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Our Second Experience In Our New House


My husband and I had my best friend and her boyfriend over for dinner one Friday night. The guys eventually went into the family room and played Xbox. Our daughter had kept me up the previous night so my best friend and I went into my bedroom to lay down and talk while I fed our daughter. We talked for awhile and I put our daughter into her bassinet next to my bed.

Eventually my friend and I fell asleep. While I was asleep I had a terrible nightmare about my first experience, the 'thing's' voice boomed at me once again he said "WAKE UP OR YOU WILL MISS SEEING ME." Then he ran at me. I woke screaming my husband's name, waking my daughter and friend in the process. I saw the "thing" at the end of the bed, standing and looking as solid as I was, but as before I couldn't see any features just a black figure.

I quickly sat up as it darted into our bathroom. I jumped up and turned the light on to see a very frightened friend and a screaming 2 month old baby. I picked my daughter up and went into the family room crying.

My friend, who told me this later, said that once I left she felt as though she was being watched and didn't dare to move. She also told me that she didn't see the "thing" when she awoke to my screams.

My husband has never seen it. I can't ask my daughter but she hasn't been acting funny, like staring at things that aren't there or anything. Our Labrador barked when I had my first experience, but that's about it. It seems I'm the one it's chosen to torture.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MacKenzie2015, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MacKenzie2015 (4 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)
Hi Guys! Sorry for not getting back to you straight away, my laptop decided to die over the weekend, I'm now armed with a new one and plenty of questions and comments to acknowledge;D WISH ME LUCK!

RedWolf- Thanks for that! I'm glad its all settled down as well. It certainly was taking the fun out of having a new house!

Tweed- Thank you for the non paranormal advice! I will be keeping it all in check. Hopefully my posts from now on will be all past encounters! Nothing new from this house (FINGERS CROSSED)!

Bone_rose- Thank you for the support, I certainly will be posting if anything new happens hopefully I won't need to, but I will be posting some of my past encounters with familiar spirits from when I was a child and teen:)

Rook- Couldn't agree with you more! It got physical with this thing after my Husband began praying with me at night, You're right I believe it knew its time in our house was limited. Hopefully I won't need to be posting any updates in regards to this 'thing' but I will certainly if anything does happen, thank you so much for the support! ❤

ZulaGirl - Thankfully it was away from my Daughter, our bathroom is on my husbands side and the first time it appeared on his side, the closest it got to her was when it stood at the end of our bed:) It's a bit hard because I can't ask her but shes not been acting strange at all so fingers crossed she won't be able to see these types of things! Mind you apparently children are sensitive to these kinds of things.:)

Rook- Thank you for clearing ZulaGirls question while my computer decided to die over the weekend;)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)
MacKenzie is not in at the moment if you would like to leave a message...

From the Merriam-Webster Dictonary The Full Definition of PHANTASM:

1: A product of fantasy: as a: delusive appearance:illusion b: ghost, specter c: a figment of the imagination

2: A mental representation of a real object

Of course without going to the Dictonary link the First 6 links are either for the 1979 Movie of that title OR links to the 5th movie installment of that series.

Yes I am being a bit of a BUTT... However it seems this 'spirit' has been taken care of... This from the O/P's own comments and I do not see the benifit of FEAR MONGERING...

ZuluGirl...I am intrested in what YOUR Definition of a Phantasm is, as you seem to be indicatiing something specific, please feel free to post any information you are willing to share here:


It's one of my experiences and I would enjoy doing some research...

I am just trying to prevent negitive thoughts by the O/P over a situation that seems to have been dealt with.


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)

This is your story; if you wish to answer my question, then please do so. If not, that is fine.

It is not my wish to scare you (the entity is doing a plenty good job of that), I would like to understand better and help if I can.


P.S. Have you ever heard of a phantasm?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)

Have you read BOTH parts of MacKenzie's experience? In both of them SHE was the only one 'spoken' too or that even saw the 'spirit', even she states... (taken from part 2)

"I can't ask my daughter but she hasn't been acting funny, like staring at things that aren't there or anything."

And in a comment from MacKenzie herself...

"I'm glad our Daughter isn't being attacked as I know what its like being a kid and dealing with this."

So the 'baby' was not the 'center of attention' for this 'spirit' not to mention MacKenzie makes this statement as well...

"My Uncle is a pastor and he came to the house and prayed with us, prior to this happening my Husband had not yet given his heart to God, My uncle believed that because we were unequally yoked the sprit had a door into our house. My Husband gave his Heart to God and we stood together and prayed in the house, I have not had a sighting since..."

So I say more power to MacKenzie and her Family, let's not stir up fears where none need to be.

Keep up with the Prayers MacKenzie, May your Family be Blessed with Peace in your household.


