You may have seen my original story about my New Office a couple of weeks ago. I decided to do an update, because, well, I am at a loss. I have had many encounters since being a child, they never completely stop. I see 'things' others don't; I see 'things' others do. The same with sounds. I hear them, others don't some times, and others do. But, until now this has dealt only with me personally. This is the first time I have had any experiences at work.
In my original story I had mentioned being tapped on the shoulder, objects being moved and hearing whispers. I also mentioned the ceiling tiles being out of place. There was some question regarding the ceiling tiles. This is a drop ceiling. Above the tiles is insulation and duct work. The tiles are rather large, about 4 foot long by 2 foot wide. They weigh 8.5 lbs a piece. They are suspended from a metal grid work.
A couple of days ago, I came in, unlocked my office and about half of the tiles were stacked neatly in the middle of the floor. I had not been notified of any work being done in my office, so I was a bit confused. The tiles were not taken down from one section. These were removed randomly, almost every other one in the ceiling. About an hour after I arrived, the facilities manager came by, he came in to my office and stated "what are those doing there?". I asked him the same question. He said he had no idea. I knew I had not left until late in the evening the night before and he had not had any work man in the building. My office was definitely not having any work done. He and I reviewed the security tapes, (as I stated previously, these tapes are dated and time stamped and I am a secure wing of the building). At about 2:48 AM, you can see my office door open slightly, and then at 3:01 it slams closed! You can hear the slam on the tape! Other than that, absolutely nothing visible or audible the whole night. A workman was sent in to my office to re-hang the tiles. He had a very difficult time with this task because on each of the metal grid areas where a tile had been removed, the metal had been bent upward.
I am still being tapped on the shoulder. I would say at least 2 times a day. When I open the door to the office, there are the whispers as I stated before, at least one male-sounding like about 15 to 20 people whispering in conversation. I have crosses in here, I have begun to use a smoke crystal at Shane's suggestion and I have a Bible. I am at a loss on this one.
I did ask the facilities manager if there had been any strange happenings in any other parts of the building. He said he could not talk about it now, and ran out of my office. He and I have been pretty close friends, so, this is odd behavior. I called him on his personal line the other evening, seeing if he would talk to me out side the office. His response was "Let it go, Kim. I am terrified and don't know what to do. If I can come to terms with this in my mind, we will talk". He then hung up on me. Since the phone call, he has been avoiding me like the plague.
I am spooked and concerned with this one.