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My Path Has Begun


Dear YGS family,

I have had quite a few new experiences within this house.

I've grown quite a bit spiritually. I've opened up to new experiences and have found my calling.

I have set up 2 different altars. One for my workings, the other for my ancestors. Both have grown significantly as I've learned and continue to learn about my path.

I've met so many new people, and have become great close friends with a few that I never thought I would have. My life has changed and again will soon.

Which leads me to the experiences. I have caught a voice on a video of mine recording from my cellular device. I was recording a video of a ritual I was conducting. Throughout the entire process I felt a presence with me. Watching and guiding me. I always record my rituals and then write down certain things about them. For whatever reason still unknown to me I said " well hello" and within about 4 seconds later a long drawn out "Hiiiiii" came through.

I didn't know I had caught that voice at the time. Because I was patiently watching over my candles etc as they burned and had put my phone on the charger.

The next morning while taking in the fresh breeze and warm morning sun from the front porch I had remembered that I had recorded and was wanting to do a bit of playback on what I had done.Didn't think or know I had captured a voice on it.

I started to play the video, turned the volume all the way up and listened.

I heard myself and then got the shock of the rest of the week and excitement! I caught something replying back to me.

Just to be clear, I make sure I have protection in place at all times. Wards amulets circles etc.

The next day while I doing some research on some things, I decided because I was in a meditative state I would record on my phone again. The phone was placed on the bed behind me and I was reading at the time. I eventually finished and turned the video off.

The room was completely quiet, the only thing you could hear on the audio was of me turning a page and a voice that sounded like mine chanting something in a language very lightly for the first four seconds of the video. It suddenly stops and then it's the page turning from the book.

Other times while I'm sleeping in the bed I will wake up to hear something going on around my workings altar. I'm not exactly sure what's going on. I've heard shuffling around my bed, nothing new there. And have found one of my crystals on the floor off of my altar.

It's hard for any of my kids to be in the room too long, I've made a sacred space in there, as that's truly the only space in the house I can be left alone to do anything.

I have always been in tune with spirits, whether it was noticing the energy they have, seeing them around or hearing them. But it's as though the volume has turned up and it's getting interesting. I have learned so much within the past couple of years. And am on a continuous learning journey. I can't seem to find the words to explain how I feel now that I have accepted my path. I feel grounded, more leveled, happy.

I know this wasn't exactly exciting or scary. But I was excited to tell you all about this. My journey has begun.

Thank you for reading


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, spiritwaiting, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Spiritwaiting, I took a break from the site and missed the video. (The link says it's removed.) No big deal if you don't want to upload it again.
I really wanted to apologise for my conduct over the last week or so. It's been bloody deplorable and I'm sorry for that. I have PMDD which is not a direct cause for rudeness nor is it an excuse. I've really wrestled with whether or not to say that, because I fear it would seem contrived. Please don't take it as a ploy for sympathy either, I want you to understand that it's really me at fault and NOT you. Regardless of where in the month I may be.

Miracles, oh god, Jubilee again. Look, I've been thinking about this during the week and I really think I got it wrong with her. She joined around donut time and that flipping idiot that consumed the site for yonks. Jubilee was sickeningly nice to everyone when she first joined and it eventually made me suspicious. But you know what, she's just like that cause she's nice. Some people are naturally sickeningly nice. Nothing wrong with that. I latched onto my suspicion of her, and Rex, (thought they were the same person), and didn't let go. But when I thought about this during the week I realised my suspicion was outdated. That I was living two years or whatever in the past. Reckon I was at fault there too. Because when I think about everything I've read of her now there's like nothing wrong with it.
Think I'll send her an email about this sometime in the near future. Feel I owe her that.

Umm, so in the interest of keeping things on topic, because that above was pretty long winded. Spiritwaiting, I've noticed a house theme in your narratives. (Think I'm remembering that right) anyway I think I've picked up something I don't know how to express but it could be empath related I guess. Are you the kind of person who remembers locations more than, or just as much, as people? If so the energy in your home could be allowing you to fire on all cylinders. Also the voice in the recording, maybe you're making it out because you've heard it before. Subconsciously you recognise it's there. While the rest of the forum can't hear a peep. Hope that makes sense. It's just that sometimes people swear they hear things on recordings and others can't. Maybe it's more of a psychic link between individual and entity unknown rather than a physical capturing of voice phenomena.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)

I also agree it could most definitely be a mixture of all the normal background noises I have going on. Contamination is a great possibility.