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)
How close to the bassinet was this manifestation? From your description, it sounds like it may have appeared near the baby but it is hard to tell.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
I wish to offer a different 'point of view' concerning these 'visits'...

Think about this 'shadow beings' actions...

The first time it WANTED you to see it. To the point it physically pined you to the bed and 'screamed' in your face (head)...

The second time it said "WAKE UP OR YOU WILL MISS SEEING ME." If feel 'it' meant the statment this way... Not 'miss' as in 'if you keep sleeping you won't see me this time' but 'miss' as in 'if you keep sleeping you won't be able to see me again...ever'.

I 'feel' as if this 'thing' was trying to be 'seen' before it could not manage that anymore... What is the history of your home? It sounds as if the 'energy' with-in the home was changing (for the better) and 'it' knew this.

Oh I see in the comments that you had a Pastor in... Definitly and energy change happening. Keep it up, feel free to use the method posted on my profile OR anything you are comfortable with... Prayers and Blessings work... Anything that helps maintain a Positive Energy Level in the home.

Thanks for sharing, keep us posted.


bone_rose (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
Glad all is well! I wish for you that it stays that way! Please update if anything further does happen.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
Hi MacKenzie,

Glad to hear it hasn't happened again. You're welcome for all the support! 😊

Stay healthy and always get checkups, second opinions etc. Just some general non paranormal advice.

Take care, happy to hear everything is much calmer now!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-17)
I'm glad that you haven't had a sighting since your Uncle came over and prayed.
As far as ghosts go my husband doesn't really believe in them unless it's his father or my grandfather. 😆
MacKenzie2015 (4 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Thank you for your comments everyone,

Tweed - It was about a week between experiences, I noticed that I was being attacked when my husband wasn't around. I didn't select the help option as We believe it is gone, My Uncle is a pastor and he came to the house and prayed with us, prior to this happening my Husband had not yet given his heart to God, My uncle believed that because we were unequally yoked the sprit had a door into our house. My Husband gave his Heart to God and we stood together and prayed in the house, I have not had a sighting since, My uncle said he felt something in the Hallway which is surprising because I was seeing it mainly in our bedroom. I agree with you about not looking into the history of the house! I'm not sure where to even start if I Wanted too:) Thank you for your comments ❤

TPA_Abhijeet- I agree with that not the best time to be reading stories haha Thank you! I've been having dramas with spirits for years and I always write them down afterwards so I don't forget them, My husband thinks the book with my experiences is creepy!:)

Miracles51031 -

Thank you for your comment! We believe it has left (see above comment:) Our room feels different as well, the other night I walked to the kitchen to get a drink and didn't turn on the light and felt completely safe, something I have never been able to do in this house. I'm glad our Daughter isn't being attacked as I know what its like being a kid and dealing with this. My Mum found and old diary of hers the other week and she had written down every time I saw a spirit it was happening on a monthly basis at one stage. I do not want that for my little girl!:) I was hesitant to share my experiences but I'm so glad I did thank you everyone for your support ❤ ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)

This is Rook's page he has a cleansing/shielding method detailed, scroll down page for it. Pretty much everyone here does it or something similar, it works:
It's designed to do periodically.

Also how long between encounters was it?
I notice you didn't select the 'need help' option in the comments thing so I'm thinking it hasn't happened in a while. I suggest the cleansing anyway.

You might NOT want to check out the history of your home. Sometimes it's best to create your own space to live in free of any past ugliness. It's not about burying your head in the sand, it's about doing what's right for you, creating your OWN home. Don't give this thing ANY attention.
Cleansing/shielding will help a lot with that also.

Take care.
TPA_Abhijeet (guest)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
I think I have done a huge mistake to read this while I am sleeping alone in my room, I guess I have to run back to my parents bedroom... 😨
Definitely the scariest one I had ever read and awesomely written, I felt that I am in your place and everything is happening with me
I am happy to know that your baby isn't affected
Be safe 😁
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)

I'm deeply disturbed by this. That is by far the creepiest thing I've ever heard said to someone paired with the context of what happened directly after. Absolutely disgusting.
I resonate with Miracles about a personal experience with your encounter. I'm going to think about this and reply more when I've had time to process the shock of reading.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
MacKenzie - the only thing I can think to say is thank God your baby isn't being affected by this. I definitely don't encourage trying to talk to whoever this is. A lot of times I do, but not when you feel he is evil. I also hate that he said "Wake up or you will miss seeing me." That just really gives me the creeps. I'm at a loss for helpful advice here, I'm sorry. I definitely think a cleansing is in order, or at least smudging your home to see if he will leave.

Rereading my comment I realize it is disjointed and choppy, but that's how this made me feel. Guess sometimes it isn't good to recall a personal experience when reading someone else's. 😢

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