So last week I was lying in my bed when I look to my right for my water bottle. While I was grabbing a drink, I saw a tall black figure of a man. I didn't freak at all, I was just thinking I was crazy.
My room is well-lit at night due to the moon shining through the three bedroom windows. I do not drink or do drugs and I sleep alone. This figure didn't stay still, it turned and walked through my closed bedroom door. I got up to see what just walked out of my bedroom door and it was nothing, but I noticed it was warmer then my bedroom, which is strange because I don't run A/C in my apartment.
I usually never remember my dreams but ever since I have had the most vivid dreams, not nightmares just strange. Some nights I wake up drenched in my own sweat.
Well, last night I saw the man again but I could see a face. I felt chills and felt like he was harmful. The face look pale and boney, but the eyes were dark. I felt like I needed to defend myself. I sprinted at him in a full tackle and fell to my face and just got to my knees and kept looking down at the ground. Out of nowhere it got cold and the hair on my back stood up. I felt like he was over me, I didn't look back for about 80 seconds or so. Nothing was there.
I went back to bed and I kept having dreams of this figure strangling me. I feel threatened.
Please help. This has never happened to me in my life and I never had such vivid dreams in my entire life. I feel like the next time I see this figure that he will show his strength and presence even more. Should I grab a camera and try to take a picture? I don't tell my friends or family because I know I wouldn't believe them if I never experienced this.
Have you researched the property? Had any construction on/within your home?. I only ask these questions because they could help you with figuring out if this is a residual or intelligent haunting.
I also agree with the previous comments that an entity that shows itself as a black figure. I myself have run into spirits that are black but that is mostly due to the lack of energy that the entity is drawing in I have also had my run ins with demons and they tend to cause much stress,depression,anger when they are around people.
I do not believe that what you have in your home is a demon since it seems that it has not caused any real harm.
The dreams are caused by the fear that you have of the entity and if you watch any horror movies they also play into your unconscious mind causing nightmares and such.
I have dealt with Night terrors my whole life that take the cake since the pain and the marks from the night terrors enter my waking life. If you continue having the nightmares keep a dream journal and write down any information from the dream that you can remember after doing so look up the pieces of the dream on this web site to see if your dreams are trying to tell you something. If this does not work use a dream catcher they really help.