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My New House Might Be Haunted... Help?


This is an ongoing haunting that is occurring in my new house. I have had experiences before, and I might write about them some time in the future, but I would like advice for this house first. I have lived here for going on three months, and have racked up about four encounters that are making me think my house is haunted. First, I'll tell you about the house. It has a basement that looks like dungeon, two bedrooms on the ground floor, a set of incredibly steep stairs that lead up to the second floor. There is a surprisingly heavy door about a fourth of the way up the stairs. You open it, go up four or five more steps, and turn to see a really wide hallway with two closets, and two bedrooms.

My very first encounter happened before we had officially moved in. I was sent to the new house to wait for the water man to come and turn on the water. I sat in one of the downstairs bedrooms to wait, watching YouTube videos on my phone. Suddenly there was a loud thump upstairs. I jump out of my chair, scared by how loud it was. It was directly above my head. I decided to go check it out, dialing 911 into my phone, but not pressing send. I crept upstairs, looking around. There is nothing in either of the two rooms. I even checked the closets, even though I was terrified. Nobody was there. There was no furniture that I could tip over to account for that thump. There was also nothing hanging on the walls.

I beat a quick retreat, and pulled a fold up chair that I had been sitting on earlier to the front door. This way, I could watch the doors on the stairs to see if someone had some how been hidden. Also, I was right by the front door so I could run away. Then I heard a bunch of softer thumps. They were softer than the original thump but loud enough to scare me. I thought it sounded like someone running around upstairs, or when my dogs run around playing. Much too loud to be just the house settling. I got ready to run, but nothing was opening the door, so I just waited it out until the water guy came. Once he got there, the sounds stopped. He does his things and leaves. I sat there until my mother came home with some of my brothers and sisters, trying my hardest to not think about the thumps. I texted a friend to distract myself.

Finally, my family came to clean up the new house and make sure it was ready for us to move in. With them there I was confident enough to run upstairs and check the upstairs again. That was when I realized that the second story windows cannot be opened from the outside. Some of them are painted shut, and the other two are locked with their screens in place. There is no way to lock the windows from outside, and no way to reach the window without a ladder in the first place. There was no explanation for those noises that I can possibly think of.

My second encounter involved the stairs. I was trying to shuffle the dogs outside for a potty break. I was in the dining room, right beside the stairs, when a quick flash of white dashed up the stairs. At the time we had a partly white cat that my sister was keeping for a friend. I thought it was the cat. Since it was nervous around the dogs, I decided to close the stairs door so the two dogs wouldn't freak the cat out, but I realized that the door was closed, and the cat was not there. It couldn't have gone up and then down without me noticing, since I was right there. Anyway, I walked up to pull on the door, just to be sure that it was closed all the way, and it definitely was. You can hear the door opening or closing because of the incredibly loud clicking that happens when you turn the knob. And you can hear it audibly rubbing against the thick carpeting of the stairs. It is not obnoxiously loud, but you definitely notice the noise if you are in the dining room or kitchen. I was in the dining room, right by the stairs. I did not hear the door close. I walked back down stairs, and saw the cat sitting on one of the dining room chairs, ignoring the dogs. I told my mother, who is in the kitchen watching me with a bemused expression on her face, what had just happened. She smiled and shrugged, brushing it off. I tried not to think about it and let the dogs outside.

Speaking of the dogs, they are around me all the time when I am home. I have one of the upstairs bedrooms. When I am sitting up there, they will routinely stare intently out into the hallway. Especially at night. I will listen intently, and usually hear something to explain it. At those times, I will be able to snap them out of it. Sometimes I can't hear anything, but can still snap them out of it. But sometimes, they can't be snapped out it. They don't growl, but they are scarily intense. No matter how much I try to get them to stop, they refuse. I can snap them out of it when they hear sirens, when there is a thunderstorm, or any other time when they get scarily intense. It is only at these particular times when I can't step them out of it. The only time they get anywhere close to behaving this way is when a squirrel is in their sights. It's scary, but I can't be sure that this is paranormal. Can they be reacting to hearing a squirrel outside? I doubt it, but I'd love to hear back about these particular instances if possible, especially with dog or cat owners who have gone through haunting. I haven't told anyone about them doing this.

