I'm going to go ahead and say I have never actually seen a spirit (as far as I can remember) aside from orbs in photographs and on videos. This story is just a series of random events that my mother and I have experienced in her apartment.
At one point, I played with a Ouija board in my room, freaked out when the planchette moved by itself, and just stopped playing. I was too freaked out to say goodbye, so my pagan friend told me I may have opened a gate or whatever and that may explain this stuff. These things all happened shortly after my father died too, so that's a possible theory as well. Another is that someone told me the apartments my mom lives in (that I used to live in as well) were built on what used to be a prison. No matter why these things happened, they did.
I don't remember this part as I was just a child, but my mother has told me countless times about one time when I was a toddler, just able to walk, she heard me babbling to someone, in my "baby talk" as she calls it, in the living room. She came out of the kitchen to find that I had somehow managed to open the front entrance door and I was sitting on the floor in front of the doorway, looking up at someone and talking to them, giggling and smiling. When she looked out to see who I was talking to, no one was there. Unnerved by it, she closed and locked the door. If anything else happened after that, I don't remember anything aside from things disappearing and reappearing, but that could just be forgetfulness. Everything else happened more recently, mostly within the last three or four years.
Now, I like to listen to something at night while I sleep. It makes it easier for me to relax. At my mom's apartment, I had my own person stereo which I listened to my iPod through at night. Perhaps my stereo was just possessed, but I remember waking up one night to find that the volume on my stereo was muting and unmuting by itself. The remote was on my night stand, so there was no way I could have rolled over on it. Plus when it muted and I tried to unmute it on the remote, it didn't work.
Another time, around 6 AM, I was laying awake in my bed, trying to fall back to sleep, and just as I was dozing off, the volume on my stereo began to steadily turn up louder and louder by itself until it got so loud I had to turn it off because it was hurting my ears. Once again, the remote was on my night stand.
Another night, around 5 AM, I was laying awake in my bed, just dozing off again, and I suddenly heard a loud sound like something falling. There had been no vibration or anything, so I got up to investigate and found that my little square mirror that I used for doing my eyeliner and stuff was lying face up on the floor. I remember because I've never liked looking at my reflection in the dark. It just creeps me out.
Since I've moved out, my mom has told me stories of picture frames falling in the dead of night as well. I can also recall one time one of my musical toys went off by itself when I was younger.
That's pretty much all I remember that's happened to me, but my mother has told me her own stories as well. She told me that one night while I was out with my boyfriend at the time, she was trying to sleep and she heard a sound like someone opening and closing the refrigerator. Once she swore she heard me calling to her from my room, but I hadn't called her. Another night, also around 5 AM, she awoke to a very frightening feeling of someone standing next to her bed and staring down at her. She said a prayer to God and forced herself to go back to sleep. When she woke up again later, all was fine. She has also told me many times about seeing shadows coming out of my room during nighttime bathroom trips, but I have never experienced that, which is probably best.
My mother has always been sensitive to the paranormal since childhood. I may post some of her personal stories in the future.
I've since moved out of my mother's apartment, but I still go back and spend the night on occasion. I haven't experienced anything else during my visits, but sometimes she tells me things that she experiences while I'm away. Nothing major, and neither of us have been harmed, just scared, so I guess everything is okay.