No I haven't heard the voice again. But I haven't recorded much since that either. The voice doesn't and didn't sound familiar at all to me.

I honestly don't know if that was anything or if it wasn't but I found it interesting and wanted to share to see what y'all think about it.


I can't even tell ya how many times I've listened to this. Replaying just to catch another noise I didn't hear before etc.
Yes my voice was at the 3 or 4 second mark. I was speaking sort of low... And the voice was what shocked me. But I agree it very well have been all the nose just mixing together to make that.

Thank you both for watching the video and giving me your feedback! It's greatly appreciated.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Greetings, spiritwaiting.

I've listened to the video about ten times, now. I'm presuming that your voice is the one speaking around the 3-second mark.

I'm satisfied that the voice at the 9-second mark is inconsistent with the noises being made by your dryer. The pitch and timbre do sound like "hi," but it's a bit like the vowel has a glitch in it (hi'i). It sounds like a much higher pitch than your voice, too.

I have no idea what this is, but, as Macknorton pointed out, "other noises captured on that video could have come from anywhere, or anyone."

Thanks for making the vid available for us to hear.

LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering this: do you believe you know who (or what) said 'hi' to you? In other words, did the voice sound familiar? And have you recently heard anything since that particular recording?

While listening to your vid, I had to use my headphones (Bose) at the highest volume in order to just faintly hear the 'hi' - but I did hear it, mixed in with all the dryer sounds. I get that you're new at recording and such; I think you did well, but just remember that noise contamination and bad audio can ruin a decent video...

Thank you for taking the time to upload and share w/us!
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)

Not offended at all. And I agree. The voice could have simply been something from the noise in the background. And no it wasn't to prove anything. I thought it was interesting what I may have caught on the video. And sincerely wanted others to tell me what they think as well. I appreciate your comment. And thank you.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Hi Spiritwaiting

Please don't be offended, that's not my intent at all but I'm sorry, am I missing something? Is this video supposed to be proof of spirits or ghosts? All it really proves, to me, is that clothes dryers are noisy. Just my 10 cents worth...

Any other noises captured on that video could have come from anywhere, or anyone. Any noises that can't be explained rationally, logically, in the clear light of day shouldn't then be simply assumed to be "paranormal". I believe we need to be a bit more skeptical before defaulting to "that MUST be spirits because I don't have any other explanation" mode.

I can sympathize with you if spirituality is extremely important to you, that's great in these truly crazy times, but the only really important spirit that you will definitely have a LOT of contact with is your own.

My feelings are make sure you get in touch with your own spirit/soul/mind and love and nurture that above all else, then you will be in a better place to share that love with others.

Peace to you and your family.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
The dryer was running in the background. After you here me" Hello" about 4 seconds later the Spirit says "Hi". Thanks for watching the Video. I really wanted you all to hear it and watch it.

Thanks a bunch
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Thank you Valkricry! For posting the link! That's helps so much!
The_Morrighan (2 stories) (44 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
I'm sorry but I heard nothing on that audio other than the OP. Might just be me though.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-01-06)
Link for Spiritwaiting's vid
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)
Thx for the info. Spiritwaiting.

FYI, you can copy and paste the link here in 'comment' once you create the vid at YT.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)
Light might,

Kyra Daniels video " Spirit Talking". That's what you can search and it will only have one video.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)

I don't know how to find the link lol. But if you just put in search bar Kyra Daniels there will only be one video on there
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)
Sounds good! Is there a link you can provide? I love a good YT vid 😉
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)

I am most definitely not overcompensating on anything. I apologize for my words towards you. I realize I was being quite over dramatic. I am extremely protective over my beliefs.

Mania no. Trying to explain and write what has happened, and figuring out how all of you could understand the energy that I feel when I share these experiences with you is exciting. I truly do enjoy being on here and reading all of your experiences and then sharing mine as well.

I apologize to you and everyone else. I shouldn't have posted any comments until I read and then soaked it in first. I know better.

Anyhow... If you'd like to watch and listen to that video let me know.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-05)
Hello all!

Ok I've uploaded the video to YouTube. I trimmed it so you can catch my voice and the spirits' voice right after. If any of you would like the channel I would be more than happy to send you the information.

I am still quite new to trying to upload anything. I spent hours trying to figure out sound cloud lol but that was a no go. So YouTube it is.

