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Black House


As in Sirius Black. Reading Harry Potter was amazing, but if you ever wanted to see the fictional Sirius Black Manor jump into reality I know the place for you right here in the capital of California, Sacramento, 2131 H street sits in the heart of downtown, amidst the businesses and wealthy victorian houses with perfectly quaffed lawns.

For as long as 15 years I have walked by its neglected pall of dark windows, and dead lawn, watching the bees make their way in and out of a hole in one of the walls. Among the living, they alone occupy the manor. The manor is stunning and beautiful like finding a diamond on a street. Running into people including paranormal investigators is normal, we load our eyes with the strange shingles cut to look like dragon scales and fitted by the craftsmen expertly over the house. The stone lion heads that guard each door in the front of the house. The rough-faced blocks at the base and the careful stain glass give this house an aloof air.

The family that owns this home is closed mouth, but clearly this house was created by an eccentric; looking like a gothic castle in detail. A friend of mine put her name and number on a paper indicated she wanted to see the house and left it in the mail box. Later she checked the mail box her paper was gone and no one ever called her. People like me who come to this house really want to go inside. I once thought I saw a woman grimly staring at me though the second story window, but then I heard that the home was vacant.

The story is that this house was owned by one of the wealthy founders of Sacramento, and his wife was mysteriously murdered therein. The manor is not on the market, but back in the 70's a family moved in and said they heard struggling in the kitchen, shattering glass and saw cats mysteriously streaking through the rooms then vanishing. Legend is that family left quickly. There also is an odor of rotting flesh that is said to warn off unliked visitors that dare come into the yard. Looking up the owners, the house is listed under the Martiniz family and the house is caught up in a property dispute. The children wanting to sell it, but they cannot agree on specifics, and so it remains unused.

The family seems to do the minimum to take care of it. This manors many visitors are in love with it, but I also believe that the spirit prefers her existence this way - alone and untouched by time and the living.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Athena, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghostfox96 (1 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-07)
woah, agreed that the house is beautiful, with abit of a gothic look going for it. & I also wouldn't enter alone...
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-25)
Hi Athena! I'm so glad you took my post the way I meant it 😊 ! I just find the whole thing amazing! I think I said that already!
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
Hey guys, copy pasting the address is usually more effective:
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
SEE Paul Dale Roberts story "The Martinez Home Haunting Investigation" catagory "Ghost Hunting" right here on YGS
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
OOPS! I am getting punchdrunk (lack of sleep). Paul published well before me. 😕
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
Soo Paul(ghost writer) just got back to me; he said that the house is Not owned by the Martiniz family that one of the real owners just put that out there for hungrey ears.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
Hi Bel How funny- I was just reading his story! His story was published after mine was, but it seems like we have pretty much the same info, but the house is popular in Sac so that doesn't surprise me. Also, I've been worried about that info I put in there. I have a friend who did some actual research on the property and found out via public records who it belonged to. Hopefully, I remembered the infor she gave me correctly! Sometimes the myths and truths bleed together. OOPS!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
Paul Dale Roberts is a ghost hunter and he submits some really detailed accounts of some of his investigations (sometimes too detailed! 😉 He has a story called 'The Martinez Home Haunting Investigation' and it has almost exactly the same info you have given! That is so amazing to me. It seems like the ultimate proof to me! (I just realized you may think I'm saying you copied his story 😢) But that is totally not the case! I am just blown away that two unrelated people have the same story to tell. He also has pics he has taken with activity at the house (from the outside). He caught orbs and faces in the windows that are really quite clear. I just can't get over it! It seems like such proof of paranormal activities! Wow! 😆
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
Probably a good thing Athena, it is one thing to have permission to enter an old home and another to get caught trespassing. Plus if it is truely haunted you could bring something more home than just memories. Thanks again for the link to the pictures and the story.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
Hi Hawkgirl and Blessed; I totally agree with you, I don't think that I'll be sneaking into the house. 😊
blessed (3 stories) (14 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-24)
This house looks very dark and foreboding even in broad daylight. I don't think I'd venture into that house alone.
Hawkgirl (6 stories) (55 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-22)
I don't know if I would dare entering this house... It sure seems to be the kind of place for paranormal activity to happen.
I assume there are ghosts in the circled areas, It's a shame I can't quite appreciate them but the pictures pretty much show the essence of this creepy place.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-22)
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-21)
Athena, thank you for sharing your story with us. Maybe sometime when you have the opportunity you could photograph this lovely old home from the outside of course and post it here for us to see.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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