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Unexpected Ouija Encounter


Before I moved to Kansas a few years ago, I experienced something that terrified me while living in my Grandmother's house in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.

I heard about the Ouija Board, and I wanted to try it. Now mind you, I knew the dangers it held, but I was a kid and I didn't think of the dangerous outcomes it could cause. So, before I used the board, I knew I couldn't do it alone so I called my best friend at the time. We'll refer to her as Rachel.

After Rachel arrived at my Grandmother's house, her and I set the board up. Now keep in mind, my Grandmother hates all this ghost crap, so we waited until she went to take her daily nap. I was a bit more interested in the whole experience than Rachel was, which was made obvious by my appearance, but she still did it with me because she knew it was something that I had always wanted to try. Well, after we placed our fingers on the planchette and made three distinct circles around the middle of the board, we sat there for about 6 minutes asking to communicate with someone.

We didn't get anything, so just as we were about to end the game and box it back up, the planchette started to wiggle under our fingers. I looked at Rachel with wide eyes, and her to me. We quickly came back into focus and began studying the planchette. It was doing extraordinary things. It actually slid off the board at one point, which threw us both off guard.

Once Rachel asked if anyone was present, things began to get bizarre. The board spelled out, M-I-K-A-L. I then clarified the name with whomever we were speaking to, and Mikal said that he was a man by the age of 43. He apparently died of hunger and fatigue when he ended up getting trapped in a ditch in the ground near where he used to live. I asked Mikal if he was an ill-intended spirit, and he spelled out, N-O-T-A-S-P-I-R-I-T. This puzzled Rachel and I, so to really understand what he meant by that, Rachel asked him what he was. He spelled out, P-R-O-T-E-C-T-O-R. For some reason, I thought that this was amazing, and I then persisted to ask him what he was a protector of. He said he was the protector of all of the ones that had passed on. I assumed it meant he watched over all of the spirits whom passed on before and kept them safe.

What I didn't understand at the time, though, is what exactly could pose a threat to the spirits. This question fascinated me, so I then decided to ask Mikal. He spelled out, Y-O-U. This confused me. How could I pose a threat to the spirits? Rachel just looked at me like she was afraid of me. I told her to stop acting ridiculous, and that Mikal was just trying to scare us. Well, the planchette began to move underneath our fingers. This time, rapidly. It kept going from letters A-L. Finally, it stopped, and began to spell something out. Y-O-U-A-R-E-H-U-R-T-I-N-G-U-S. I asked him who was hurting him. He then spelled, Y-O-U. Suddenly, the planchette flew towards the wall and the board ripped in half right down the middle. Rachel and I quickly rose and ran out of the front door.

Afterwards, we crept back into the house after about 20 minutes, and the board was still lying there. We gathered the two pieces that had split in half and threw it in the dumpster behind my Grandmother's house. We never used a board again, and still talk about what happened today. It was really intriguing.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bghomagnet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-12)

I am an individual who enjoys others opinions and LOVES the chance to research something 'new'. Can you provide the names of the books you found information reguarding this? Or, you mentioned the internet, can you provide any links to any information that supports your opinion?

If you ask I will provide some that support mine, but until I can 'see' supporting documentation my mind remains unchanged.

Thank you for returning and replying, this COULD turn out to be a chance for me to 'expand' my knowledge base.


MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-11)

For a while now, I have been study into the grimoires, ancient books, even delving into religions to find their beliefs and all.
I always am on the internet or even the library so I can find out about this stuff.

My friends mother as well has a few ghosts that live in her house (she banished the evil ones as the ones that live there, protect her) and herself said that Mikal isn't a good one at all... It's suggested to do all to escape that grasp too.

So yes, my information can be taken as fake, but it's just my opinion in trying to help.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
(I am SO CLOSE to having Puff break out the bus)

Mikal...a DEMON!?! Really?

Mīkal, also spelled Mikaʾll or Michael: In Biblical (Christian and Jewish) literature Michael the Archangel is the counterpart of Islam's Mikal and in Islam is the Archangel who was so shocked at the sight of hell when it was created he never laughed again.

Even an internet search can find that information... (Right after 'Images' but before 'pitchfork' reviews of Mikal Cronin's album.


Unless Angels and Demons are one in the same to you may I ask where you descovered (found) your information?


MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
All I can say that if the so called spirit was 'Mikal' I would say, get your butt outta there and fast...

Mikal is another way known as a demon. Not just improvised as Michael the Archangel.
Neither is good either way, but if it was the actual demon Mikal, he is a huge liar. As in HUGE.
It's never good to talk to him unless he will say 'I want to relate to something in your past'
That is the only time he will be true and actually nice.
Otherwise he just a good ol' demon trying to be nice and friendly or mean and to get closer to ya.

But whatever and however you take it, please be careful.
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-18)
Mikal, hu? Maybe it was the Archangel Michael. Maybe his name is really spelled Mikal. If he is the protector of the spirits who have already passed (which would make sense) and he was telling you that you were hurting them (which also makes sense) because you were opening a portal that you shouldn't have and then he broke the board (which no bad spirit would ever do) - then I think it was Michael the Archangel trying to keep you from calling spirits away from their resting place back to the earth where they don't belong.
dny86 (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-17)
interesting story but, while I'm keeping an open mind, I'm having a hard time believing it. To rookdygin's point, it is possible the OP contacted an earth entity (fey) who took issue with how the land was being treated. However, I've yet to hear of an encounter when an earth entity spoke with a person in their home and on a ouija board.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-17)
KatyAD - I personally know many people who feel the way you do about the soul going to heaven or hell. However, due to my own personal experiences, not to mention those of my friends on this site and our other members, my opinion about this is definitely different.

