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Prohibition Speakeasy Construction Renovation


As a young Journeyman in a construction union I had been waiting to finish my apprenticeship so I would be able to run my own jobs and in a way be my own boss but when I finally got the opportunity to work on a job by myself, I was wishing that I would have been working with someone else.

First off I was given a key to walk into my project that was located down a shady brick stairwell from the outside of the building. This stairwell led to a door that you most commonly see in old prohibition movies about Elliot Ness and the mob. Thinking nothing of it, excited to finally work alone I was shown my project and I worked my first day there aware that it was eerie inside of what is now a Children's Center but nothing happened.

The next day I went in to work earlier than I usually did so I could get a better idea of what kind of material I needed for the work week. I used my key and quickly turned the lights on. I walked down a brick hallway further into the basement. The whole area that was once a speakeasy had motion activated lights set up, again I didn't think anything of it. There was one dark room in the whole basement that didn't have any motion lights at all. When I reached the bottom of the stair well I peeked my head in the dark room and waived my arms thinking it would turn the lights on. At that moment a wooden chair slid across the floor. I remember the sound of it echoing as I started screaming and running in the other direction but I was the only one there.

Eventually I found the maintenance man and told him the story. He told me that he knew about the ghost he was the one that painted the religious picture down there and that one time he saw someone walking through the building when he was the only one there. He said "I don't mess with them and they don't mess with me"...

True story.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
upoper? Ok make that an upper floor! 😆 Geeze, I need either coffee or sleep. *shakes head*
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
Isolde - thank you. Truth be told, you never know what might scare a person. Sometimes even those with 'experience' can get scared. I am reminded of a time when I was working at one of the elementary schools, and had heard others inside with me, when I definately was suppose to be alone. A beer can falling down the stairwell from an upoper floor is definately a 'red flag'! So, I called the cops. They sent 6 armed officers, and paired me off with one as a safety percaution, as they investigated the entire building. His partner started down from the other end of the long hall of the floor we were on (bottom floor) while the two other teams split up on the upper 2 floors. Anyway, the cop I was with asked me where a certain door led, and I replied it went to the basement. Just as he was about to start down, taking the lead, I advised him to 'walk heavy' as there were a few rats down there. I swear, I have never seen someone unholster a gun so fast! He stayed in the door way, and asked me if I wanted to go get his partner. Cop or not, the mere idea of a rat scared him. (Flash forward, no one in basement, cops found no one else in building, but did find several empty cans of beer on the second floor. An exit door had also been 'propped' with a pencil in the jam. The ONE door my 'boss' had told me not to worry about as he had checked it before leaving!)
Like you said, fear is just the matter of pushing the right button.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
Yeah, I think it's one thing to be in an area and be expecting to hear/see/feel something like during an investigation, and quite another to hear it out of the blue 😆.
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
[at] Christine, you're absolutely right. Val too. Seeing or hearing a chair move out of his own, would have shown that everyone (well, chances are high 😆) would have a 'little heart'.


P.S. Yes, even you 'dad'!
Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-08)
Honestly I don't think we should be judging them on the base of their gender, for all we know that could be the only thing he is scared of but can stand up to some viscious animal just fine and hold his own.
Point is he heard the noise of a chair being pushed (I don't actually think he saw it at all Val I think he meant it sounded like or maybe he had seen the room the day before and knew there was a chair, If he could specify that would be great!) and he was startled and whether I be female, male, tall, short, muscly or scrawny I too would probably run screaming too.

Just a question I would like an answer for but what happened next?
Did you go down and investigate maybe with a friend this time?

Glad it was nothing too serious only very scarey! 😨
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
Dear Isolde,

Dada always accepts collect call.
I don't have a klein heart! 😉

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
How true, Isolde! I don't think a chair moving across a floor of it's own accord would be considered 'normal' to anyone.
But, I do wonder if it was dark, how did he see it move?
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
And I would like to add that in my opinion everyone has that button... Even if one doesn't know it yet...

Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
Vulcan, we have an expression in my language 'een grote man met een klein hartje', literal translation: a big man with a little heart... Some guys look very tough, but in reality in certain situations can be very sensitive or scared. Just a matter of pushing the right button. Even for a construction worker. 😁😁

vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
wait a minute... Your a guy... And a construction worker? And because of an abandoned property and a noise you run screaming like a little wench at the first sign of trouble? Thank goodnes you didn't say you was ex military too or all hope would be lost for modern man.

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