I feel like I am being haunted or my houses are haunted. I started to believe in paranormal stuff a while ago before everything happened.
So what has been happening, I always been getting feelings at my mom's and dad's place that someone is watching me. When I would walk down the hall, it feels like someone is watching me and I would start running and then it feels like that 'someone' or 'something' is chasing after me. That same thing goes for at my mom's and dad's.
Also when it's night, I would be sleeping in my bed and I get the exact same feeling, like someone is watching me at the end of my bed. It has gotten worse. I would put something on the coffee table and go to my room, when I come back it wouldn't be there.
It happens to me constantly, and I don't think this/it is a 'good' spirit. I have had stuff like this, even more worse than what I have said. Like for example, I would yell up to my dad and he wouldn't be there but I would hear a voice yell back to me, a different voice. But there would be no one in the house. Another example, I would be in my room in the morning and I would look out into the hallway because I leave my door open. All of a sudden I would hear this high pitched screaming, like someone would be yelling NO. I have no idea what is going on and I don't know what to do. Should I ignore it? Is there anything I can do so it will go away?
Should I use a Ouija board to communicate? I am not sure about communicating if anyone comments about that. I would be able to try if it is a good idea. Please help!
First, I found comments about yelling up to my dad and asking why would you do that if you knew no one was home.
Well first my dad was out of the house getting something out of the trunk and I thought he was already inside so I yelled up to him to see if he was already inside and another voice yelled back to me like my dad's voice and said "yes?" and I went upstairs to talk to him and he wasn't there. I went outside and my dad was there and I asked him if he was inside yet and he said no. I asked him if he said "yes" to me and he also said no.
So that's the first thing, secondly it has been months since I was on here and still I have more experiences with this spirit/entity, I know some of the comments are saying it could be an over active imagination but I know it's not that. Big things have happened like just about a few months ago I was packing to go some place and I heard a loud scratching sound and I went into my living room to see if anyone was outside and there was no one outside. I went back into my bedroom and took something out of my closet. I looked down in my closet and there was black scratches on the wall. This really freaked me out. Plus the scratches weren't there before. And we don't have pets in the house either.
I will not be using an OB, I can try to cleanse the house when no one is home (I didn't tell anyone about my experiences. I'm afraid because people will say I'm crazy)
And also, I did ask my dad about ouija boards and he said he played with one before in his teenage years and I'm afraid that maybe when he was playing with it a spirit followed him from the ouija board... I know, I could be wrong but my sister found a ouija board, I'm guessing in our house. It could be the ouija board my dad used.