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Real Ghost Stories

Just When You Thought They're Here


Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I'd never be able to write again on this website. It has been a year I guess since the last time I wrote my eerie experience on YGS. This one that I am going to tell was experienced by my aunt D in one of the most haunted houses in our compound. Remember my story," The Ghostly Double of my Aunt"? (The same house where doppelgangers are becoming more trigger-happy. This house has one interior door where you can easily reach the kitchen and dining area.). By The way, Aunt D is the eldest sibling of my mom and the owner of the house. She's a believer and has the ability to hear in a paranormal manner (hours before my brother passed away, she heard him whispering into her ears, saying goodbye.).Here's what she told us that Sunday evening of October.

It was 6 o'clock in the evening. Aunt D decided to check on her favorite dog, "Snookie" which happens to be my cousin's pet. When she reached her sister's house, she saw the dog lying in front of the main door. Unsuspecting, she came near Snookie and gave her some water. Then, she heard the voices of my cousin and her daughter from upstairs. " M, Ysa? Si Snookie di pa ata napapaliguan" (M, Ysa? I guess Snookie hasn't been bathed yet.), said my aunt. However, to her surprise, no one answered back. The voices just faded out as if some people sneaked in then decided to shut up. She called out their names again then went inside the house. She even stood on the stairs near my cousin's room but there was still no response. At first, she was thinking they were just too reluctant to answer but the thought still came to her mind: why would they get reluctant to answer if she was just 4 stairs away from their room. That's the time that she decided to get out of the house. After a few minutes, she went to my grandmother's house. She was still puzzled.Then,when she opened the door, She couldn't believe her eyes because that moment, my cousin, her husband, and her daughter were there having a good laugh with me, my mom, my other aunt. We could not explain how horrified she was. She totally stuttered and kept asking " Kanina pa ba kayo diyan?" (Have you already been staying here for hours?) Our eyes widely opened when she narrated what happened a few minutes before she went to my grandma's house. My cousin just took a deep breath then tried to look brave despite that creepy story. I wonder even up to these days if entities will still stop haunting that house.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, batchiebones, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

mythem (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-28)
Entities might be playing with your aunt's mind. I've read similar stories before. I would suggest cleansing the house immediately. There are several methods you can try, and (hopefully) at least one of them will work.

Best of luck,

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