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A Life Experience Of The Paranormal


My name is Nicki and I am 26 years old from Melbourne, Australia. My story starts as a young girl of 3 years old. In 1987 me and my family had moved to a cemetery in the caretaker's house. Experiences started from here, we were not there for long but after we left from there I became very sensitive to spirits. I cannot recall any memories from the cemetery but one of my babysitters at the time tells me about a house we used to visit and there was a young girl who had a twin sister that passed away and I used to kick and scream to until she would take me out of there.

Throughout childhood I had some scary experiences, I remember laying at a house and a big white figure flying through a window and scaring the living daylights out of me. One very vivid memory, I would have been around 4 or 5 and I was staring out my mums friends window, there was a witch figure that walked past the window, dressed in complete black... She or he had long hair and some sort of a hood or hat but it did not look up at me just stared straight ahead and walked past the window. Once again I was petrified and all I remember is my mum and her friends pulling down every blind in the house, doing anything to calm me down. Of course at these times no one had believed me.

A Life Experience Of The Paranormal

Weird experiences happened throughout my childhood, used to sense presences especially outside windows at night, I would drift off to sleep and the bed would shake and I would wake up in shock. I started to experience what is classed as sleep paralysis at 8 years old. My first experience was in the country at a house that had glass windows, I was drifting off to sleep and not being able to open my eyes and hearing and feeling a very loud buzzing or ringing noise and just seeing the whole room I was sleeping in with people surrounding the windows with old fire torches banging the windows trying to break in. I remember waking in complete shock and there was no one there. The experience of sleep paralysis happened a lot after that and I still experience it today (more about that soon).

When I reached my teenage years I used to hear footsteps outside the windows all the time, my sister also used to experience an old fashioned woman walking around our house in a long dress rattling coins in her hand.

As I grew I always had nightmares and reoccurring dreams. One memorable experience when I was 19 was we had a security camera in the front yard and the TV inside, my partner at the time saw a white ball appear and it just floated in a circle like it was alive. So we asked it questions and used our car and the tree as the yes and no points. We said do we know you, if we do move to the right side of the number plate and if not move near the tree, it floated from the window straight to the tree, it was amazing thing to experience! It continued like this for a good 10 minutes, from the car to the tree and back to the window near the camera as instructed. We said we had to go out and we wanted it to leave by the time we got home... It did just that.

When I was in my 20's the sleep paralysis got pretty bad and I used to be stuck in the state and sense presences good and bad around me and was always communicating with orb balls with my camera at times. I always knew there was spirits around me but never knew it would become an everyday thing eventually. In my 20's I started to see them as clear as day at times, I had one conversation with a young man who just stood behind me smiling and as I turned around and saw him he just said " so your Nicki" I completely was taken back as I knew no one around me at the time. I said yes and he just smiled and I walked away, looked back and no one was there, I had one person with me that didn't see anything. So that day was a very sad one for me, I was feeling very sad for reasons I can't explain besides feeling the presence of a couple of spirits hanging around that lost their lives through sudden accidents but they did have absolutely great energy about them and liked to be by the side of their friends that were around that day.

About a year later I moved interstate with my daughter, she was 4 and I was 24. This was a turning point in my life; everything just kind of hit me like BANG! It started one night when I was out and got a completely uneasy feeling and could not contain emotions I had no reason to have. The first night in my house I slept on the couch, a big black giant shadow hovered above me, I was paralysed and whatever it was, was not friendly and had no mercy at all. I woke up shocked as anything and couldn't sleep at all for the rest of the night, the next night I was drifting to sleep and in the sleep paralysed state. I saw my whole room and a young man come over, layed beside me told me about his death and I felt a hug and he told me, not to worry, everything will be okay. He seemed nice, he was one of the only spirits that could bring me comfort and I didn't fear.

It kept continuing night after night with a variety of different spirits, there were too many for one person to comprehend. One night I slept and awoke to a man standing right next to my bed not even 3cm away from me, I got so frightened I turned and put the blanket over my head so I didn't have to face it. I used to get grabbed so tight while I was sleeping by a white mist I would break out in horrible sweats, they used to sit on my couch and talk amongst themselves and at my kitchen table, in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Every night at a certain time, the kettle would flick on and off and the TV would turn on when I would turn it off before bed.

