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Crazy On The Couch


I recently posted a story on here titled The New Resident. That story happened to me years ago but this one only happened a few months ago.

It gets pretty hot here in Boise, Idaho in the summer, so my air is constantly running. My house has central heat but I don't have central air so I have a huge window unit in my kitchen window that cools the whole house quite well. Well recently as my luck would have it, my big window unit died on me (wipes tears from eyes) and I was not able to find anyone who serviced this particular brand of a.c unit. I know this may sound impossible but no one in my area dealt with this brand. So I went out and purchased a few portable ac's, the reason for me getting these and not another window unit was for the fact that all of my windows open sideways and not up and down. I could not find a sideways unit that was big enough to cool my home so I opted for the floor models. Any how, these do not cool nearly as good as the old one, and one of them even broke on me after my warranty expired, can you believe that? So I put the working unit in my living room and I would close all the other doors in the house and I would sleep on the couch, this worked very well.

Well my 7 year old daughter has a twin bed so to keep her comfortable I just pulled her mattress into the living room and let her sleep there. My daughter does ok sleeping by herself but there are times when she will wake up in the middle of the night and come jump in bed with me. I usually just wait until she falls back asleep and put her back in her room. So one night we were getting ready for bed, I had her mattress made up for her on the floor and like I said, I would sleep on the couch. I had her bed a few feet on the floor from my couch. So I'm watching television trying to fall asleep, and my daughter was already sleeping good and I finally closed my eyes to go to sleep. I'm not sure what time it was when this happened, I just know that I was probably asleep for about an hour or maybe two. I remember feeling my daughter climbing on top of me, I was asleep on my side and she climbed on top kind of laying length wise, head resting on my shoulder pretty much the same way I was laying.

So I lay there for a while with my eyes closed waiting for her to fall asleep again, I could feel her wiggling around trying to get comfortable (she's a wiggler) and eventually she gave in to sleep. So being sure she was good and sleeping, I opened my eyes and looked at her mattress that was besides me on the floor, she was on it sleeping! Now who in the hell was this laying on top of me? I summoned up the courage to look at whoever it was laying on me (only me and my daughter live in my home) and I got the scare of a life time. What was actually laying on top of me was a child about the same age and size of my daughter only this thing had the face of a demon. I looked at it and it looked straight at me. It scared the hell out of me. The only thing I could think of was to start praying. I believe in God, but I don't attend church or anything like that but I do believe. As I started praying this thing let out a horrifying scream. I don't know what scared me more, the demon's face or the blood curdling scream this beast let out.

Needless to say the prayer seemed to work. The demon (if that is even what it was) let out that scream and disappeared. So I sit up afterwards thinking great, how can I possibly go back to sleep after this happened. I just sat there thinking about it, racking my brain as to what had just happened. The next thing you know, I have to take a leak. Lord help me I'm not getting off of this couch! Not wanting to soil my couch, I waited until I absolutely couldn't hold it no longer and ran to the bathroom and took care of business, the whole time wondering if when I go back out would that thing be waiting for me. It wasn't.

My home was purchased new, I don't play with Ouija boards, worship Satan or anything else that would maybe invite an entity into my home, so if you have any idea of what this could have been and why it showed up at my home, by all means please leave a comment. I have not seen this thing again, everything is for the most part normal around the house. Thank you for reading. I have a few more incidents that have happened to me (not in my home) that I will post at a later date.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, matsaw, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
[at] Wondering1: Thanks for reading, it was a weird experience.
Wondering1 (4 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
Very creepy! I think that you handled it much better than I would have. I've always been sensitive to such things and sometimes just nightmares have totally freaked me out!
There is a 'world' or dimension beyond what we can see, that's what I believe anyway, and sometimes the two kind of cross over and get mixed up.
Prayer is always my first line of defense when I experience such things.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
[at] Javelina: I guess you could say I was taken by surprise, more like the reaction you get from someone jumping from behind a shelf scaring you. It was totally unexpected and only lasted seconds. It all happened at once, I saw, I prayed, it screamed and it was game over, very quick.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
Stupid, maybe. Human? Most definitely. Reacting to things that freak us out can be different for all of us. However, you turned to prayer, which I find very admirable. That being said, I am curious as to what was it that made you go that route? Was this your standard response? If so, then I can see how this situation was no big deal as you were prepared, spiritually, to handle such an occurrence. And I applaud you for that.
But it was statements such as the ones I quote below, that have me confused now.
"It scared the hell out of me."
"I don't know what scared me more, the demon's face or the blood curdling scream this beast let out."
Fear, by it's very nature, comes from the fact that we feel threatened. If we didn't feel threatened, we wouldn't get scared. That's common sense.

matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
[at] zetafornow: I know that sometimes the land can have energy attached to it, that may be the case but I know nothing of the land and the neighbors don't seem to have any activity that I'm aware of. I think it was just a one time thing, I hope so anyway. Thanks for reading and commenting.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
[at] Javelina: I don't know if you missed the part of my story where I said that I did not know what it was, it was just creepy and looked scary. Also there is no mention in my story what so ever that I stated that I felt threatened, only freaked out. As far as my child goes she's very well taken care of and she's top priority, If I would have felt like the boogey man was going to do harm I might would have taken another course of action, I simply made a choice that at the time I felt was right. I'm sorry but I'm not the type of person to jump to conclusions when I'm faced with something that I don't understand. Let's for the sake of argument say it was a dream, it would have been pretty stupid to pack up running and crying don't you think?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
Luckily, I had my sisters house to run to. And mind you, I KNEW this was just a nightmare. But because of the vividness of it, the horror was so intense, there was no way I was going to be able to fall back to sleep in my bed that night. However, had I believed for a second it was an actual demon, and my child was there? I wouldn't need to be a demonologist to believe she was also in danger, I wouldn't have risked it. Not a chance. Who are we to think we know the ways of demons? That simply praying it away from myself would keep it away from any others in my household? Leaving it in God's hands is one thing, but I was taught that God helps those who help themselves.
Back then, when you had a nightmare that intense, you didn't take it for anything more than what it was, a nightmare. These days, and I am not saying this was what occurred with you, I believe people assign much to the paranormal that can truly and rightfully be classic nightmares. It is far too easy anymore, what with Hollywood making the movies they do, to fall into thinking every little incident must be paranormal. I see it as the old needle in the hay stack problem. And with the influence of todays horror films, I imagine it was inevitable.
That's just the nature of the beast, I suppose.

zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
Just would like to make one comment. You state that the house was "purchased new". Hauntings don't happen just in old, run-down, scary, cob-web infested houses. A lot has to do with the land underneath the house.

Just saying...zeta.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
[at] cosmogal1926: I'm glad that you enjoyed my story. I always thought that if I ever saw a ghost or what ever it was that I saw, that I would freak out and run away but that did not happen in both cases where I have seen something. It's kind of hard to explain. You will never no how you are going to react to a situation like this until it happens to you and then you might even suprise youself. Thanks for reading.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
I never said I didn't believe you. I never said activity had to "lead up" to an incident such as you've described. I don't expect you to "make things up" to fit my "rules" of the paranormal.
There are many documented incidents of paranormal "high strangeness" out there- of which yours seems to fall under that category. I only questioned your immediate reaction as "odd" -considering the circumstances.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
Whoa! That gave me the creeps. I now have an image in my mind of this gross demonic looking face. It freaks me out even more to know it climbed up next to you and mimicked your daughter's wiggling to get comfortable. 😨 I honestly don't know what I would have done if that happened to me. I'm just glad that your actions made it go away and that it has not come back. Thank you for sharing your experience 😊
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
[at] Pjod: I don't think that there's a written rule that says something has to happen that leads up to a paranormal experience, It just happened, one and done. I read stories on here that were way more out there than my experience, It happened, I don't know why, and I'm not trying to be rude but you not believing my story does nothing to stop my day. It is what it is. I've explained everything that I can to you, unless you would like me to make something up that fits within your rules of the paranormal.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
[at] Javelina: All that I can say is that you would just have to be in my shoes, just because you would have done something doesn't mean it was right or that someone else would do the same in this given situation. I simply did what I thought was right at the time and my child was fine, it messed with me not her. In all honesty where the heck would I go?
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
I appreciate what you are saying with the "running scared" -and I agree, as far as any typical haunting.
But how you describe this encounter as a one shot incident- nothing leading up to it- and the "physical"
Aspect of it. You felt it before opening your eyes, face to face with it- That, being enough to chase anyone from their home, at least for the night. If there were previous incidents leading up to it, I could better understand your reaction. We're all human, and can't help the "fight or flight" reaction, when faced with an unknown danger. I'm not judging you- just curious how a person under that circumstance could remain as calm as you've described.
Spirit_Juggler (1 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
Demons will try to get in any way they can. Had you let it simply stay there, who knows what would have happened. I have had... Similar things happen to me. The Lords prayer almost always helps. I've on occasion spent hours just repeating the Lords prayer over and over to protect myself.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-18)
I really do have to go along with Pjod in this instance. And let me tell you, I had a dream that was so freaking realistic right after seeing that movie, that I was shaken to the core! I saw 'The Exorcist' when it was first released. BEFORE the cuts were made to it. I had a nightmare a week later where I dreamt I had woken up, sat up and turned to my right to look out the window that was eye level to me and only a foot away. And there she was, not 12 inches from my face, staring with that awful grin and nasty looking steamy breath coming out of her mouth as she breathed into my face. I could FEEL her breath on my face! You don't simply shake that off. Not THAT! This was prior to the birth of my eldest, but I did grab my dog by the scruff of the neck and yank her to safety out of that bedroom, the house, and into the truck. We slept the rest of the night at my sisters house.
If I had a child at that time, we would probably have moved even faster.
But I do know this, even if I had stayed, the first thing I would have done is count that kids fingers and toes. I would have made certain she was alright before anything else, and I don't know if I would have gone off to use the bathroom without taking her along as well. Because, if I was thinking this was NOT a nightmare, and it was for real? That kid would have been next to me for the rest of that night. You couldn't have ripped me away from her.

