I often have bad dreams where I see people in my house. Sometimes they shout at me, sometimes they say nothing, they feel more like hallucinations than dreams most times. I sometimes think I can hear people walking around the house, and only recently on my day off, I thought I could hear my boyfriend shouting at me to wake up when he was in fact out the house at work. I've experienced it a couple of times last year when I was living at home, I was pretty sure on 2 seperate occassions I could hear my mum shouting on me, but it turned out that in fact she wasn't. Another time was a couple of years back when I was on the phone to my nana and she said that she heard a man say my name.
There have also been some incidents at work where the doors slam upstairs, but we have often put that down to wind, but now we aren't so sure. Sometimes we are sure we have seen a colleague sitting in the office, only to find them coming out the bathroom.
Recently the dreams of people in my home have gotten pretty bad again, with my boyfriend saying I am hysterical but with my eyes open and moving fast and to put the light on in the bedroom. These people don't seem like they want to harm me, but it is scary all the same.
I put this down to possibly being stressed and cut out caffeine and sugars in my diet as well as making sure I am sleeping properly, and I have been pretty happy and relaxed for a while. I tried to put it to the back of my mind, but recently I was serving a customer at work who said I had second sight, and that it was pretty strong. What is second sight and should I be worried?
There have been no other incidents other than the dreams getting scarier!
Thank you once again to everyone who took the time to read this and reply, I really appreciate it.
Gracey x