This happened in Davao City where I grew up. I was 15 years old. We live in a small gated house with two back doors and no garage. My parents are teachers and they come home usually around 7-8 pm. My older sister was a college student at that time and she comes home around the same time, sometimes later. So I'm always the first to get home. It was just a regular day and after arriving from school, I just slumped in our bamboo chair in the living room watching TV and waiting for everyone to arrive so we could eat dinner together. Our dog back then was sleeping soundly by the backdoor near our dining area. This door is adjacent to our kitchen located outside. She loves to wait by this door since this is where my dad, mom, and sister enters. Their daily habit is to go to the kitchen to leave their shoes because that's where we keep them, then go inside the house through the dining area.
I was just killing time watching T.V. When our gate opened. It's a creaky gate so you'd really know when someone enters. As soon as I heard it, I assumed it was my dad mainly because I also heard the sound his crutch makes when he walks. Our dog began whining and wagged her tail rapidly like she was very excited. Dad is her favorite person. I was too lazy to greet my dad so I just waited 'til he would come in. Our dog however was already scratching the door asking me to let her out but I didn't budge. So I listened as my dad walked all the way to the kitchen and unlocked its door.
Now our kitchen door is locked using a very long chain that's wound up a few times. So he was making a loud noise unwinding this because you have to drag it, while our dog got even more excited. Then there was silence. I thought dad was just taking his time and was maybe reading the paper or something. Our dog also got tired of waiting that she laid down on her stomach again.
After five minutes or so, our gate opened once more and I heard my dad walked from the gate to the kitchen and unlocked it like it was deja vu. I was puzzled because I didn't hear him get out of the kitchen or the gate. The thing is, my dad uses his crutch all the time, and it always creaked when he walks. And as I said, our gate creaks as well. This time, I went to the kitchen to meet him, and there he was looking like he just arrived with his bag and our dinner. I asked him right away if he came in earlier and went out, he said he didn't.
What really bothers me is what or who I would have seen had I greeted the person who came in before my dad.
Thanks for reading.