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Real Ghost Stories

A Girl In The Black Dress


It was the day before Ganesh Chaturthi, and my husband and I, together with his friend and his wife, decided to take a three-day holiday to Puducherry. We planned to leave on Friday night after finishing work, hoping to reach our destination by the early hours of Saturday. By the time we arrived at our sea-view resort, it was already 1 o'clock in the night. The resort looked charming, with its picturesque views and welcoming ambiance. We chose it because we believed it would offer a positive atmosphere, free of negative energies. This was particularly important to us, as we were a newly married couple. According to our beliefs, we were more susceptible to attracting negative energies before completing our first year of marriage.

As we entered the resort, we were shown to our room, number 104. The corridor was dimly lit, and the overall ambiance was peaceful. However, as soon as we stepped into the room, I noticed something peculiar. The room itself felt colder than expected. Despite the sweltering heat outside, I tried to shake off the feeling of discomfort, attributing it to the fact that we were on the ground floor, but something about the cold seemed unsettling. Exhausted from our journey, we shrugged off the discomfort and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning dawned bright and clear. We explored Puducherry. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we returned to the resort, then the evening turned into a casual party with drinks and revelry, stretching into the early hours of the morning.

Around 3:00 a.m., I was abruptly woken from a deep sleep. My heart raced as I turned to my left, only to be met by a sight that froze my blood. There, hovering above the floor, was a little girl dressed in black. Her presence was ghostly, ethereal - her feet not quite touching the ground. But the instant I caught sight of her, she turned her head to face me. A scream caught in my throat as sheer terror gripped me. Her eyes, hollow and dark, locked onto mine. A cold, penetrating fear swept through me, leaving me paralyzed in my bed. My heart pounded violently, each beat feeling like it might shatter my chest. The room grew colder, the air thick with a sinister energy. Desperate to escape the paralyzing fear, I focused on my faith. I began silently chanting the Shiva Tandav Mantra and the Ganapathy Mantra, envisioning Lord Ganesh as a protective shield against the malevolent force. The girl vanished, leaving behind only the eerie silence of the night. My husband remained asleep, unaware of the horrific encounter.

Shaken and disoriented, I struggled to make sense of what had just happened. The message I had received in the dream - "Bhumi will miss you" - and the man's voice claiming that we were connected from a past life only deepened the mystery. It felt like a cryptic message from beyond, leaving me to ponder its meaning and significance. In the end, the encounter with the ghostly girl in room 104 remains an eerie chapter in our lives. Whether it was a spectral warning, a manifestation of past-life connections, or simply a haunting apparition, it left an indelible mark on our souls. The darkness that had intruded upon our vacation was a stark reminder that some mysteries are beyond our understanding - and that some horrors are all too real.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Eerie_Enchanters, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Eerie_Enchanters (2 stories) (7 posts)
3 days ago (2024-09-16)
hi Theomniscient, thancx for your concern but I keep experiencing such incidents rarely but this things happend
Eerie_Enchanters (2 stories) (7 posts)
3 days ago (2024-09-16)
hi rajine, sure I will upload that experience related to possession incident
Theomniscient (3 stories) (9 posts)
3 days ago (2024-09-16)
Well, I've heard that healing process really works on one's soul. So it may be really useful if you do the one. May be it may help you ward off that negative energy...
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
3 days ago (2024-09-16)
Hi Eerie_Enchanters

What else have you experienced?, I'd really like to read about your other experiences, including the ghost possession incident as well.
Eerie_Enchanters (2 stories) (7 posts)
5 days ago (2024-09-14)
[at] rajine maybe, but there have been some really creepy things that have happened to me before - as I was already possessed by a ghost before 5,6 years.
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
5 days ago (2024-09-13)
Do you think it's all connected somehow? It is a very interesting yet creepy encounter, perhaps you should talk to a priest or someone who will be able to help you understand what you have experienced.

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