I appreciate all the comments.
Sincerely Spiritwaiting
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-01-05)
Tweed - you are certainly entitled to your opinion, as we all are, but one thing I don't get is why you mentioned Jubilee. She wasn't even participating in the comments.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-01-04)
Careful guys - the comments are getting a bit too close to being inflammatory. Let's play nice, shall we?
The_Morrighan (2 stories) (44 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-04)
In my opinion it's better to be a forthright 'sarcastic little so and so' than a fake. I've read many of your posts over my years lurking here and you're always honest and perspicacious.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-04)
"Tweed, "


"Pitbull in a cage no. Pitbull being house trained in a kennel yes."

I've just now read about this type of house training in dogs and can understand how it can be done. I'd not heard of it before, you've enlightened me. Still don't know how I feel about it though.

"And no not sure why that would just randomly pop in when it has absolutely nothing to do with this post,"

It's the way my memory works. I connect the energy I sense from someone to a few details in my memory of them. If there's an alarming detail, as I perceived there to be, that memory screams loudest whilst simultaneously reinforcing itself to a predilection.

"unless you were trying to make a jab? Hmmm?"

Yes, I was taking a jab at what I thought to be animal neglect. However it seems I'm pleasantly wrong on that count.

"You to me seem like maybe you have some work to do on yourself as you insinuate that maybe I'm not telling the truth or is it just me. Quack like a duck?"

Actually no, I believe your accounts to be truthful but now I'm wondering what you're over compensating for.
If you read my initial first comment on this thread I was posting out of confusion and concern. If it quacks like a duck, yes, because your narrative reads to me like a kind of mania, as I posted before. Like others I was concerned for your children also.

"I believe assumptions make ass' out of people."

That's not actually how the saying goes, but point taken.

"So never assume anything about me."

It's actually too late for that. You've consistently pinged my radar as unhinged, your tedious vitriol confirms it for me.

"I will post the recording if someone could tell me how to post it. I'm still not sure on how to do that."

What Val said, soundcloud is free too, so all good there. I was surprised you didn't upload or ask how in your narrative considering how long you've been a member here.

"I don't spend all day trying to prove people wrong or downplay their experiences because you weren't involved in it. So cut that out."

I wish people would proofread their comments. Okay I think I got this. I won't shut up if I'm concerned or have something I feel important enough to warrant my time commenting. You don't have the right to suppress what others think or say.

"You could keep your negative thoughts and comments to yourself no need to comment on my experiences if you want to bring that here."

I don't want to say anything else to you after this post. You and Jubilee I've sworn off the pair of you.

"I didn't post this experience for help or advice. Let's get that clear."

You gladly accepted help offered by others.

"I posted because I miss being on here from time to time."

Welcome back.

I will forever be a sarcastic little so and so who grew up on too much Monty Python. I don't have time for anyone's ego or touchyness. I comment honestly and that's something I've had to work on, as a person following her own path. If my intentions are lost on you, or a group of people, well you were never going to see my point of view anyway and that's okay.

All the best.

And now for something completely different.
The_Morrighan (2 stories) (44 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-03)
Postscript: I'm very much looking forward to the audio too!
The_Morrighan (2 stories) (44 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-03)
I hope I didn't come across as though I think I'm the encyclopedia of all things spiritual. Whilst I've been practising (an appropriate word) for many years I'm still on a steep learning curve and always will be. It sounds as though you know what your doing and that your feet are securely on the path so all that remains to be said is 'blessed be'.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-01-03)
Spiritwaiting, to answer your question you can upload your audio to
Https:// and then post the link.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-02)
Pitbull in a cage no. Pitbull being house trained in a kennel yes. And no not sure why that would just randomly pop in when it has absolutely nothing to do with this post, unless you were trying to make a jab? Hmmm? You to me seem like maybe you have some work to do on yourself as you insinuate that maybe I'm not telling the truth or is it just me. Quack like a duck? I believe assumptions make ass' out of people. So never assume anything about me. I will post the recording if someone could tell me how to post it. I'm still not sure on how to do that. I don't spend all day trying to prove people wrong or downplay their experiences because you weren't involved in it. So cut that out.
You could keep your negative thoughts and comments to yourself no need to comment on my experiences if you want to bring that here.

I didn't post this experience for help or advice. Let's get that clear. I posted because I miss being on here from time to time.


First my children's well being and happiness always come first. No question about that. So I will not go into that with you nor anyone else.
I practice safety and safely first. Extensive research is always done before hand before I make any decisions on anything. My practice is so gently interwoven into my life so it most definitely doesn't take away from my interaction with my children's lives. Nor does it take away from my attention to them.

I'm not here just performing rituals etc without knowing what I'm doing. I am on a path and I am aware of what that is.

