I need some advice. My family and I moved into this apartment in November last year. Since the first night, there was something that I kept seeing at one of my bedroom windows. It was like a very black shadow that kept moving. I checked and couldn't see anything outside nor inside that could cause it. A few nights later, our older son came into our bedroom and started freaking out, saying that there's someone at the window. I told him it's just a shadow, as we are on the second floor and it's not possible for someone to be there.
Our bed is close to that window and I usually sleep on that side. About a month ago, my husband happened to sleep on that side of the bed and when he got up and went to shower the next morning, he was alarmed to find a long scratch going up his thigh. That same evening I went to get my nails done at the salon and stayed a bit late. My husband told me that in my absence, our 2 year old daughter was in our room and kept pointing to the same window, saying there's mommy!
I decided that enough was enough so I went to the window and said a prayer then asked whatever entity that was there to leave. I'm a Christian, so I asked them to leave in the name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit. I repeated it in the night and we no longer see nor sense anything there.
Fast forward to this morning, I noticed dark handprints on our ceiling, from the balcony to my son's bedroom, right over the bed! They are few and far apart, not very bright and small, mostly the fingers.
Sorry for the long post, I'm just stumped. It's seems so unreal. We're just sitting here wondering what on earth to do next.