This happened to my dad in the late 70's early 80's. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table talking to one of my cousins about one of his friends who drowned in a lake. He said when he mentioned his friend's name "closet door opened and out walked his friend." My dad was in shock when he told him they would find him at point 10 at 10 in the morning on the lake. My dad, not being scared of nothing, was shocked that he seen this.
My dad left the house and went next door to my aunt's to get my mom. Mom said when she walked in the whole house smelled of fresh roses and there was puddle of water in front of the closet door. My dad was shocked when his friend's wife called and told him when and where they found his body. My dad couldn't believe what he was hearing "considering his friend told him the day before from the closet where and when they would find him."
My dad really didn't believe in ghosts until this day when this happened. Mom almost didn't believe him until she walked in the house to smell the roses and see the water. One thing you have to know is my dad would never make a story up like this. My dad is too honest I just couldn't believe the story when they was telling me this.
My dad and mom never went to the lake after this has happened. I guess it was just too much for dad to handle considering that was one of his best friends.
So let me know what you think about this story. Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks. This was a story like I said my mom, dad and cousin all told me happened.