I was lying down in bed wide awake. I could not sleep at all because I was depressed. I have always had long, thick hair, and I was lying on my left side with my hair flowing down my back behind me. At that particular time I was sleeping in my dad's bed and he slept downstairs because my bed was broken.
As I lay there, some moments crying about school, and some moments just calmly staring at the wall, I suddenly felt a hand yanking the hair in the middle top area of my hair. It did not feel like a friendly yank. It was so frightening of a feeling that my eyes immediately widened and I laid there still and frozen for the rest of the night without moving. I never looked to see what it was because I was so scared.
My dad and my brother have never reported any strange experiences in the house and I never had any strange experience before or after this particular night.
Whenever I relive what that moment in time was like, tears come to my eyes. It was my one and only unexplained experience and I interpreted it to be a negative touch.
I did have a dream a few years later where the dream explained to me that I had been randomly picked on by a deceased teenage boy, but since that was a dream I take it with a grain of salt as many of my dreams have been untrue.
My father was never clear with me on whether he believed me. For quite some time after that experience I, being fifteen at the time, refused to sleep alone. I almost wonder if this ghost saw my reaction of fear and realized he should leave me alone because I was not the type of person who could handle an experience like this.
Halloween just passed recently, and on the news reporters spoke of haunted places. That is when I felt comfortable sharing my experience with my husband. Being that he trusts my word he did believe me, but he wanted to know why I would not turn and look to see who was pulling my hair. I cannot express enough the fear that I experienced and that I do not regret remaining still. If it happened again I may still decide not to look.