestingly my wife in broad daylight thought she was chasing my youngest son into our bathroom, as she caught him out of the corner of her eye running past only to run into a empty room herself in broad daylight to find it empty and years ago, I once got up in the night and saw my wife walking around our home in spirit? Was she astral projecting and is that what you saw your friend doing? Walking around OBE?... The part about shadows and you sensing someone walking around the house, that too on many occasions is something we experience here... I guess the difference with you and me, is I know who the folk are visiting my home and interacting... I have lived here for 20 years and have come to understand that a lot of these experiences although scary to most and that's totally understandable... Are just bridges between this world and the next crossing paths at different junctions... But the people who walk them are not out to get us or hurt us in any way... There are for the most part, just trying to meet us in the middle... Thank you for sharing an interesting story!
Unexplained (2 stories) (122 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
Hi Rook, thanks for your latest.

Is being 'sensitive' simply having an open mind or is it something else, such as a psychic awareness?

Does it entail something more? Is it something you are born with, and cannot learn in later life?

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)

You have asked an interesting question...

"Can a ghost channel sound waves and light to a specific individual, or is it like when you see a vapour trail in the sky - at specific angles and distances you can see the trail, from other spots you cannot?"

Here's my opinion...

Your 'vapor trial' idea may play some part in why some people in a 'full room' see something and others do not... However I believe it has more to do with how 'sensitive' an individual is. Babies and animals are sensitive enough to 'see, hear or feel' the 'spirit realm' animals never 'lose' this sensitivity. We as individuals can 'forget', 'close off', 're-learn'...'re-awaken' (during puberty), or in some cases it never 'shuts off'. Shutting off means we 'learn' or are taught that it's 'not real' and we 'close ourselves' off to the 'spirit realm'. Those who 're-learn' or never forgot are called psychic's or mediums... And in this day and age the majority of them are 'Wiccan's'. I hope I'm making some sort of sense... Please ask any questions you may have and anyone else please fell free to expand or contradict what I have said.


arina (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
What you saw was real because dopplegangers are real and they can ruin your life.
Unexplained (2 stories) (122 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
Your stories are great. I always love reading them, the atmosphere is so biting. Thanks for sharing.

What I find so frustrating is that you could be in the same room as somebody else, see or hear something and the other person won't detect anything. I wonder why that happens.

Can a ghost channel sound waves and light to a specific individual, or is it like when you see a vapour trail in the sky - at specific angles and distances you can see the trail, from other spots you cannot?
Night_Vampire (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-25)
Its awesome story... I like the way you present the story to us...
Thanks for shareing

Cafelelion (12 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-24)
Hi Lakota,

Indeed, the doppelgΓ€nger was the most frightening part although in the course of the event it was seeing my friend and not a ghost. I was so tired and scared that I did not realize on the spot the creepiness of that experience.
The family have moved a long time ago and fortunately left these ghosts behind. These blocks were actually police headquarters employees houses. They are set as 4 houses (2 semi-detached ground floor houses and same on the first floor). I don't know if someone have enquired on this but I was told that there were suicides in the headquarters. It might be these errant souls manifesting from time to time.
Lakota73 (5 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-24)

What an amazing story, though I'm sure very frightening for you. The doppelgangers do seem very odd. I'd be terrified.

Has anyone researched whether the two properties had any past family links or bad vibes between the two sets of neighbours? If the other property is haunted it seems they are connected to your friend's house.

Would like to know more about peoples experiences while staying here.

Lakota73 😊

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