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Great Grandma's House


First I will say my Great Grandmother has lived in the same house for over 50 years, and this took place in this house just over a week ago.

My mother and dad came down from Missouri for an important eye appointment and decided to stay at my great grandmother's home while she was away. I decided it was absolutely wonderful and spent the entire week with both of them over there.

Around 8:30 one evening, I decided I needed to get some fresh air, and take a smoke break. I wouldn't feel right smoking in her home, since she has never been a smoker.

I stepped out on the front porch, without the light on, because I don't like the idea of someone or anyone being able to see me, and I can't see them. I'm scanning the yard and the street, and over to the left of the yard, between a pecan tree and my parents car, I see a shadow of a little girl standing there.

The girl's shadow looked like she had a wide brimmed, straw hat and a poofy dress on. She was approximately 3 feet high. I took a step forward to get a better look, and she stepped back. I froze for a second, I truly figured it was anything other than what I was seeing, but at that moment I was shocked! She continued to stand there, and then faded after a few moments. I had absolutely no idea what to think of this. I wasn't scared, just shocked at what I witnessed.

Later that night keeping the earlier event to myself, I was laying down in one of the spare rooms, my mother and dad in the living. The bed was too soft for their backs, and the couch was firm enough to comfort them.

We all had decided to call it a night around 9:00 pm, and were asleep for a couple of hours when I heard this beeping sound coming from the kitchen. It sounded like my mother was pressing the buttons on the microwave, I figured she was warming up her coffee. She's legally blind so it takes her a little longer. I told myself if she doesn't get it around the third try, I will get up and help her out. Third try comes around, and I head for the kitchen. She and my dad are sound asleep and the beeping is still going on.

I make it to the kitchen, and the beeping stops. I look around and can't find anything that would cause it to go off. I check inside the microwave, the oven, everything. I start to walk out of the kitchen, and the beeping starts up again. I jump and almost pee my pants because the sound seemed to vibrate the kitchen. I turn around, and I see the oven timer is going off, the microwave is beeping, at the same time. Their dogs start going crazy, hair standing on end and my dad jumps up, asking me what's going on? I said I don't know, the appliances are acting weird. After being asleep and then being scared, that's literally all I could say. After a few minutes, the microwave and oven stop making the beeping sounds, and I head back to bed.

The rest of the night was, restless. I kept hearing little light footsteps running up and down the carpeted hallway, someone opening the bathroom door, and short giggling in my grandmother's room.

That was the only night out of the entire week, anything out of the ordinary happened.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, spiritwaiting, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-12)
zzgranny, your so very welcome. I actually had chills when she told me all of that, it was exciting! 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-12-11)
spiritwaiting: Thank you for the update. It's always great when our experiences are validated by someone else! 😊
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-11)
Ok, I visited my great grandmothers home, 3 days ago. I was talking to her and casually brought up spirits etc. She started telling me about small things happening around her home. Small items disappearing, her hearing a child giggling, her phone ringing and no one on the other end. She let me know this hasnt been a recent occurence but has been happening for years. I told her about my experience, and she said" Oh yes, I see her all the time." But only outside. Shes not scared of these events, but she prays for the spirits there. So apparently their friendly.
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-26)
That's great to know. I'm sure everyone will be waiting for your update... Goodluck and Take care. Thanks for your time:)
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
dear bluemer04, I am to,I've made an official visiting date with my Great Gma. When and if I get any answers, results I will post them here as comments. Because I'm really curious now, all of you have convinced me to. Thanks a bunch!:)
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
Great story, things gone crazy. If that happens to me I woudn't know what to do... I would have peed in my pants or just run away... But I am curious with the little girl though.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
Dear Redwolf, Thats exactly what I was thinking,"uninvited". My great grandmother is an older religion type of woman, and I believe this would scare her a bit. I will, go over and visit, and just bring it up. She may be open to it. I enjoy your stories as well. [at] Dontlookbehindyou, Your right is could have been faulty wiring, but just about 6 months ago, she had an electrician come out and replace all the older wiring throughout. And to add to it, she has a special playroom for the younger children, with all the old toys I played with some years ago. That may have been what attracted the little girl.Hmmm...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
I would be freaked out too. That little girl came into your great grandmothers house uninvited. She was playing with kitchen appliances and walking around the home giggling in your great grandmothers house. Sounds to me like she enjoys the house and wants to stay there. Call your great grandmother and ask if anything weird is happening. If so ask her if you can do a cleansing and use Rookdygins method.
Loved the story. I put it in my favs.
DontLookBehindYou (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-24)
I've got explanation for only one of the events: The beeping happening like crazy! Faulty wiring, I'm thinking. As for the rest of the events, I'm stunned!
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
[at] RomanzQ,glad you like my posts. And no unfortunately, I haven't been back there since my parents left. And it was quite a night for me. [at] ghostalert,well shes definitely getting up there inher age, during the time we were there, my great grandma was in the hospital due to a broken hip. And you have some great ideas. I suppose it could be, an old friend playing tricks. [at] RomanzQ, I really enjoyed reading your last post, I hope my comments made sense and helped you somehow. 😊
GhostAlert (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
This post is so amazing! I guess because your great grandma is old (sorry if she's not!) She must have old close friends that might of died form old age or something! Maybe they were visiting your great grandma as they were expecting her to be there and not you and your parents! I've herd that ghost and spirits do communicate through electrical equipment etc.! The ghost kind of does sound like a child though, like the giggling and the little girl you saw! Perhaps your great grandma was close friends with a little girl! It's possible! Great post though, I've only just joined so I'm new to this stuff but I'll definetely check out some of your other posts! 😁
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
Hi there Spiritwaiting 😁

Always great reading your posts. Why is it that little girls always seem to be the creepiest?

Did you ever find out who the little girl was? Sounds to me like whatever it was, was being rather mischievous... Much like the antics of a naughty child trying...

Blessed Be

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