This is not directly something that I experienced, but it was one of my brothers and my sister. When they were younger they used to sleep with the door open for reasons I don't know, but one day we were all sitting on the couch and talking about supernatural things. My family isn't really crazy about this stuff, but this story unnerved us all.
One day my brother had woken up in the middle of the night and he noticed this almost crystal-like man standing in the doorway like it was transparent. He told us he felt completely calm about it like it was no big deal, and he didn't know why. My brother then told us that he saw walk into my sister's room. At first I thought it was probably just a dream he had until I saw my sister's face.
She looked at my brother and said, "I saw the same thing go into your room." My heart dropped. She told us about the same figure and that she had the same feeling when she saw it. There was no fear, only calmness. We decided to search this on the internet and we found "Shadow People". We heard similar accounts of this except for a couple of differences. One thing I find that might be important is that everyone else said that they had red eyes, but my siblings said that they the creature they saw didn't have red eyes.
They never, nor have I, seen it again. I almost hope to see this thing that my siblings did, and I almost feel as if I had, but I'm not sure. If anyone can relate or explain this, you are very welcome. My siblings and I would very much like some insight.