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Real Ghost Stories

One Last Good-bye


I was 14 years old when my grandmother had gone to her parental house with my grandfather. We were from Punjab and my grandmother had gone to Delhi to her 'maika'. One night we received the news that she was serious and admitted to a hospital. After a day we got to know that she was living her last days. The doctor had said that she wouldn't live for more than 2-3 days. My father also went to Delhi to support my grandfather in his wife's last days.

I was very sad as before my grandmother left for her parental house, I didn't even bid her goodbye and now I probably would never have the chance to see her even for one last time. Anyway, we have a huge house and one night it was raining. My mother, my younger brother and I were the only people in the house. It was around 1 'o' clock in the morning. It was all dark. I was sleeping when I had a dream in which I saw my grandmother.

In that dream, my grandmother was extremely ill and I was running around with some cart on which my grandmother was sitting. I was telling her that I would take her to a doctor and it would all be fine. But she kept saying no my time is over and I have just come to say good bye. She also said sorry for giving us all so much trouble. I kept saying no it would all be fine. She said she was going. At that very moment my sleep was broken by our landline phone ringing. My mother answered the phone and she was talking to my grandfather. He was telling her that my grandmother was no more and had just passed away.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, trisha0017, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

pjs1977 (2 stories) (48 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
Trisha that's so sad. I am so sorry to hear that your grandmother passed. It must be tough for you right now but you will be fine and nothing but good memories of you and her will surmise. That was a good story too.
mayank_holmes (5 stories) (32 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-09)
very sweet story! Thank you very much for sharing it with us! 😊
aptnit (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-08)
A very touching story. Your loved ones always come to see you even if they are dead. I have a same kind experience which I have shared here. Take care
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-05)
To trisha0017- It was a nice story you have shared with us. Very sorry for the loss of your grandmother.
My mother had seen her sister's daughter when she had committed suicide when she was at the terrace. The time when my mother had seen her, it was the exact that time when she had died.
Over loved ones do take a visit for the last time for just to say that they are no more in flesh and blood in different ways.

Regards & ❤
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-04)
This is quite the sad story. I am sorry for your loss, but at least there was some closure through the dream.

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