In September I have submitted a story about my daughter called
8 Year Old Who Sees Ghost and Shadow People. She is nine now and Since then there has been other situations that I have witnessed. In my previous story I mentioned that more things are happening more and more as her birthday gets closer. Now since her birthday as passed, I believe that her gift has developed more. I hope you readers respect me for writing that. Maybe I am just jumping to conclusions.
Not too long ago my family and I were at my parents house for the weekend. Remind you that is an hour and a half away from where I live. It was at night I was in the guest room on my iPad and Alayna comes in upset. I ask her what is wrong and she tells me that she tried to get her grandma's attention, but she wouldn't listen. Alayna then cries and said she was walking past the bedroom door next to the dining area and saw a man (being) that was all black with white eyes that said hello to her. Then she heard a small little girl say hello as well. As she was crying she tells me that she knows the man is the little girls father because her body is just telling her. I asked her if she saw the little girl and she tells me no but she knows what she looks like. Immediately she starts giving a description of what the little girl looks like. And as I said before she tells me that her body is telling her these things, she just cannot explain how these feelings feel...
The latest event was the most scariest. As we were home, I was on the phone with my mom and as I was watching Alayna leaving the room, she fell forward, but catches herself. I ask her what happened, she looks at me and says, "Mommy, I was just pushed.". She said she got a little dizzy went to slow down and suddenly was pushed. I saw this myself, it was no ordinary falling by getting dizzy, there was force behind this.
The next night in the living room I got onto Alayna and told her to sit in the love seat for a time out. My husband was in the room with her and I went to my bedroom. About 15-20 minutes later Will brings Alayna into the bedroom and says something happened but she won't tell me. He told me he went to look at Alayna at the love seat and she was staring at the kitchen with a very weird look on her face, she wasn't herself. He tells me that this was the weirdest one he has seen so far. I ask Alayna what happened and she tells me that she had a book she was about to read and as she was starting to read it she heard a dark man's voice saying, "I hate you." and he just kept repeating it. She tells me that it was a black figure with the shape of a man and that he was holding a fork. I then tell her that we have to go back in there and she needs to confront it and tell it to leave.
Of couse she was crying not wanting to do it, but I talked her into it and that her daddy and I will be there. As we walk into the living room, she was clinching to me with her head down. I ask her if it is still here, but she wouldn't look. So I asked her does she feel it still here, and she said yes. She then looks and her eyes were focused at the kitchen. She said, "Mommy, he is in the kitchen sitting on the chair.". If only you readers we're able to see her eyes and face as she looked. I then had her to say, " In the name of God what do you want?" As she is focused she says it, she turns around at me and says he just keeps repeating, "I hate you.". Then I told her to rebuke it, and as proud as I was she did it on her own. After rebuking it, she turns around at me and places her head to my stomach and cries. She told me that he is gone now and said, "FINE!".
I get Alayna to calm down and go to my room. I get her settled, but she starts to complain about her arm. I notice a redness that developed about an inch long. At the time I am thinking it is a spider bite, because she is crying from the pain. I couldn't even place any ointment, cloth, or anything without her yelling and crying from the pain. She barely could move her arm because it hurt so bad. It also started to swell just a little. Here is the kicker, as my husband and I looked at it more closely for a bite, there is no bite, we see a scratch! The next morning I look at her arm and it was definitely a scratch. I had taken photos of it, before and after. Nothing happens for another nine days.
After this experience, Alayna starts to feel more relaxed and says she doesn't feel threatened anymore and doesn't feel anything around her, for now. After the nine days, she is laying in the bed and I go to the living room real quick. I stop to talk to Will and then I hear Alayna screaming for me. She said she heard footsteps in the room and it was crunching on papers. She kept her eyes closed because she didn't want to see it, but she said she felt the presence getting closer to her. I ask her where she felt it at and the noise and she tells me my closet. I only have some papers in there.
All this time I have told her she has nothing to fear and she won't get hurt, I felt so bad as if I had lied to her. Also around the scratch looked like broken blood vessels. And there was nothing else that could of caused this.
I am a Wiccan who happens to be a mother to a gifted child. IF you would like some more personalized advice and ways to help your daughter please feel free to contact me by email. It is on my profile page. My daughter that is gifted is 10 years old, so I feel that my family might be able to help your family if you are still looking for it.
Best wishes,
Missouri Wiccan