It was getting a lot for me, it was hard to stay sane, I had moved away from my family and friends and no one believed me in what was happening, it was very hard to deal with so I decided to go to the doctors to see if something really was wrong with me, I did that and he was not very helpful. So as I walked out I had a feeling to go to a shop that had mediums nearby, they were one of the best groups of people I had ever met. They really helped me through this time free of charge and help straight from the heart. The man I met was a healer and he came out to my house with a medium.

As they came out to my house, they brought sage and certain bell type equipment that made a weird noise; they walked up the stairs and felt it before they reached the front door. He told me not to go inside yet so we waited a few minutes and they entered. I was very shaky and felt so very uneasy. The healer told me to go into the lounge room with the medium while he went into my bedroom, closed the door and tried to talk to someone. In the meantime the medium told me he was going to do a meditation. He started to rock slowly then so uncontrollably it wasn't normal. I was frozen in my seat, terrorised and not sure what in the world was happening, the medium started to sound like he was going to have a heart attack and was coughing and everything, I couldn't move.

I heard noises that were like a wind, a very strong wind almost like a hurricane or something. The healer come out of the bedroom, the wind stopped and the medium woke up and couldn't really move. I was told they just did a clearing of quite a few spirits. I don't like to go into too much detail about that it was a very hard day for me but that is the true story on what happened that day. They left a crystal like ball in the house and saged down everything. They told me to be careful just in case there was a retaliation to follow, that there was! They cleared out a few spirits but not the main one who classed himself as more powerful than any of us.

After that day I started to get very sick and weak. I ended up going back to my hometown and staying with my family because of the retaliation and it just continued anyway. I was so scared, at my mums I couldn't sleep, every time I closed my eyes I saw flashing lights, saw scary faces in my mind, heard growling, and even had a man talk to me in what seemed like french, the reason I say that is he said something, something frencheea or similar to that but that's the only word I could remember.

I went to the local church the next day; it was a catholic church... My friend came with me. I went in there and during the service there was a woman screaming from what sounded like the roof and it was a haunting scream, something I never heard in my life, she would not stop but she sounded distant and terrified. It was not good. I asked my friend next to me if he could hear it, he said yes! After the service I asked the priest and the other people around us, there was a child in front of us that also wouldn't stop crying he seemed quite scared, no one else heard the screaming of the lady not even the priest.

We continued on to get something to eat. Now this was weird. There was a young man about 21 who stood beside me and asked if he could sit next to me at the table, my friend said No, go away as it was quite odd. A man who worked there explained to us that this young man was a local and was autistic. This young man went to the next table and just sat there and prayed, I didn't know what to think. I had a dream that night about the same church, there were 3 ladies standing outside looking at a body. It then flashed to the local church house with my daughter sitting on the front steps. Not long after that dream I visited that house and as I walked into the front gate there still is today 3 very big crosses on the front lawn made out of branches. Not sure what that's all about but yes it did make me step back and think.

I ended up going back interstate not long after, things continued, I set up a cam at a night time and caught all sorts of spirits, small, flying ones, white ones, black shadows running around and even one arising from the bed. I called a local priest to bless the house, it didn't stop either. I stayed in touch with the medium and healer from that shop; they got some more people involved from New Zealand, another medium and an experienced spiritual warrior (RIP Sonny). Sonny was great, he helped me a lot and went through a lot. Peter came through the house and had no fear whatsoever he was also great, he argued with the main ghost and even got into a fight with it to the point he was getting tight chested but didn't back down. The ghost was so upset it went into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him. I tried to talk to this ghost/s to tell it to go home but it wasn't a very good listener.

These ghosts were so uncontrollable that they did a lot to haunt the lot of us in the end. My house was out of control, everywhere I went the haunting followed. In my house, everything electric broke, the phone line used to go dead, the washing machine broke down, the roof in the bathroom collapsed, the kettle kept flicking on and off and one day I plugged in a hair straightener I had the music channel on and I'll never forget the song "Epic" by Faith No more was playing. The song froze on the TV, there is a part in the song where there is a hand with fire around it just as that happened I had a feeling to go find a hair tie. Just as I put the straightener down it blew up! I couldn't believe the timing. It turned all the power off after that and lucky for me I wasn't holding it. Someone was always watching out for us in that way.

