My name is Robert Chapman. I'm 16 and I've been interested in the paranormal for years but recently I've been having some real evidence that my house is haunted. I'd like all of your opinions too, if you feel so kind.
I've always heard odd noises in my house that's almost 100 years old. It's an old house, it's to be expected right? Well, I've been hearing noises like a ball being dropped down the steps over and over again.
The most terrifying experience was when I was 7. I heard a loud groaning sound coming from upstairs but I knew there was no one up there because my dad was downstairs sorting clothes and my mother was in the kitchen cooking. But that was about it.
Recently, though, I've been noticing more and more things happening. It started a few months ago when my friend Dustin was staying the night at my house. I was going downstairs to put some clothes in the laundry room and he was less than 30 feet away from me, but he heard loud and clear someone almost doing a scream saying "Jake!". That made us a little paranoid (we were even afraid to take a shower that night) and we remembered something we see a lot on the ghost shows we watch: EVP's (electronic voice phenomenon for those who don't know). So we did a few of them upstairs and in the living room next to my room and we got some responses but we decided to try something else, besides his phone which had a bad recorder.
We used something on my Playstation called the "PS Eye" which records things. We did a few EVP's on there and we've gotten some amazing responses. We've found out there's 5 spirits, one being the owner and one being my 4th great grandfather.
We've had a lot of things happening since then (we've had the door open and close, we've had lights turn on and off, and we've had other things happen). I'll be posting another thing specifically to the EVP's we've gotten since then but until then I want your opinion on one thing that's been puzzling me.
We've been trying to actually see them (the most we've gotten were balls of lights) and we offer them our energy or energy from electrical devices but they never really do. Is there anyway we can actually get them to show themselves? We've also been told that if you offer them your energy that some bad spirits could possess you in the process from you being weak. Is this true too?
All the spirits here are nice (thank goodness) but I live across from a cemetery so some may wander over. Any advice you have about ghost hunting would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
You wrote that through EVPs, you've discovered at least 5 spirits in the house. One being the original owner and another your 4th great-grandfather. Have you researched to find out if these claims are true? Think of it this way, a stranger turns up at your door claiming to be your cousin. Do you just accept that, or do you ask questions and do a little digging to be sure? Spirits can be misleading, for what ever reason.