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My Mom's Double And Other Experiences


I have had a lot of paranormal experiences since I was a young boy. I am 18 now and haven't experienced anything odd in a while.

The house I lived in definitely had some evil spirits who tormented me and my family since I can remember. My father and mother only recently told me that if they needed the loo through the night they wouldn't go.

My mother told me a story recently that when I was about two my dad had just left for work. My mum had me in her arms and then she felt something pulling her hair. She said that she panicked and just left the house until my father got back.

A few days later my dad had a chain with the crucifix on. He would wear it every day (Catholic) and out of the blue it went missing. A few months had passed and he said he'd forgotten all about it until he come in from work and found it inside the fireplace (behind protected glass) as good as new (very odd).

Skipping a few years now, I was about 6-7 and my dad flicked the TV over and left Salem's Lot on (scared me stiff when I was younger). I was screaming to turn it off and then the part come on where the kid is knocking on his friend's window. I went a bit over the top and accidentally swore and got sent to bed. I remember shouting for my mum about 10 times, each time pausing--waiting for her to come up. I then heard the sounds of footsteps walking up the stairs. I had my room door open and was expecting to see my mum and then nothing happened. No one was there and I hid under my quilt and fell asleep. That night I woke up with my mum, or the double of her, standing over me, staring at me and then she said, "Go back to sleep. It's alright." So I did. Next morning I remember asking my mum if she had come in my room that night she said, "No!" with a confused/worried look on her face.

Recently I did some research and found out demons take human form to fool people. Well, it worked on me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Everton-FC-1878, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

InnerTurmoil (1 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
It sounds a lot like a doppelganger they are usually an omen, It is an exact replica of your mum/mom/mam except usually more evil.
Everton-FC-1878 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Good point, but I still do believe that whatever it was good/evil spirit formed into my mother, woke me up by staring at me which led to me to then ask my mother if it was her for attention maybe? The other time I got woken up by a ghost this was deffinately evil, I had fell asleep sat up watching T.V on the top bunk bed, My mum used to cover the T.V with a towel because I had seen reflections of a man in the T.V this night I had woken up and half asleep I had noticed that I couldn't see the T.V at all, and when I took a second glance I was horrified, there was a tall, slim and scruffy looking male staring right at me I could only see his head, neck and shoulder area of his body, he had a blank expression on his face an then slowly tilted his head to my right and revealed a gaping hole in his neck. I froze and then got really scared and shouted for my dad, I screamed so loud my dad actully come bursting in with a baseball bat in that short space of time whatever it was swirled in a anti-clockwise direction and then disappeared. That was an evil spirt I could put my life on if.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Well, I'm sure as heck not suggesting "guardian angel" and I don't think anyone else was. I'm suggesting that it was an intelligent ghost, the leftover emotion/awareness of a deceased human being. The paranormal world is a lot more complicated than angels and demons. Humans don't always go straight to whatever afterlife you choose to believe in. Some stay on this plane, some try to interact with the living. And just as all people have different personalities, all ghosts have different personalities. Some are friendly, some not so much, it depends on their character in life. Angels, demons, ghosts, tip of the iceberg.
Everton-FC-1878 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
So by the sound of things you guys are suggesting that this was a guardian angle and not a demon? I was led to believe that demons take human form to fool people. Let me just add that since moving away from that house my family have benefited alot. In our hold home there were many tough times, a lot of arguments, money propblems ETC and within 2 months my mum and dad both found work an there has been no problems since. We believe that house was cursed.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Well, OP, the thing is that the activity you've described so far just doesn't sound demonic. Stuff disappearing and reappearing somewhere else is pretty common in ghost haunts. And if you're completely sure the vision of your mother wasn't a dream, then I just can't imagine a demon saying anything as nice as "go back to sleep. It's alright."
So, the recent research you mentioned at the end of your story came from talking to the mediums who visited? Did they specifically tell you the house was haunted by demons? If so, I really hope you didn't pay them for their services. Demons aren't so common that every odd occurrence is the work of demons.
The activity you've so far described sounds like an intelligent, human ghost haunting. It also sounds harmless and like nothing to worry about. Try to take a step or two back, and look at the events in your home from an objective perspective. It may settle your nerves to consider the events without the "D" word in your mind.
SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Everton from what you have described it sounds to me that you had a mischievous/playful entity. The moving/hiding of objects and then placing them back was been done to wind you up.
I would also lean towards the doppelganger of your mom been the entity trying to comfort you and took the form of your mother in order to not scare you.

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Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
some folks do have a doppleganger. It seems your mom has one too.
It could have been your good gaurdian spirit who took the form of your mom.
When your moms double spoke to you was it comforting or scary?
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
Everton, I don't have any answers at this time, but I do find it very interesting. Especially when your Dad had the same experience. I am leaning more to the latter comment I made. Mom knew more then she let on.
Everton-FC-1878 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
I have lots of other experiences with spirits, when I have the time I will be sure to share them. If anybody has any other questions please feel free to ask.
Everton-FC-1878 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
Referring to other goings on in the house, there was one time me and my brother went to PGL (with school for a few days) my mum dad and my sister went to stay in Bristol UK where my great uncle had a huge house there. Moving on now my dad asked my grandmother to open the blinds in the morning and my grandfather to close them in the night. On the second night my grandad went inside to switch the lights on and there was no bulbs in the lights, he went and bought some and when he come back they were lined up on the sette.
Everton-FC-1878 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
It definitely wasn't a dream, I know for a fact that I was awake. When we had mediums around they clamied that demons can take human form. This also has happened to my father when he was younger, he said his mum or her double popped her head in the room then left, he said he immediately went downstairs to ask her if she just looked in his room, she was doing the dishes and he says there was no way she could of done that in that time.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
Obviously, your parents' must have had some experiences or they'd have used the loo as needed.
I'm with BJJ on the image of your mom. At 6 or 7, this could have been a dream OR Mom knew more than she let on which is why she was confused/worried.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
What happened in the house that made your parents too afraid to use the bathroom at night? Nothing you've described here sounds particularly over the top scary. Why do you think the image you saw of your mother was a demon? Could it have been a dream? I'm not sure you would have been able to just fall asleep with a demon around.

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