Yes I have satin spar strategically placed around my home and room. Salt and many other things. My first go to has always been protection. My path is unique like everyone else and I absolutely love it. Thank you

The Crystal needed cleansing lol. I put into a bowl of salt and allowed it to rest. The moving around. I've never received or felt as though it has bad energy etc. It's more of a curious type thing. I've always had a guardian around me. I've done a lot of meditation etc to figure who or what this is.
It's a guardian who watches over my while I sleep and practice meditations etc. I do a lot of intuitive practice as well.

And I do have protection in many ways on many levels in and around my home. I do not do anything without ensuring that is in place first.

My kids are interested in my things, they ask questions etc. They don't go into my room because it's my room, not because they're scared to go in. My husband and my Pitbull sleep in the room with me every night. And my Pitbull loves my room and my altars. He's quite interested in them. ❤ ❤

So again if someone could tell me how to post this video recording I would be more than happy to post it. Just don't know how to.

Thank you all for taking your time to read and post comments.

Sincerely Spiritwaiting
The_Morrighan (2 stories) (44 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-30)
As a Wiccan I too have an altar and follow my own path but it concerns me that you feel that your children shouldn't go near it. My children play with my crystals and 'gew-gaws' and will watch me when I'm working at it. Please remember that whilst a burgeoning awakening is an amazing, spiritual experience the energy you produce and channel at this time can attract 'spiritual vampires' and they aren't always easy to recognise. Keep some selenite and a bowl of salt around to absorb negativity and cleanse regularly in whichever manner best suits your personal path.

Have a wonderful Samhain and blessed be.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-29)
When you get down to the nuts and bolts of it, Christianity uses altars, rituals, metaphorical sacrifice, amulets and charms too. It's all semantics. Religions around the world have spent countless amounts of time and energy flinging doom, gloom and the devil at other religions while holding their own ways up as the only path to salvation - when the fact is at their most basic levels, they functionally have more in common than they would ever dare admit.

Just because a thought process is different from our own doesn't make it wrong, crazy or of the devil.

I have an altar in my home and practice rituals as does a neighbor in my building. My nieces split time living with me and she has a child of her own. None of the children have been negatively impacted by the "alternative" religious practices of the adults around them; no more than a child is harmed when taken to church with their parents. On a practical level, most adults with children in the home know of at least one place where they don't want the children to go - say a sewing room, for example where all your tools and cut pieces are laid out "just so" and little hands would doubtless lay ruin to the order in no time - the same goes for a space where the most important things have been "laid out" and put in place metaphysically in addition to carefully arranged altars.

I remember when I was a kid, I could never go into my mom's room when she wasn't in it - it wasn't because there was any sort of a rule against it or ghost in there or even anything non-Christian going on (she's a lapsed Catholic with atheistic leanings), it's just that the space was so very much her own that it just didn't feel right being in there without her.

I'm not sure about the specifics of your beliefs and practices, spiritwaiting, but perhaps you have attracted an entity whose identity could be explained by the teachings of your belief system. A Christian might say demon - someone with more pagan leanings might say a brownie - another might caution that it is a djinn - each with their own reasonings and implications. Without knowing much about your belief system (and I'm not saying you are under any expectation to reveal those beliefs here) it's hard to really say.

Did you get any particular feelings when you heard it scampering about? Did the crystal seem to need "recharging" when you found it on the floor? Did you sense any lingering energy on it?

As yet, the voices haven't come across with anything threatening to say and the activity has been only inquisitive - moreover, you seem to have a good handle on the practices you carry out in your own home and a sense of well-being. Whereas I can't tell you WHAT you may have on your hands, I do get the feeling that you have a good head on your shoulders and are approaching this with the necessary caution and respect.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-26)
Wow, pouting okay. Have a click around you'll eventually find why I posted my original comment. Have a nice day!
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-26)
Yeah, you're right, I just don't get it. I just don't see spiritwaitings story as having to do with mental illness, frenetic behavior, abuse, or child negligence. Honestly, I don't find anything wrong with you having satanic items in your home either - not that it matters, so I guess I just don't get it...

Unless she has already done so, I do think that spiritwaiting should upload video or recording here, I think it would be interesting to see if she caught anything that pertains to this story.

This comment from Tweed is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-10-25)
I did just now go back and read some of her other stories and saw the native American reference. Also, your stories sound pretty good, I guess this one just sort of hit me wrong (mainly you say the kids don't want to come into your room, which I thought inferred they were afraid).

OK, I stand corrected and will know next time to get the larger picture! Must be that mom-thing kicked in.

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