Things continued and kept continuing and still do to today, I have had the privilege of meeting a lot of people to help me out with these situations and very grateful forever for their guidance. Today I live with it and deal with it a lot better than I did at that time. It has eased where the violence isn't so bad. I can deal with it with no fear now but it can be a battle some nights. To me there are a lot of unknown things out there and it's important to be able to find people to surround yourself with that have an understanding and can give you guidance if you experience such things.

I have many photos of spirits I have taken over the last few years as well as transfigurations and video footages. I am happy to share them. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am happy to hear advice on these situations and to share some more experiences and also answer any questions for anyone that needs a little advice. It's always good to have someone to talk to who understands in these situations.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nikitaa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

melbournewolf (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-09)
No worries Nicki, I hope the techniques work or are working for you:) Chi working is awesome as it's both powerful and very self empowering... No one, spirit or otherwise has a right to mess with anyone. These techniques let them know that you do not want them interfering in your life:)
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-07)
Thanks heaps for sharing [at] melbournewolf for sharing what you know... I love the chi part absolute:)
melbournewolf (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-28)
Actually I'll just share here, then others can benefit from it too. There are 2 techniques I have used that have successfully helped me when it comes to negative entities. I'll explain them for you and I hope they help.
Drawing light from the universe is quite a simple one, but also very powerful. Practice this a few times a day, and keep shielding yourself to help protect yourself... Visualize roots from your feet that connect all the way to the earth, this will allow you to shed any excess energy you taken in as this technique can leave you a over energized...
Think of white light coming from the heavens and allow yourself to feel this through the crown chakra... Let this light flow in to you so you can feel it moving through you. Allow this light to permiate all of your body, let it to spread out around you, into your surroundings. If you feel over energized allow it to travel through the roots you visualised that feed into the earth.

Building a psi shield is another line of defence you may want to try... A simple activity that you can work on is building energy balls in your hands... Move your hands around 5 cm apart, allow a warmth and a feeling of magnetic repulsion to develop between your hands... If you don't feel anything right away, move your hands away from each other a few centimeters, and then back together but no closer then 5 cm... Do this rhythmically, build it up gradually so you can get a real feel for it.
As you do this you should feel a repellent force build between your hands... Once you have practiced this and feel comfortable building these chi balls, you are ready for the next step, programming them with an intention and building a ball large enough to shield yourself with...
Firstly build a large chi ball. To do this repeat the previous step but allow the repellent force to push your hands further away keep moving your hands a few cm closer and then a few cm out so you get a feel for it growing in size... You want to make a large ball roughly a meter across. When it is large enough, you now want to program an intention into it... For you it would obviously be protection against these aggressive spirits. Feed all of your desire for peace and protection into this ball... Think on the energy in your hands and what you want it to do for you...
Once you feel confident that the ball carries your intentions, you in a manner of speaking want to surround yourself with this ball... Open it wide enough so you can step into it, this is kind of arkward, but you want to ensure every part of your body is covered by this ball of energy.
I firstly step into the ball, then move my hands up around my body, to my head then finally around my arms. Whatever way is easiest for you though is the way to go. One thing to note with chi balls, is the best way to feed the energy to power them is using technique one by drawing light from the universe as you do this... This saves you burning out your own energy which will leave you tired and lethargic... Anyways I hope these techniques bring you some peace or anyone else that happens to read this...

Peace love and light
melbournewolf (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-25)
Hi Niktaa yeah I can't see a message button either... With the techniques would be easier to explain them messaging for sure, so I'll pop up my email, drop me a line and I'll be happy to show you what I know, and hopefully it works:) belgdor82 [at]
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-24)
[at] melbournewolf: I'm happy it worked well with you, is there a msg button anywhere here, I tried to find one earlier with no luck... Perhaps you can share a technique with me? If you don't mind...:)
melbournewolf (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-23)
Hmm that's a shame, with the light drawing that I suggested, worked wonders for me, as I had some lingering entities and with that and the psi shielding they backed off. The power of intent can work wonders too...
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
haha best you do:) But you can't blame me sticking up for myself! Have a good week ahead:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
nikitaa: No, you're not bad 😆. Thank you and I accept your apology. 😊
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
[at] zzsgranny: Really sorry... I prob read the whole thing wrong, my bad:)
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
perhaps I read wrong... I didn't intend any mishap here... I thought I saw that I was copying something or other... My bad and I apoligize:) All I did was posted the link to facebook because I can't fit the story on the page...
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Nikitta, sorry for misspelling your name in my last comment.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Will you please reread my comments? And it's not my "opinion". It's copyright law. I never said you were copying stories. I was thanking you for not doing so.
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)

Thanks for sharing.