So I'm thinking this was a very vivid nightmare that left a terrifying impression with you, similar to what mine had, and because of that intensity you wrote it out as an actual waking experience.
That's my opinion anyway.

peacefulspirit (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
Hi,wow, this would probably scare the crap out of me as well, however I am thankful that I am a fairly logical person. I tend to think that there may be a psychological or medical explanation for this occurance. Have you considered that it may simply be that you were having a very vivid nightmare or that it may have had something to do with REM patterns during sleep. I am not that educated about this sort of thing but I have also had very "real to me" sleep experiences that I could almost argue was the real deal but logically speaking I know that this is not so. Hopefully you won't have this occurance again, I would like to say probably not but if you do maybe a professional could help explain this.
southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
Oddly enough being a believer in God can actually attract things to you too. I remember that once a preacher told me that it would be no fun to demons to play with something they already have, but to play with something that belongs to someone else, your enemies possession, now that would be much better. You have to think like one of them I guess. Some of the most activity I have ever encountered happened when I first got saved. People think they only go around paranormally interested people or people with some kind of bad spirit but that is just not true. It realized real quick that you actually did fall on to your belief in God when it came down to it. Nothing like testing you and teasing you a bit. I would not be leaving over it either. There is evil out there and we can't run from it. You did the right thing. You showed your strength over your fear by praying and not running. Good job.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
[at] H2olily: I would have to agree with you, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
[at] Pjod: First off this is my house, I live here. I'm not going to let no person or thing run me out of my home. Second I'm a rational person, I'm not going to panic or overreact to something just because it's creepy, I chose to stay calm and rationalize the situation, the only thing I would have accomplished by doing what you would have done (running scared) would have been to scare the living crap out of my child and personally I don't think that would have helped the situation one bit. As far as being concerned about my childs safety for the rest of the night, I was not. I put this in Gods hands and he took care of it. Now if it was physically doing harm to me that would have been a different story but even then I think the Lord would have taken care of the situation. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
Demons wander around with almost full access. They really enjoy disturbing and frightening people, especially the very young, weak and vulnerable, but anyone will do. They're demons and they're nothing nice and they don't play fair at all. Luckily, you were there to protect your daughter. You say you don't have an active spiritual life, maybe this is a heads up to start exploring one.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
I would think my first reaction upon seeing something like that, face to face, would be to push it away while leaping off the couch- you know, the fight or flight reaction.
"I sit up afterwards thinking, great, how can I possibly go back to sleep after that"
Your reaction, after the encounter, seems a bit mild, considering the horror you've described. I think if I were in your shoes that night, I would have scooped up my kid and fled the house- Were you not concerned for your child's safety the rest of that night?
JayGamer (31 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
Matsaw, well in that case I think this thing just randomly stumbled upon your house.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
[at] katcyn19: I would have been creeped out if it were a real person, for the fact that they should not have been there. I'm hoping this was a one time event, however if it were to happen again, then I would have to do something about it. I don't ever feel like there's anything in my home.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
[at] JayGamer: As far as I know I haven't met or been around any devil worshipers, I also haven't been to any places that would have demons and such.
katcyn19 (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
this is really creepy! I can't imagine having someone who goes on top of me then at a moment realizing that it's a demon... Hmmm I think you must get your house bless... Someone here in site also have the cleansing... Maybe it will help you...

I have not experience this one... But I have once on a dream with a demon... A red, angry creature who was on our door... Trying to get's freaking me... After seeing it I was crying for help... Until I woke up... Thank God! But until now I can still remember that dream...

Well, this story have a room on my favorite stories! Thanks for sharing... Keep safe...
SnudtoQueast (2 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
Yikes! What on earth could it have wanted, a snuggle? Also, had to laugh about putting the mattress in the living room for your daughter, here in NC we had to do that too, it was just so hot this summer! Hope it's cooled down and hope that your... Creature... Has not returned.
JayGamer (31 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-17)
Matsaw, I think you or your house attracted this demon. Did you go to a strange place before this and did you meet someone who practices dark arts, magic or occult?
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-16)
[at] misstee4: I know that I was not dreaming because I stayed up trying to build up the courage to get up and go to the restroom, I wish that it were a dream, I don't ever want to see that little monster again. Thanks for reading.
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-16)
[at] Ivory: It was a childs face except the skin was a grayish color, it was not pleasant to the eyes. Imagine the exorcist demon but younger. It was just plain creepy looking.

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