My story took place on a summer day at around 2 pm when I was nine years old. I was in the front yard with two of my siblings. The front yard was huge. I was sitting alone playing with my Barbies underneath a tree and on the far right were some tree logs. My siblings were playing kickball on the other side of the yard.
My mother called us in to see if we wanted to eat so she could know how much food to make. I wasn't hungry so I yelled to my mother (from outside) that I didn't want to eat. So I decided to stay outside and continue to play.
Ten to fifteen minutes later something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. As I look to my right, there was a small man who was about 3 feet in height (right next to me). From what I can remember this "thing" looked old, maybe around 50-60 years old. He had on pants (the material look like tights), white shirt and a vintage small hat. The colors of the clothing were brown, tan, white and some other dark tones. He had a five o'clock shadow and was solid in frame. As we made eye contact for a few seconds, he smirked and darted off quickly (ran) and faded into the logs.
I wasn't scared of him, more like I was surprised. I stood up and looked around to see if there was anyone else in the yard. Or if my brothers were playing a trick on me. But no, there wasn't anyone in the yard besides me. I went back into the house and waited for my siblings to finish eating so we all can go outside together. I never saw this "thing" again.
I never told my family about this because they wouldn't believe it. I'm wondering what was it? Can you please give me advice to what it could be.
Thank you for reading my story.
Blessed be.