This story happened during my heydays as a theatre performer in RTU (Rizal Technological University). I used to participate in overnights before due to the last minute rehearsals and polishing. Afterwards, we would doze off and prepare for our shows first thing in the morning. Eventually, I encountered a lot of creepy stuff and did dread a night that scared the hell out of me.
We were doing a major musical that time. (It was entitled "1896".) The show was a success in the long run. We were so busy putting our make-ups on and changing costumes, etc. When the company call was held shortly, we wrapped our things up. Risers and improvised props were then brought upstairs since the lift wasn't working.
Five girls needed to carry a large riser and were headed to 5th floor. As we headed back to the main theatre, something turned odd. The air got so cold, we really had goosebumps. One just decided to hum since we were all girls and were pretty scared. Alas! I almost cursed my colleague's name (the one who hummed) 'cause it was as if she attracted a very negative vibe. Footsteps were already heard. The air grew colder than when we're on the 3rd floor. It just got worse when we stepped on the fourth floor. Right before our eyes was the shadow of a small boy, running, playing and looking at our direction across the staircase! God knew we all shouted and didn't mind how heavy the riser was. The rest of the group just stared wildly because we all started to cry when we reached the gymnasium.