And the final encounter that I have had happened just before I started writing. In fact, it is what prompted me to write this. It was the most... How do I say this... Intimate (?) encounter that I have ever had to date. It creeped me out a little. I was just standing at the kitchen counter making a taco, and felt a distinct rubbing on my right calf. At first I thought I had a blood clot in my leg because I'm sort of a hypochondriac and I had just read about Deep Vein Thrombosis. But then I realized how stupid that was, because why would I have a blood clot in my leg? Anyway, after about a minute of continual rubbing, my mind flitted through a list of explanations, from a stray thread on my shorts to a fly or mosquito to the cat or one of the dogs. But after none of these things proved true, and it just kept happening even after I moved around a lot, I began to suspect that a ghost was to blame. I was freaked out and ran up stairs to my room.

I am nineteen now--I was eighteen when I moved in a few months ago--and I live in northern Indiana. I have tried to tell my parents and siblings about this, but they don't believe me. Nothing has happened to them. Part of me hopes that they will have an experience, but I kind of think that that is mean thing to want. Is it? I just want some confirmation that I'm not crazy and/or imagining this. Please, any advice? Anyone? I'm kind of scared, because it's only happening to me. Now I would like some advice if anyone has any for me. I don't think this is evil or demonic, but I'm scared. Nobody is taking me seriously and I'm worried that the activity could escalate, or turn evil. Please, any advice at all about how to handle this would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hunting_for_answers_, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ScaryHome234 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-15)
Very interesting. So this was a few years ago, or a few months?
Hope you find a solution😐
meow3 (23 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-24)
I was wondering about the door to the stairs too, thanks for explaining that. I'd been picturing a door at the bottom of the stairs, I guess that's also was Rook was thinking. All that aside, your story is very interesting, and also well-written. 😁
hunting_for_answers_ (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-14)
Livinit: The landlord did do some renovations just before my family moved in, so maybe that is it!
Also, I'm jealous that you are going ghost hunting. I would love to go ghost hunting sometime.
livinit2 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-14)
Hi again hunting_for_answers_. I agree that some help from and expert would help. Also, a lot of times when you first move into a house they will be haunted because of renovations to the house. My cousins and I are going to be doing a lot of ghost hunting this summer so then we will really get a feel into the paranormal. Our first investigation is either this weekend or next weekend, and I'll put what happened up on the site.
hunting_for_answers_ (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-13)
livinit thanks for the advice.

I have friend who has a father who does extermination, so I in two weeks the father will check my house for rodents and things. I have looked around myself for any evidence and haven't found any, but I want an expert's opinion.
openminds (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-12)
Experienced supernatural occurrences, however, resolved it in a more Asian way. This entailed printing off a picture of two Chinese lions and placing them around the house and ensuring you don't touch the images of the lion.

It worked really well as there were no more paranormal activity after that.
livinit2 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-11)
I had to make a new account. So this is the one I will be on. Not to different from the last one 😆
livinit (1 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-10)
Hi hunting for answers. I'm on my mom's account. I to am hunting for answers about the paranormal. I am I bit younger then you but I have had a lot of experiences. I am one hundred percent sure your house is haunted. What I think you should do is find someone who will help you do a night investigation. And when your dogs act like that, ask them something like,"Who's there boy?" And when something touches you or something say that your not afraid of them. I think that would help. Look for my stories.
I loved yours! 😊
hunting_for_answers_ (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
Rook: Thank you for clearing that up. I was at the bottom of the stairs in my dining room. The door is at the top of the stairs. I can see about a fourth of the way up the stairs from where I was situated. To see the door you have to be at the bottom of the stairs because of a wall, but you can see most of the stairs from the dining room. I wish I could upload a picture, it would make explaining this a lot easier.

Meryln: Thanks for that tip, I will definitely try it! Also, I wouldn't call it a ball of light exactly, just a whiteness. It's hard to explain.

I'm planning to do research of my house at the local library. It is very old, as is all of the houses in my area. I will definitely keep you guys updated! Thanks again for all the suggestions and feedback and stuff!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)

I agree there is a chance that the spirit of a departed cat may be 'visiting' the home. Rodents/Animals in the walls still need to be ruled out as a possible cause of some of these experiences.

My comment to you was meant a little more 'tongue in cheek'...perhaps I should have included a 'smiley' to illustrate that.


Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
Ok,rook.But can I suggest that her house is being haunted by the spirit of a departed feline pet? I came to this conclusion after reading the story twice.
Can you dig this up from the landowner/last owner?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)

No coaching please. It may cloud the issues and the O/P may not get the right advice or aid she may need.


Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
Hunting for answers,
I think you mean the ball of light went THROUGH the door and you could FEEL it go to the top of the stairs.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)

My question was based on this part of your statement...

"I decided to close the stairs door so the two dogs wouldn't freak the cat out, but I realized that the door was closed,..."

I had the impression that the 'door' in your statement 'closed off' the stairwell and was just wondering how you saw something 'streak' to the top of the stairs if the door was already closed and blocking the stairs from view.

Please keep us updated.


Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-08)
Mention not, the pleasure is mine. But your statement that you would seemingly like the presence of spook in your has disturbed me a little. Ghosts can be very bothersome, especially the type you are describing. Such touchings can lead to psychic attacks, bruises on the skin, emotional problems, outbursts of anger etc. Is the ambience of your place peaceful? Dogs can 'see' spirits.
Another way to know if you are being 'spooked'_sit in meditation, if are able to ooncentrate everything is fine. Draw a
Circle around you for protection before you sit down.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-08)
Hi Hunting_for_answers,
If the door to the stairs was closed, then how did you see the white streak run up the stairs? I believe that is what Rook is asking.
hunting_for_answers_ (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-08)
Hello Rook, thank you for your question. Unfortunatly, I'm not sure what you mean... I stood beside the stairs and saw a white blur go quickly from the foot of the stairs to the top. I'm not sure if you that answers you, but I don't fully understand your question. About the dogs: they have recently begun growling and barking during these episodes, so I will definitely get the walls checked out for squirrels and other rodents. Also, they don't act like they are "watching" a squirrel, they just get really intense like when they see a squirrel out on a walk. It's the level of intensity that is similar, nothing else. Also, I will definitely look at your page for the cleansing and thanks for the journal suggestion.

Meryln: thank you so much for that advice, I'd never heard of smudging before, I'll definitely look into it.

Shady: I hope you are right that they are myschevious. It might be fun to live with ghost who just want to have a little fun.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-08)
I'll start with a question about this statement...

"I was in the dining room, right beside the stairs, when a quick flash of white dashed up the stairs. At the time we had a partly white cat that my sister was keeping for a friend. I thought it was the cat. Since it was nervous around the dogs, I decided to close the stairs door so the two dogs wouldn't freak the cat out, but I realized that the door was closed, and the cat was not there. It couldn't have gone up and then down without me noticing, since I was right there. Anyway, I walked up to pull on the door, just to be sure that it was closed all the way, and it definitely was."

If the door was closed how did you see this white streak 'dash' up the stairs?

Next...if your dogs are acting like they are 'watching' a squirrel... Maybe they are... Or at least some sort of animal in the walls of your house. Has it been checked for rodents/animals in the walls? Everything natural needs to be ruled out before the paranormal can be considered.

If you truly feel the need to try something 'Pro-active' please check my profile there is a Cleansing and Shielding Method I use for my home and Family posted there. You can also begin a Journal and do some research into the background of the house itself... When was it built? Who (if anyone) has died there? What was the property before a home was built there? These are things you can research that may help you find out what, if anything, is really happening in your home.


Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
I feel you should smudge your home with sage. Sprinkle holy water or just plain water on the walls. The next time you feel anything caressing you, just tell it to move.
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
Hey there! The last thing you felt happened a numerous time with me too, but I have always been able to shrug it off since I am not really that bothered. Talking of thumping, I would like to say that spirits love attention. They want their presence to be felt. Apart from it, I don't think it is harmful in way, that's just my opinion. I am sorry but I can't comment anything about your dogs' reaction. If you want, you may try to dig out some information about the house you're living in. Who knows you might find answers to your questions? If things get extreme, you might seek the church or any religious building for help or you can ask your respective religious representative to help you out of the situation. Be safe, keep posting. Thanks.
Amie_16 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)
Hey hunting_for_answers_!
Nice story but I'd like to tell you that the last encounter that you've mentioned has happened to me as well loads of times I guess it is nothing. That's only my point of view don't know what others think!
Thanks and regards 😊

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