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Great Grandmimi


Several years ago in my old house, my little brother (whom was only about 3 years old) was taking a bath. I was asking my mom something as she was helping my brother get out of the tub. I saw him stare over my shoulder and smile with excitement. At first I didn't notice how he wasn't looking directly at me. He then shouted,"Mimi!" My mom and I immediately stopped our discussion, and turned toward where he was looking. Neither me nor my mom saw anything. Him shouting out wasn't just an act of child-like randomness. I knew who Mimi was. But my bro, at the time, didn't. Mimi or "GrandMimi Tumlin" was our Great Grandmother.

I would visit her when she was in the nursing home, and she'd always smile and hug me. She had snacks for me when I would visit. Most of the time they were individually wrapped snack cakes. She also gave me a green and white cat plush toy. Which my brother and I both took quite a liking to. She died at the age of 96 when I was 4. That was before my brother was born.

My bro didn't know about her when he saw her ghost. He hadn't even seen a picture of her. She was always a happy, kind spirit. She didn't get a chance to see my brother before she died. I think she came back to see how beautiful he looked, and how much he had grown. Now she has fulfilled her wish. I'm glad to have told her story. I haven't seen her, and I haven't asked my brother about her either. All I know is, Great GrandMimi's spirit is always welcome in any house I live in.


GrandMimi Tumlin.

I love you, and so does my brother.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SlatchBGore, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

beautifuleden (2 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-28)
oh I loved this story, gave me goosebumps! I lost my grandmother when I was 10 years old, we were so close and it warms my heart to think she is still watching over me ❤
angelsunwell (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-26)
This is such a sweet story, very heart warming. My children knew their great grandma, my grandmother, but they were too young to remember her, she passed away on her birthday in 2000, our super big family misses her dearly

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