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Dead Bolted Door Opened On Its Own


Our company has been located at our Richmond, Virginia office building for almost 15 years. For years (as long as we can remember), we've felt a "presence" in the office -- especially at night time. We heard all of the creepy sounds of someone walking around, the banging noises, etc. We've seen the lights flicker on and off, and someone thought they spotted an "orb". We've "felt" someone in the room before... Even had an experience where it felt like someone got "grabbed" from behind.

We have two doors on the front of our building. One we use as our main entrance. The other door we keep dead-bolted. It never gets unlocked.

On Sunday, December 2, 2012, I came into the office early to get some work done. I left around 11:30am, and received a phone call from my boss at 3:30pm. He told me he just came into the office and wanted to know why the door (that always stays dead bolted) was opened... Wide open. I told him I was over by that particular door (the coffeepot is next to it), but never touched the door. My boss did a perimeter run to make sure that no one had broken in (there was a break-in several months back), but he didn't see any signs of anything being taken, etc.

He then pulled up one of our cameras that we have angled at that door. Around 2:52pm, the dead bolted door did open... But not with anyone's help. We can't explain it. We've zoomed in and reviewed the video several times. This door opened... And there was no one there.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cori81, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-10)
My opinion on the light is that either something outside like traffic or trees or something reflective is causing that or it could possibly be a spider web? However the brightness would be a common thing in Australia on a hot day and sometimes cameras behave that way - though cause this is from the United States and I don't know what the weather is like I can't really say it's a normal thing over there...

And something else about the light when the door opens, it is obviously coming from outside and if someone were there trying to pull a prank then a shadow would be present and we would clearly see it which leads me to believe that no one was behind the door - also those doors are practically solid unless someone has figured out a way for the actual lock to get jammed or pushed in and locked (Our work door locks can) thus when the wind blows past it forces the door open (I personally can't see if the dead bolt was locked in or if the handle was twisted).

Either way those are a few ideas that went through my mind (Hope they make sense) though I am still unable to say for sure that any of that can explain what happened... Maybe try test a few theories out?

But in my all honest opinion I can't explain what I saw with a positive answer and there's just something about the video that's not quiet right...
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Logan I may be wrong but based off the lighting it seems almost like there are windows to each side of the door. I am not sure about this and I may be wrong but there are 2 things that strike me as odd with this video, I am not saying this is untrue or a lie just that you may want to think about.

1. It may just be the angle of the camera or lighting but it seems to me that the door is just ever so slightly cracked, it seems light is shining in the top left corner of the door at the frame but only the side opposite the hinges. There does not appear to be light on the right side and if you look closely the bottom left corner of the door seems like it may not be flush with the frame.

2. The second thing is the door slows to a stop for a split second and then there is what sounds like someone smacking the door with broom handle or something right before the door once again begins to move.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Not to be a fussy pants, but, yes bad tapes will cause problems in recordings.

However, SOMEONE, something opened that door. I would ask around about who has a key? I have colleagues who might have done something silly like that.

Otherwise, I was still spooked. Well written, and makes me understand more why some people at my office like to keep everything locked when they are alone:)

Thanks for sharing Cori81:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
logan: Yeah, it's my opinion the shape is too consistant to be anything paranormal... 😊
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)

Does a bad disc/tape do that the light anomaly thinge?...that did not occur to me... For a minute I got excited that I had seen something on the tape:)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
cori81: This is pretty cool! 😊...About the light anomaly: Does your recorder use video tapes, discs, or are they recorded directly to a computer?...If you use tapes or discs, are they changed out regularly or reused?...The anomaly appears to me to be a defect in the actual media used; possibly a smudge on the disc, or wear and tear on the tape...

About the way the light is shining in, I think at that time of day it would, if the door faces West and there are no buildings or other obstructions... In December, at 2:30-3:00, the sun is right in a position to poke your eyes out while driving 😆, so it follows that it would be pretty bright... One other note, if a living person were standing there, a shadow definately would have been visible, in my opinion...

And I'm with Rook...I'd love to see if the door unlocked by itself... Thank you for posting!
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
There is nothing much to do but wait for the O/P to revert back I guess...:)

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)

Agreed, and the light coming in from from that side office seems a bit 'diffuse' compared to the UBER brightness coming from the windows/doorway shown in the camera. This may be because of curtains...but?


logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Agree it is almost like as if the door is facing the sun but the camera time is showing as 14:53 as well... Also since the door has a deadbolt, it might be a good idea to take a look at the door with a zoom on (like you have requested). I would be very keen to see if the deadbolt poped itself open or was it already open...

My first thought about the flashing ray of light was that its probably because of a window and caused by moving traffic... But I do not see a window anywhere else other than maybe in one of the side rooms.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)

I noticed that and sense you have asked about it... I also wanted to ask about how bright it is outside... Moving traffic (cars and such) may account for the light your referring to (that was my first thought) but why is it so 'blinding bright' when the door opens.

I could believe it is the sun if this door faced either the rising or setting sun... But the O/P states this happened at...

"Around 2:52pm, the dead bolted door did open..."

So here's a question... Why is it so blinding bright at 14:52 (2:52pm) in the afternoon?


logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
This is absolutely freaky... I am not sure if its some kind of reflection or if there is a mirror somewhere around but I can seem a ray of light up and down several times... Did anyone else see that?
beautifuleden (2 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Wow! Awesome video! I am so glad that I don't work there lol... Thank you for sharing this 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-07)
Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm very, very curious concerning this. Is it possible for you to post a link to a 'zoom' in on the door just before it opens, I'd like to see it close up if possible.



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