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Rays On The Ceiling


This is my first ghost/paranormal story and I'd appreciate any feedback or anyone that's had a similar experience commenting.

Ever since I can remember, every night I fell asleep I saw 3 rays (the animals) circling around my light shade on the ceiling before I would go to sleep. They were greenish in colour and see-through and every time I saw them when I was younger, I got the feeling that they were watching over me. Whenever I fell asleep, I felt safe because I got the overall feeling that they were protecting me and if anything was to try and harm me in the middle of my sleep, they would stop it.

Round about the time I turned seven, me and my family moved house and the rays disappeared, although that didn't seem very significant to me at the time. When I was older, around 15, me and mum were talking about imaginary friends (for some reason) and I decided to tell her about the rays seeing as I was under the impression that they were figments of my child\'s imagination to help me sleep when I was younger. When I told my mum, she looked so shocked and told me that she'd seen them too when we lived in the old house. I know she wouldn't lie, because this was something completely out of the blue and when we talked about it afterwards, she said that she thought it was just something she imagined when she was half-asleep.

I'd like an explanation of what anyone thought this was, if they were protecting as the overall feeling they gave out led me to believe, or had another motive.

This is the earliest paranormal experience that I can remember and it is the one that has led me to believe the most as someone else witnessed it.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, amie96, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-26)
This is very interesting. I'm assuming "animals" is how you thought of them as a child, and rays is how you remember them now. You must have had some kind of insight (as children do,) as to their being. It does sound like a gaurdian of some kind. I've got to look up jin now. Interesting.
Julesylou (16 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-22)
Ok, this may be a little off, but what about Jinn? Is that a possibility? If they do exist they are said to have feelings/lives similar to ours. What if they took to you, since you were "sharing" a home. Idk, there's just so much out there that we don't really understand. It's not outside the realm of possibility that they loved you and took care of you while in the home together
HappySpirit (187 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Aimie96, I just reread your story and picked up this time on the theme of protection - that you felt the rays were protecting you. Taken together with the theme of emotional freedom, could they have been protecting both of you from becoming emotionally enslaved to or emotionally dragged down by a certain situation? Just speculating...
HappySpirit (187 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
I also interpreted the rays as the sea-creatures, not rays of light, since Amie96 had clarified that they were animals. They were seen by at least 2 people in the house as they were going into sleep, and according to one website I found, dreaming about manta and sting rays is related to issues of emotional freedom. Amie96 - was that in any way a theme that your family was working through at that time?

From the following website:

To see a Manta Ray in your dream signifies emotional freedom. You are navigating through your emotions with ease and have released old emotional baggage.

To see a Stingray in your dream symbolizes old emotional baggage coming to the surface in your waking life. You are responding to a situation from an old emotional pain rather than the present.
priyahoney (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
😕 😕 😕? Will animal spirits are there? And how its possible? And please clarify my doubts?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
Oh I wasn't aware she saw them in another room. Was it the same side of the house?
amie96 (1 stories) (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
Thanks for all your comments guys, I never thought about spirit animals or anything, i'll definitely look into it:) It may have been a reflection but to be honest they looked so real, and the fact that my mum saw them frequently in another room leads me to believe otherwise... Thanks for the feedback! ^___^
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
HaHa... She never did say "rays of light" She said "rays, like the animal" hehe
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
I had to ask the obvious questions, like could there be a way it was a reflection?

If it is the sort of ray I am thinking of and it was a form of animal guide, this might help:
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
HAHA I didn't even think about sting rays when they said rays of light. You're too much wish not. 😆
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
amie96- You said "rays", is that like "sting rays"? The critters from the ocean? If so, this is a first. I'm envisioning what they would look like...
What about size? How big/small were they?
Fascinating. And I know I use this word a lot here on YGS but CURIOUS... Quite curious

Eager to read what others have to add. Thanks for sharing.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
It could have been a light reflecting from outside, as far as a "normal" explanation goes.
However if it was paranormal, then that usually is a sign of guardians, spirit guides, etc. Just kind of letting them know they're watching over you.

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