I was very hesitant to submit a story but my last experience was very bizarre and I would like share to see if I can get some answers.
Let me start by telling you a little about myself. I am a single mom of 5 ranging from 23 years old to 13 years old. They have all had experiences in the past (my 2 boys like to pretend it never happened, it scares them). We have seen things like a kitchen cabinet that flew off the wall, Christmas trees being slammed to the ground, very loud knocking on bedroom doors, missing things in the house, along with lots of other little experiences (someone CONSTANTLY touches my hair). These things have happened over a 20 year span. I have moved 4 times over the past 20 years so I don't believe its the house, I believe its something following me.
The most recent and strangest happened in our sunroom at our new house. I am a smoker. I smoke outside and keep my ashtray in the sun room. It was early one morning I brought my coffee outside with me. I noticed in the sunroom the ashtray was on the floor standing right side up. Next to it was a pile of ashes I am assuming came from the ashtray. But like I said the ashtray was NOT tipped over. In the ashes there was a design drawn. Nothing familiar just an odd design of swirls. I asked my kids one by one and they all said they didn't do it. They know about the things that have happened in the past and they take it very seriously. About 4 weeks later it happened again on my sunroom table. Same situation, ashtray standing straight up, pile of ashes next to it with a drawing. This time there were no children around. They were visiting their dad's relatives 1200 miles away. I was the only one home.
I know this might not sound very paranormal to some people but I do have a picture. I tried searching the internet for anything similar and haven't found anything. Thought maybe if I put it out there maybe someone would have a clue.
Thank you for your time.
I don't know your religious convictions, nor do I wish to push any on you, but it seems to me like it might be trying to tell you that you don't need to be so hard on yourself that you choose smoking as a stress release.
There is infinite life in the Fish;)
Hope this helps...