Recently, I posted the sighting of a lady in white dress, wandering around Unit EB 12. Well, a few weeks ago I worked on a nearby unit on the same floor and was retelling the experience to a couple of staff in the nursing station. The NOC shift lead, an RN named "Amy" told me, "I just worked there the other night and I saw her too. She was coming down the back stairwell, wearing a white dress, but she wasn't walking, she was floating. The hairs on my arm are standing up!" Should have asked if the figure floated out of sight or just vanished or how the sighting ended.
These manifestations seem to be very recent. I have worked at this hospital for about 20 years now and the lady in white is not part of the hospital lore to my knowledge.
Also, for many years now the male patients/inmates have been required to wear khaki uniforms head to toe, the women with dark brown dungaree-type slacks. It probably has been many years since anyone wearing a white dress would have been around, although part of the hospital was a TB ward back around the 1930's.
To me these stories are just intriguing, but the other staff I mention them to seem to find them extremely scary and upsetting, so I will be more circumspect about sharing them and asking questions.
Someone mentioned that a staff was unaccountably locked into a room in the basement of the EB building some time ago and that many staff will not go there. I just found a basement break room with a nice sofa where I can take a short nap on my break during the long graveyard shifts, but I have to admit, it does feel slightly creepy in there in the middle of the night.