This isn't a very "exiting" story, but nonetheless has my wife and I a little freaked out at the moment, and I thought was worth sharing.
Back in April of this year (2019), my wife's grandmother passed away on our daughter's 2nd birthday. Our daughter had met her great-grandmother only a handful of times. My wife's grandma had been suffering from dementia since before the birth of our daughter. Our daughter shares the same middle name as her. I will refer to my daughter as "Maggie" for the purposes of this story.
Maggie just turned two and a half. Her speech and vocabulary has improved tremendously over the past month or so to where she is now able to tell us about things, such as what she did today with the babysitter, who she saw today, etc.
Last night, my wife was showing Maggie pictures on her phone. She came across a photo of her grandmother taken not too long before her death. Maggie says "Oh, there's Nanna!"... Ok, so my wife and her sisters called their grandma "Nanna" when they were little. Nobody has used that name for her for years. We never taught Maggie that name for her (we would simply say "great-grandma" when referring to her).
So here's what gets creepy. My wife asks our daughter "how do you know Nanna?" and Maggie makes a face and says "I'm scared." (I didn't even know she knew what "scared" means by the way)... My wife asks "why are you scared?" and Maggie says "Nanna's in my room". So we asked her several times to clarify where she sees Nanna, and she would either say "in my room" or point upstairs. Then she tells us "Nanna sings songs".
So we were all pretty freaked out. I'm not sure that a two and a half year old is developed enough where she can tell stories. We started showing her random pictures of other senior citizen women and she had no reaction to any of them; then we would slip in different pictures of my wife's grandma and Maggie would point and say "Nanna." I get that she's probably at a new stage in life where she is starting to get to be afraid of things, but... Still, super creepy.
If my wife's grandmother is truly visiting our daughter in her room, I hope she realizes that she is scaring her and will maybe tone it down some. My big concern is that it is someone else. We bought this home from an elderly couple who has both since passed. I'll keep an eye on things and hopefully this doesn't go anywhere further. Thanks for reading!