Everything started when I was a teenager; they were small occurrences so I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. At random moments my heart would start pounding, I would feel dizzy and get a metallic taste in my mouth. After about a minute it would stop and I'd feel normal again.
After I graduated high school everything stopped. I moved out of the city to a small town. Everything was fine for about two years before things started picking up again. I would start to feel sick again; not as often as before, but it happens from time to time.
I thought that was going to be the extent, so I ignored it. A few weeks ago, everything changed drastically. I was lying in bed around three in the morning trying to go to sleep when I felt a small amount of pressure on my chest. Not enough to hurt me, but I could defiantly tell something was there.
My arms and legs started to tingle and it got harder to move. It felt like my body weighed a thousand pounds; then I started convulsing. After about two minutes the convulsing stopped and I was able to fall asleep.
Every night since then I've felt something out of the ordinary. My body would feel cold (keep in mind I had my heater on at the time), I could actually feel hands running from my ankles all the way up to my stomach. This wasn't just tingling; I could actually feel fingers grabbing me. Sometimes my hair feels like it's being messed with.
Until now I thought this was something that was just going to happen at night. I've been feeling tingling when I go into the kitchen or sit on the couch to watch TV. Even right now while I'm typing this I can feel my pants being tugged on and my shoulders are being rubbed, so I'm trying my best not to move a whole lot.
So far, I've been convincing myself that it's just my pants or my hoodie moving on my skin; making it feel like someone's touching me. What happened last night has convinced me fully that this isn't my imagination; something is really here with me.
I was lying in bed with a small lamp on when I saw something block out the light and move across the room toward me. My upper body was freezing and I could feel something start to massage my neck. It didn't hurt me, or even try anything like that. There have been no scratches or bruises on my body.
I don't think whatever this is wants to hurt me. I've never felt threatened by it; except for the night when the convulsions happened. I think it has actually attached itself to me or is trying to protect me from something. To be honest, I actually enjoy the company. Is that bad?