The incident I want to write about happened almost exactly six years ago. I spent part of the summer with my relatives in the UK and in August I flew back to Poland, at the other end of Europe. When I reached my parents' home I was dog tired after a night spent in planes and on the airport in between the flights, and a half of a day in a car. I didn't sleep much during that, as you can imagine, then, at home I had to unpack and do some stuff, so when the night came I was really exhausted and seriously needed some sleep. So I went to bed.
My bedroom was a big, spacious room upstairs. To get there from the stair landing I had to pass through the other, much smaller room with one window, opposite to the door leading to my bedroom. I could see that window from my bed actually and I usually kept the door between the rooms open, as I never felt really safe in my bedroom.
That night I fell asleep very fast and I slept like a stone with no dreams whatsoever. But there was no rest for me. I woke up suddenly, with my heart pounding, and immediately noticed that there was someone in the smaller room, clearly visible in the dim light coming from the window nearby. It was a tall man in the old fashioned dark suit and white shirt. The most horrible thing was he didn't have any visible head on his broad shoulders. It might sound stupid (or like a story written with someone with the imagination not enough vivid), but where his head should be there was only a mass of something like a stiff, greyish fabric, vertically creased and covering entirely his head and neck (if there was any, that is).
I was scared out of my mind. I started screaming, I screamed so loudly I had a sore throat for the next few days. I felt like this entity was not Casper, the friendly ghost. It was evil. Fearing that it might come into my room, blocking entirely my way out and thinking that I would go insane if it touched me or something, I decided to use my only chance of escape. I sprang out of the bed, run out of the bedroom and into this smaller room and dived in that space between the entity and the old wardrobe, standing next to the wall on my left. I was actually doing that with my eyes closed, I would not dare run anywhere near to that something, looking at it.
Miraculously I managed not to smash myself into anything and I made it to the stairs. But when I was running through that place the entity stood, I swear I touched something. It was cold, smooth, soft and a little bit sticky, a bit like a fur covered with the cobwebs. Then I flew downstairs, nearly falling down the steps in the process, and waking up my dad, a skeptic, who does not believe in paranormal, he even denied the things we witnessed together.
I spent the rest of the night on the couch and the next day I went to investigate. Believe me I was scared when I was entering that room, even in the full daylight. I examined everything carefully, looking for anything I could touch accidentally, while fleeing from there the night before.
Nothing. The wardrobe was closed tightly, no clothes were sticking out. The place where the apparition had been standing was completely empty, no cobwebs on the wall, and nothing fur-like around. To this day I don't know what I saw and what I touched that night.
My parents' house is almost century old. I don't know about any deaths happening there, but there were many paranormal occurrences in my bedroom and in the other parts of the house. Mostly noises, knocks, bangs, footsteps on the stairs (once my parents and I were sitting in the living room downstairs, my sister was upstairs in her bedroom. We heard someone walking down the stairs, through the hallway, then the bathroom door opening and closing. We assumed it was my sis and imagine our surprise when she really got downstairs a moment later), the doors opening and closing by itself, a rattling like someone was pulling the door violently, once a voice whispering my name.
So yes, definitely there is something in that house. But what did I see that night?