My fiance and I moved to Cartwright, Oklahoma, with my parents in August. I lived with them in this house before I met Patrick and I was used to the shadows and the noises. But when I moved back with Pat it got worse.
I was in the kitchen about a week after we moved in while my parents where in town. I heard what sounded like my fiance sneaking up behind me like he always does, so I turned around expecting to see him there with a grin on his face. There was no one there. I called out to him and didn't get an answer. Not 10 minutes later he walked in the front door. He had walked to the store not far from our house. I told him what had happened and he laughed it off. It happened several more times.
Then the other night my brother was visiting and was laying on the couch watching TV after our parents had gone to bed. My fiance and I were laying in bed watching TV in our room. A little over an hour later my brother knocked on the bedroom door and asked if Pat had just came out of the bathroom. Pat shook his head no and I said that he hadn't moved since we had laid down 2 hours before. My brother said that he could of swore it was Pat because it looked and walked just like him. This has also happened a few more times.
My mother has recently complained about me coming into her room and watching her sleep at night and my fiance and I know that it's not me doing it.
There's times I'll walk into the kitchen and catch my dad talking to himself and he'll turn around and look at me with a confused look on his face and he'll swear he was just talking to me.
I'm not really afraid because no one's been harmed but it does worry me a little that my fiance and I are being copied by who or whatever is here.