I will never forget the early hours of the morning on January 5, 2011. My dream was so real and vivid I can still recall every detail. I remember someone getting ready to strike me in the forehead with a large rock and it seemed that at the very moment I was hit everything went calm. I could see my body below me; lifeless. I remember thinking "All of the time I've been afraid of dying and it didn't hurt at all." My surroundings were the brightest white and warm. I felt like I was being cuddled in a warm blanket fresh from the dryer. It was the best feeling ever... And then I awoke. I thought about this dream all day but whenever I thought to tell my husband the thought would just leave my mind.
During this time my mother was battling stage 4 colon cancer and had a touch of bronchitis. My mom called me that night at exactly 8:07 p.m. I was shocked because she never calls me, I always call her. I asked her if she was O.K. And she said she was. Actually she said she felt great and had a good day. She had gone to her PCP earlier for her bronchitis and the nurse gave her a Prednisone shot even though her blood sugar was around 564. She called to tell me that my niece was pregnant with her 6th child. We talked and gossiped for about a half hour. She said was going to go eat and I told her I would see her tomorrow. When I hung up the phone I remember saying "Darn it!" and my husband said "What?" and I told him I had a dream and I meant to tell Mom about it but forgot... But I never told him either. I just said that I would tell her the next day.
At 2 a.m. January 6th the phone rings. My husband answers. I get up and ask who's on the phone. He says "It's your sister. Your mom passed away, I'm sorry." Within minutes I was dressed and heading to my parents' house 7 miles away. I walk in and her meal was sitting untouched by her recliner in the living room. The SOAP network was still playing. She had passed away in the bathroom. The coroner said it looked like she had been deceased several hours prior to my Dad finding her because her blood had drained to her feet. Remember, several hours prior she said she felt great. I was stunned and in shock! It wasn't until I saw my Mom in her casket two days later that I remembered my dream. I looked at my Mom and her left eye was bruised for no known reason. The coroner suspected she passed of a stroke or heart attack but initially put colon cancer on her death certificate.
I wonder if my dream was a sort of premonition of what was to come. I thought the dream was about me but I firmly believe now that it was about my Mom. I believe the dream was to prepare me and help me cope with the tragedy to come. Also, I don't think it was meant for me to speak about the dream or to "warn" her. If my dream was an exact representation of what the afterlife will be like, then I take great comfort in knowing that my Mom is in a better place.
Life is like a candle and when the candle is about to die you will notice a burst of life from the wick giving a large flame, then it will die. This is what happens with life people will have a huge burst of energy and seem as fit as a fiddle like they had never been ill and then they are gone. They usually hang around for a little while before the go, they like to reassure their loved ones that they are still around and there is life after life, they go on to where they are supposed to be but in the hour of need they will be there for us.