When commenting on someone's story be respectful of their beliefs whether or not the story is believable.
KatyAD (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-17)
Don't mess with that stuff, I have heard really crazy stories. You can open doors of darkness into your life by using that stuff.

When you use a spirit board, your are not contacting spirits that have passed on. You are contacting demons. I know this because, when a person dies... They either go too heaven or to hell, you don't get to communicate with people here.

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Rook, okay yes that makes sense, you are so helpful! 😁 thank you. And yeah I'm on your side about that last statement. 😊 thanks again rook!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)

There are entites that have never been human... Things like the 'Fay' (yes Faries and such) and Elementals that do not consider themselves to be 'spirits or ghosts'...just a thought (Point to the real side).

Having said that... I must point out that its extreamly difficult to 'rip' a Oujia Board down the middle becasue they are one piece and not a folding type of board, unless this was a homemade board of some type. (Places a Point on the 'fake' side)

Planchete flying off of Board... Seen that happen so... (places point on real experince side)

Making contact with a Non-human entity... Unlikly hard to channel via a 'spirit board' (another point in the fake to the fake side).

Entity contact says other spirits being hurt... (hard to place this one... One the one hand we cannot really hurt them, but perhaps distress is the word that can be used... They can become distressed by 'constantly' being contacted by us... Does that 'hurt' them (point not awarded due to lack of data)?

So that puts the score at 2 Fake, 2 Real and 1 WTF? With that total I am going to stay WAY out in the back 40 sitting on the fence concening this one and asking the O/P for more details...


Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
bghomagnet, I believe your story and all, but why would MIKAL say he's not a spirit, he obviously is, why do you think a nickname for the ouija board is spirit board. Also you probably shouldn't have thrown it in the dumpster, you should've burnt it.
Also lady glow is right about what she said in her comment.
There are a few things in your story that raise some questions, maybe you could give us some more information, if there is any.
abbykay_luv (4 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
WTF!?... Ok, I won't say your story is a fake. Souls are supposed to 'PASS ON' when they die right? Then what the hell is he doing there not 'passed on'? You might unknowingly be some kind of hunter who hunts ghosts refused to pass on (who knows?). Ask your grandma about your family history if there are some psychics or stuffs like that in it... Very cool occurrence
MikeArcAngel (2 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Not to say that your story is faked but there are inconsistencies. Like the spirits being hurt by you. I have never heard of or read of an instance where a spirit or entity was hurt through the communication of ouija. Humans yes but not the spirits. It's also really wired when you say that the board split in half after you finished the session. I'm sorry but that's another first time I've heard of that happening. Too bad the op isn't in the discussion. The story just leaves too many questions to the contrary...
saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Ohhhh! Now I get it... Where the idea of the story comes from... Very interesting...

Thanks to Bokentree... You cleared my doubt as to where she got the ideas from. 😆
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-14)
BrokenTree, you have hit the nail on the head. I don't think any of us, who have had experiences in paranormal and who are familiar with Ouija, would vouch for the account of the O/P. The planchette flying away and the board ripped to pieces and thereafter, in 20 minutes, OP and Rachael coming to gather the pieces and throwing in dumpster but never feeling anything afterwards. Well these are far-fetched and I think either it might be a dream or sheer imagination. Well, once in a while, such "stories" do find its way into the site.

Regards and respects to everybody.

Chookie (2 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-14)
😏ok sounds a bit crazy... Huh. Well just leave it alone...
saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-14)

Spirits don't need protection from us as they are way too powerful than humans are. Infact, we need protection from evil spirits. I seriously don't have any comments about the story.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-13)
That's interesting, BrokenTree, however if we accept that as a premise then we must toss out all those who swear they were touched by a spirit no?
BrokenTree (76 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-13)
Parts of this story remind me of the British TV show (I can't remember the name maybe the Fades). It was based on the premise that all portals to heaven had closed so the earth was filling up with ghosts. One of the key points was that whenever a regular person passed through a ghost it would hurt them like burning them. Supposedly a very painful experience for a ghost. It was actually a good show but was cancelled early. So in my opinion, this is the basis for the story she tells.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-13)
Seriously? Normally, I'm very accepting of another's account. But this... Maybe if the OP was participating I could ask questions to attempt to validate such an outlandish claim. Has anyone heard of such a thing as ghosts needing protection from humans? I haven't. Not in any of my studies at least. Nor has any spirit ever hinted of it to me... Anyone?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-13)
Actually, it is possible for just one person to "play" the OB.

I do not want to be rude but this story is a little too sketchy, and the fact that the OP won't participate in the discussion doesn't help at all.
BrokenTree (76 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-13)
Are you sure this wasn't a dream? I'm open to other peoples' experiences but this is a bit much. I've met a lot of spirits over the years and only one was afraid of me. In fact he seemed afraid of my entire family but he did pull one of my brother's hair once. You had to know my brother at the time and he probably deserved it. The only other thing I can say is please stay away from drugs.

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