Hey no ones being nasty, we all are here to read and contribute to each others experiences right. Granny was just pointing out that there are certain guidelines on the site and only letting you know about it in a very polite comment. We appreciate it that you have only shared your story outside this site.
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
MY own and there aint a damn thing wrong with that and I'm sorry for whatever I did to tick you off!
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Okay! No need to be nasty! Sheesh: (we all have free will to opinions right? Whos story am I copying?:S
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Look, don't go copping an attitude. I'm merely stating that the stories of OTHERS are their property, and you do not have the right to copy/paste any of them (with the exception of your own). I also stated that you're NOT doing that so far. Keep it that way.
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
P.S: its my story not yours so ill do what I want with it... No offence to you just fact! Sorry:)
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Okay... Your point of view and that's mine with a link to the rest of a story... If you hate it... Delete it:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
nikitaa: I'm happy that you're a big fan of the site and glad to see your attempt to bring other readers here. But please be aware that you can't copy/paste stories from YGS. I don't see that happening on your page as of yet so thank you 😊
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
keep up with me and have a look... Somethings not right! Why not share it:)
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
and I appreciate all concerns for sure! I don't know what happened or how it all came about... I have done every bit of spiritual practice, I called a priest, I burnt sage, I burnt sandlewood I did a lot but to no avail... And that sort of scares me because there is no answer...
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Its still happening... Just like most day since I was born... I know to keep them at bay is to speak a name or two that they do not like... It works well for a while but it does not stop them from coming back you see... Its hard, I have been through this such a long time it almost seems kind of normal in a sense which I guess is good because having at least abit of control it keeps me at least half sain:)
melbournewolf (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-19)
Hi Nikitaa, you sound like you're a very gifted person... But you certainly have some spirits that have no right to get physical with you... Just wondering, have you tried protection techniques, such as drawing light to yourself and protecting yourself with a light shield? Also drawing in chi and psishielding yourself? These techniques can help dramatically...:)
favour (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-21)
Hello dear,
Your story is very compelling. The violent aspect of it is really disheartening.
In my opinion, your looking for mediums to assist you in all of your experience will only make you delve deeper into these paranormal occurrence. This was posted since last year. I don't know how your doing now as regards the occurence, but id love to make one thing clear to you, yes, it is only at the name of Jesus that every knee bows. Nothing evil can stand the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus christ. Special candles, rosemary flower cannot do anything about it.
Please try and get close to a good protestant church around your area and have the pastors come sanctify your home and mke a deliverance prayer for you. They will teach you how to pray and you don't need to invite anyone into your home.
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
No offence taken at all. I appreciate the advice you have given me. I have tried to seek a teacher but the closest I have gotten so far is through the spiritualist church and its hard to find classes. Will definetly look into this, thankyou so much for the suggestion:)
LakotaWinyan (2 stories) (63 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Nikitaa.

You are very gifted.

Have you given any thought to visiting an aboriginal holy man to learn and train to follow that path, to help others? They can give you things to help you protect yourself, and help teach you to not be afraid, and to communicate with the spirits effectively.
I see/hear them claim to be just like us (Native Americans) whenever they are on tv. If that is true they are like us, then they won't turn you away. They will always be willing to teach those seeking to learn, help those who ask for help regardless of who they are or where they are from.

Just something to consider doing.

No offense was ever intended, and I apologize now if I might have offended you.

Wondering1 (4 stories) (29 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
Thank you for sharing your story and the link to your Facebook page. I found it very interesting. The photos on your page are very good and gave me the "shivers", lol. I hope to read more of your experiences!
nikitaa (1 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
Thankyou for your kind words everyone:)
Kayajanie415- I understand the point you make and you may be right but there has been a few incidents where its happened and I have awoke and seen entities leave the room and also there is a footage on my page where there is a white mist leaving the bed, that was also a sleep paralysis episode so that's why I think it could have something to do with it.
kayajanie415 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
This is a nice story, but sleep paralysis isn't paranormal. It's extremely common and most likely unrelated to the hauntings.
eric1966 (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-19)
Thank you for sharing, I believe you and I'm glad you're o.k.God bless--eric

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